I never intended to quit (Don’t worry, I’m not)

I never intended to completely stop blogging, though the sporadic posting and long absences the last few months might indicate such. I just planned on slowing down, and I have, but somewhere along the way I’ve lost my rhythm too. I used to, and I intend to continue, journal my thoughts on any subject that would pass through my mind. As blogging gained momentum, it became the primary avenue for that flow of thought, and when I cut back a little, I found my consistency in writing disappeared. I don’t intend the next few weeks to be any better, but I wanted to assure you I haven’t quit (and I’m not dead).

That said, I figured I’d give a brief update about what’s been happening around here. I have been fairly productive the last couple months, here’s a rundown in no particular order:

  • Got our bike shop up and running.
  • Petitioned Wheaton College (my alma mater)  to think seriously about it’s choice for it’s next president, particularly as it relates to diversity.
  • Was published a few places.
  • Worked on a handful of website projects.
  • Ran a “Best of the Northside” contest on InsideNorthside (800 Fans on Facebook)
  • Was hired as a “community reporter” working with northside non-profit organizations (details still being worked out, but I’ll let you know more when I know).
  • Got a YW membership, enjoying the pool.
  • Got a piano, so glad we did because my wife is an amazing piano player.

I’m sure there’s more just can’t think of it at the moment. This has been a bit of a rambling post, so I’ll stop now. Enjoy.