Tag Archives: my_life

my thoughts on the site currently

I’ve gone a good three months without spending too much time boring you with self-evaluation of how the site is going and things of that nature, so now the time has come again. Here is a list of things I’d like to share in no particular order.

  • Last month we were averaging well over 100 page views a day and nearly that many unique visitors. This is a definite increase and sign of new readership. Also, there are about 20+ current subscribers via email and RSS (according to feedburner) which is also a great increase.
  • According to my new stats tracker these are most popular posts this month:
    Most Popular Pages (by visits)
      Blog Page/Post Visits Comments
      Jesus and Immigrants: The Gosp… 108 0
      Journal of Christian Nursing I… 92 6
      5 Steps to Record a Skype Call… 78 1
      About ariah fine. 77 0
      free-will vs. predestination: … 57 2
  • As you can see my “About Ariah Fine” Page is one of the most popular, which made me realize I should probably spruce it up a little bit. I’ve added a few things but there’ll be more to come.
  • For the one or two people who don’t visit the site (use rss or email) I’ve added a little audio intro message on the sidebar, a myStatus section, a feature article spot, and one or two other things.
  • We officially have a Podcast Hotline that you can call and leave messages on (or if your interested, call and I’ll podcast with you). I’d LOVE to get some messages from those folks that read my blog, but I don’t know you at all. Please call and leave a message (don’t worry I won’t answer): (775) 370-6924 [first person to leave a message get’s a free t-shirt]
  • You’d be impressed by some of the google searches that this site shows up on the front page for:
    “geez magazine” Chicago
    Justice Clothing
    Radiant Magazine
    stores with sweatshops
    would take nothing for my journey now, maya angelou summaries
  • I think I’m getting ready to fix up the top banner on here to something more personal and significant.
  • Comments on my post have been lacking, which makes me anxious to try and write something fairly controversial. any ideas?
  • I’m unsure whether people are currently enjoying the one post a day thing, or if you would rather I write more?

That’s all I can think of at the moment, but I’m sure there is more that’ll come later.

April 2nd, Weekly update podcast

Once again I’m here to bring you the latest at Trying to Follow. The current update only includes five posts, but they are some good ones.

or download it here.

For quick links to the stories:

And please leave your comments on the post, or if you like to talk leave a voicemail:
(775) 370-6924

Weekly Update podcast

This might actually become a continual thing. The podcast is about ten minutes long and it’s just me briefly going over the posts that I wrote this past week. I only cover a tiny bit of what they are each about, but you can read them below if it peaks your interest.

If your listening to this let me know what you think. Should I go more indepth? Should I add other things? Let me know.

or Download it here.

Thanks for listening!

Taxes, FAFSA and haircuts

Again, this is going to be a short apology post as to why I’m not posting more thought provoking stuff these days. I’m working almost 12 hour days this week, which has left little time to sit at home and write. I have been reading a little though. I finished Wicked yesterday. It was interesting, not as exciting as I would have thought, but I still want to see the musical.
I also finished the Taxes last night. That’s an exciting thing when your getting money back (though you sort of kick yourself for having let the government hold on to it for that long). After finishing the Taxes I was able to finish the FAFSA for mindy’s school, some how they think we have a lot of money to use for school, funny how that works.
And haircuts. I mentioned the haircut, I look pretty goofy right now, but my students are loving it and that’s what this was all about. Monday I’ll shave my whole head and then I have to decide what I’ll do with the beard. That’s life in these parts.

Where’d Ariah go?

Sorry folks, it’s been a busy time. Last week Mindy was on Spring Break and I didn’t have time to write much (though I was able to publish some of my drafts, so you didn’t notice). Then I surprised my friend Zach in Florida this weekend, so I wasn’t bored and sitting at my computer typing. And now I’m working nearly 12 hour days all week. I think this weekend I’ll have a chance to settle down but for now it’s just go go go.

In other news, today they are sending out the first issue of Excel magazine, in which my first two published in print (and paid) articles are in. I’m pretty excited about that. I’ll see if I can post the articles online for folks to read after it’s out.

More later, for now it’s time to bike to work.

P.S. I also got a crazy haircut by my students, if you want to look I upload a couple pics to flickr (look bottom right).

Not ready for the week.

I’ve been future posting as of late (meaning finishing post and setting them to go live on certain days in the future). It’s kept me from feeling like I’m procrastinating to the last minute, and helped me to get writing spells and set up my blog for one nice post a day.
But, this week is Mindy’s spring break. This means instead of spending mornings reading and writing, I’m hanging with her, which means I haven’t had time to turn any of my drafts into actual posts. I’ll still try and write at least one post a day, it just might be quicker stuff. And your going to have to be patient if you were just getting into any of my interesting series-like post (finances, etc). Hope that’s okay!

Some reasons why I can’t find the time.

I keep on having aspirations to post all sorts of long and thoughtful thoughts on this here blog, but the time keeps on slipping away. Here are a few of the things keeping me busy:

1. Work, and thoughts and research about work-related stuff.
2. Cutting up carrots, doing dishes, and cooking chicken.
3. Getting the oil changed.
4. Cleaning my desk.
5. Working on my taxes.
6. sleeping in.
7. going to bed before midnight.

There is time on the horizon though don’t you worry. And I have this feeling that when I do post again, you’ll be there. Now that is a comforting thought.


Now, if you thought I was decent at podcasting, wait till you hear the lovely, amazing and brilliant Mindy!
That’s right folks, after much begging, appealing and convincing, Mindy has reluctantly agreed to give us a few minutes of her time each week.

ASK MINDY will feature a three minute podcast with Mindy where she will answer a question presented by her husband Ariah, or maybe even emailed in by a listener. She’ll share her brilliance with the rest of the world in bit size chunks for all to enjoy.

So, what are you waiting for? Check it out today.

My Odeo Channel

A small piece of internet fame

So, I was testing out google’s suggest feature and I realized this interesting bit of information:
(Search for Ariah Fine)

If you do the search you’ll find that the majority of those link to me in some way, shape or form. Call it what you will, I think it basically means there isn’t a good chance I’ll be able to hide myself from those on the internet.

That said, I wonder what implications something like this has. I don’t think there is much of a case for the internet paranoid these days. Those who don’t want any of their information to be online at all. There’s a good chance I can find something about you somewhere if I want to. Then it becomes a matter of personal space and privacy. I’m sort of open to the fact that anyone can read a lot of deep stuff about me.

Does this mean someone is more likely to stalk me? Not likely. I don’t know if I’m good stalking material anyways. What do you think?