Tag Archives: podcast

Flashback: Interview with Justice Clothing Owner (podcast)

I’m going to link to the original post for this one, you’ll want to check out the audio and show notes from this interview.

I had the wonderful opportunity this morning of interviewing Eric Odier-Fink of The Justice Clothing Company. Eric graciously gave me a bit of his time to answer some questions about Justice Clothing, Sweatshops, Unions and Fair Trade.

Listen to the Interview and read the shownotes here. 

I’m a Guest on the Nick and Josh Podcast

The Nick and Josh Podcast

Remember Josh, the guy I did the CRM (Corporate Responsibility Mondays) with a little while back? Well, him and his buddy Nick host a pretty popular podcast aimed at the “emerging” crowd. They’ve been on again off again, but always enjoyable, and with lot’s of interviews with “popular” folk. Anyways, Nick is heading to join an intentional community in Geneva called Shema, and is hoping to garner support through the podcast listeners, thus desiring to make the show a regular weekly event. Here’s were I come in.

As long as I can quit mumbling, I might have a chance at a regular monthly gig on the Nick and Josh Podcast, sort of a weekly exclusive were Josh and I will continue our conversations on Corporate Responsibility and discuss ways we are changing our lives to fall more in line with our values.

The first episode (that I’m in) mostly just involved us both chatting a little about what brought us to the point we are currently at and what we’d like to see happen through the podcast in the months to come. I’m not sure what it will end up like, maybe it will one day become the Nick and Josh (and some guy named Ariah) Podcast, but for now I’m happy with the honor of an occasional guest spot.

Enjoy the Show…

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Flashback: Ask Mindy, Abercrombie, Enemies and Radiant

For this week’s Flashback I thought I’d compile small collection of posts from January of ’06 that created some interesting conversation. Here they are.

A short lived, but extremely popular podcasting series called Ask Mindy:

That’s right folks, after much begging, appealing and convincing, Mindy has reluctantly agreed to give us a few minutes of her time each week.

ASK MINDY will feature a three minute podcast with Mindy where she will answer a question presented by her husband Ariah, or maybe even emailed in by a listener. She’ll share her brilliance with the rest of the world in bit size chunks for all to enjoy.

So, what are you waiting for? Check it out today. My Odeo Podcast

Then I posted about yet another reason I don’t shop at the ever sexist and racist Abercrombie:

This quote from a recent interview of the CEO, Mike Jeffries, says pretty much everything:

Listen, do we go too far sometimes? Absolutely. But we push the envelope, and we try to be funny, and we try to stay authentic and relevant to our target customer. I really don’t care what anyone other than our target customer thinks.

This is his response to the many protest that Abercrombie has faced for it’s sexist and racist t-shirts.

We had an interesting discussion about Loving our Enemies:

It’s time to resurrect the “Thoughts on War” topic and address the passage that began my turn to pacifism.
I’d read it before, but not until the days after 9/11 did it hit me with such a radical challenge.

But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.*

I was so challenged, and so struggled with what those words meant in our world and for us. I ran into the dilemma that no matter how I looked at it I couldn’t come to a conclusion that killing my enemy could be loving.

And we touched on the Radiant Magazine Advertisement controversy, with some nice comments from Radiant’s editorial staff:

From what I can see they decided to remove the ad with “It’s Our Turn Now” across the top. I’d like to think it has something to do with the discussion that was started here regarding the sexist implications of that statement.

Thought’s on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

UPDATE: This is from 2006, but I figure it would be worth reposting.

It’s a few weeks after MLK Day, but Zach and I took a little time last weekend to respond to some of the things we heard from others in response to MLK Day.
We’d love to hear your reaction to our thoughts and the things we’ve heard from others. Be sure to email us.

Thoughts on MLK

Listen to the Podcast from your Cell Phone!

I know, I haven’t done a podcast in about a week, but I’m ready to start doing them more frequently. The plan is to do one daily podcast, somewhere between 1-5 minutes. Currently there are a great many way’s to get the podcast, which you can find on the Podcast page. I did want to share one exciting new way to catch up on the latest podcast: Call in!

Sitting bored at the bus stop, waiting room, work, rush hour traffic? Call +1 (818) 688-2764 and listen to the latest Thoughts on the Journey Podcast from me!

It works and sounds great, and hopefully it’ll be a worthwhile little tidbit to get you thinking and challenge you a little.

Let me know what you think of the new feature.

Oh, and really, there’s more blogging to come too.

Thoughts on the Journey Compilation

With the daily podcast, Thoughts on the Journey, moving full steam ahead, I figured I should compile a show for all the current Trying to Follow podcast listeners. Basically this is a compilation of 6 of the daily podcasts I’ve been doing through the month of October. This is being posted in the podcast section so it will show up on the itunes podcast page for all my Trying to Follow listeners.

or Download Here.

Pushing the podcast: Recent Minutes with Ariah

Subscribe in iTunes

I haven’t had time to sit and type as much this week, but I have been putting a lot of short podcast up at the new A Few Minutes with Ariah (the podcast). I figured I should take a minute to pitch it to you so you know some of what inticing sound bits are available:

A short Economic Lesson in Opportunity Cost – You might have learned about it in High School, but let me explain how it should impact your life. Be warned though, it forces you into some pretty troubling conclusions.

First in line at a Buffett for 6 Billion – Close your eyes and imagine with me for a moment… And may it challenge you in how you live today.

No Poor, No Wars? Applying Scripture would be hard! – Some people reference Jesus saying “The Poor will always be among you” as an excuse to not do anything about poverty, I say it’s a blessing from the Lord to help us idiots follow Christ better.

Don’t base your convictions on Probable outcomes – It’s the basic idea of not letting the Ends justify the Means, and yet we as Christians seem to do it all the time. And we call ourselves a people of faith!

The War supporters have their age-old Question to ask the pacifist, now us pacifist have one for you.

For all you email subscribers, the audio for each of the podcast I describe above are embedded right into the blog so you should be able to play the clips right at http://blog.iamnotashamed.net or you can visit the podcast listing at Evoca, or Odeo, or iTunes

Daily Minutes moved to sidebar

The daily minutes have been fun to do, especially with Mindy by my side. However, doing them daily has caused me to neglect my writing, or rather replace it. I still want to try and post one podcast a day, but I will no longer be posting it as an entry on this blog.
That’s an important change for you email subscribers (most of you), if you want to hear the podcast you’ll need to stop by the blog and listen on the player on the sidebar. Hopefully you do, because I really enjoy the opportunity to share thoughts with you. The other change is that I’m going to try and stop doing them at night when we are tired. This means I might not have mindy with me in my future podcast. Hopefully that won’t be too traumatic for any of you and we’ll try and get her in more often then not.
I’ll probably be using the podcasting from my phone feature that the awesome folks at Evoca have available (and odeo is phasing out).

Be sure to subscribe to the podcast if you want to keep receiving notices of it:
My Odeo Podcast

10/5 Material Possessions and the Love of God

The daily podcast continues with some pretty harcore preaching on I John 3:

“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? 18Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.”

Be sure to subscribe to the podcast if you don’t want to miss any postings.

Subscribe to My Odeo Podcast