Category Archives: YouTubesday

YouTubesday: No Time Left

The videos below are created by famous directors about the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) set, in 2000, by the international community (189 countries) to reduce extreme poverty by 2015.
They are interesting and engaging videos, not high speed dramas, but intriguing. The player below (click through the email or RSS to view) has all 8 videos, starting with one about Development.


YouTubesday: Monkey King

Kicking off 2010 right with the return of YouTubesday. No promises it’ll be weekly, but I couldn’t help posting this sweet video of Jyoti Raju.

“A man who taught himself rock climbing and acrobatics to escape poverty in India as become so accomplished he’s been given the title “The Monkey King.” –Reuters

See Reuters video (couldn’t embed) for more details on the story

YouTubesday: Know Who You Are

I’m planning on posting just one video on YouTubesday, sometimes writing a brief thought of my own in response to the video, and encouraging others to do the same. I’ve found YouTubesday is one of my most popular series (and only really ongoing one) on the blog, but it’s often the least commented on. Here’s to opening the Conversation.

Know Who You Are (2 minutes long) via

This is the line that struck me the most:

“If I have a missionary who comes to me and says, ‘I have no culture,’ I’m terrified of him because they’re going to think that the way they do things is the Christian way.”

This hints at the reason that discussing race (and racism) in the church is so important. If we act like race and culture is a non-issue, then we are most likely maintaining the dominate race and culture as the norm, and there is a great danger in that.

What struck you?