Tag Archives: blogging

Pushing the podcast: Recent Minutes with Ariah

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I haven’t had time to sit and type as much this week, but I have been putting a lot of short podcast up at the new A Few Minutes with Ariah (the podcast). I figured I should take a minute to pitch it to you so you know some of what inticing sound bits are available:

A short Economic Lesson in Opportunity Cost – You might have learned about it in High School, but let me explain how it should impact your life. Be warned though, it forces you into some pretty troubling conclusions.

First in line at a Buffett for 6 Billion – Close your eyes and imagine with me for a moment… And may it challenge you in how you live today.

No Poor, No Wars? Applying Scripture would be hard! – Some people reference Jesus saying “The Poor will always be among you” as an excuse to not do anything about poverty, I say it’s a blessing from the Lord to help us idiots follow Christ better.

Don’t base your convictions on Probable outcomes – It’s the basic idea of not letting the Ends justify the Means, and yet we as Christians seem to do it all the time. And we call ourselves a people of faith!

The War supporters have their age-old Question to ask the pacifist, now us pacifist have one for you.

For all you email subscribers, the audio for each of the podcast I describe above are embedded right into the blog so you should be able to play the clips right at http://blog.iamnotashamed.net or you can visit the podcast listing at Evoca, or Odeo, or iTunes

Quick, Ariah, Say something Important!

I’ve made a few changes to Trying to Follow, as you can see. The new layout seems to be working well. Hopefully you like it (tell me if you don’t). I also haven’t been posting as much, my way of recognizing that you probably don’t have all the time in the world to read my writings.

I also fixed up my feed/subscription set up and consolidated things. To my shock I found that about 83 people are subscribed to my blog. That means by email, feed readers, etc. about 80 people check up on what I’m writing and posting each day. That doesn’t include the countless others that stumble across my site on a search for images on “tagging” (by far my most popular search referral). The numbers are quite overwhelming.

As far as podcasting goes, I’ve also made a change. In the constant struggle to find time and a consistent co-host for any sort of regularly scheduled broadcasting. Instead, I’ve started to do my own short little daily podcast, which I usually do by phone (sorry about the sound quality):
A Few Minutes with Ariah

I’ll still post a seperate podcast for Trying to Follow when I have longer more in depth audio with co-host and other folks. But for now, if you want to hear some daily thoughts with me, just subscribe to the one above. No more then ten minutes a day normally.

I also found from the little design survey (view results) that people search this site in all sorts of different ways. So, I’m trying to clean up my categories and tags to make browsing easier for you.

That’s about it for the update here. I haven’t had as much time to punch on the keys, but I have been doing the podcasting a bit, so here is the latest:

This is my journal

I know I’ve mentioned this multiple times before, but I felt the need to say it again to remind myself. I really started this blog to serve as a place for me to share my thoughts with others, but mainly as an open notebook, not a polished presentation.
This might be better titled “Ariah’s Notebook,” but in a sense that is what this is all about. “Trying to Follow” is about my attempt to follow the truthes that I believe are right (I should probably write a few post explaining that title a little more).
So here is to more writing. More open thinking, more vulnerability. Please be kind.

Busy weekend

It was a fairly busy weekend and unfortunately I didn’t take much time to sit down and write. I have a LOT of things on my mind that I want to write about, it’s just a matter of finding the time.

Lord willing I’ll have a little time Monday afternoon but we’ll see.

Just to wet your appetite and keep you guessing, here are some titles for possible upcoming posts:

Why I cut up our credit cards
How my wife and I manage to live on $1000 a month (not really)
Weekly Podcast update
The idea of Entitlement
The ethics of space (particularly as it relates to home ownership)
Five steps the church can take to just wages for women
Continued “Threads” series
Pocket Guide to the Bible review
Dear Francis Documentary review
Going to the PAPA Festival
Why Community is important
A nightmare of my demise (it involves coffee and new shoes)

Hope you stay tuned…

A “weekly” update podcast of Trying to Follow

Unfortunately, I haven’t done this in a while. I try to summarize the last two weeks post in this podcast, and you can see the long list below. Take a listen and if you like anything then find and read the link to the article below.

or download here.

  • What a church should look like… (0)
  • Writing can be hard to do (0)
  • 24: Season 2: This show is darn addicting. (0)
  • In the news today… (1)
  • I bought a bike… (1)
  • An explanation of that magazine’s name (1)
  • Anyone own access 2003? (0)
  • Laptop’s for the developing world (2)
  • Why most guys should read Ms. Magazine and B**** (1)
  • Longest Night (0)
  • Gentrification: a Case Study of Cabrini-Green (1)
  • Quick thoughts on gentrification: It’s not good. (2)
  • Podcasting might be returning… (0)
  • I like free stuff. Music downloads are a treat. (0)
  • Statcounter doesn’t seem to be working… (1)
  • Landmines: More serious then you might think (0)
  • The New Iraq (1)
  • a Biblical and Christian Approach to Immigration (0)
  • Save Darfur (0)
  • The “What if?” of Cinderella Man (0)
  • GTD: The first step is getting to Ready (2)
  • Google Notebook: you clip the web (0)
  • If your cool you’ll check out slickrun.exe (1)
  • Why go to college when you can blog instead? (2)
  • Download your Facebook friends with Profilicious (1)
  • What’s happened to “Women’s Rights”? (0)
  • I’d go bananas if life was without bananas (0)
  • File folders and Paper vs. My granola soul (2)
  • Free Phone Calls from your Computer to a landline (1)
  • Question: What is with “Grills”? (0)
  • The Constant Gardener: there’s truth in it. (1)
  • USANA is worth considering (1)
  • Question: Why do most people at the DMV appear to be low income? (0)
  • Logo design contest (0)
  • No Gas Day 2006, May 22nd (0)
  • Socially Conscience Children’s Books (4)
  • Testing a new look (1)
  • Questions series… Coming soon (0)
  • It’s cheap, but is it legal? (1)
  • Have I encouraged you? (0)
  • Writing can be hard to do

    You know when I’m having a tough time if I spend a few post a week doing some self-loathing about my inability to write. It’s odd that I’ll be able to spend a paragraph or two writing about how it’s difficult to write and then when I try to begin typing something with worthy content, nothing seems to come out. I’ve been thinking about going back and reading my old post and maybe editing and reposting some of the writing I thought was really good. I’d love to hear if there are any highlight post in my readers opinions…
    Also, I’m thinking of sort of scheduling in writing time and trying more experimental writing. I’d love to try my hand at fiction, I’d imagine it’d be good for stirring my imagination and challenging my current writing style. Who knows, any good writers out there got any tips?

    Well, my hands are moving fast enough to try and spew out some post I’ve been wanting to write for a while, so hopefully you’ll see some decent content this week.

    I love your comments! (and you silent readers)

    I stepped back and thought about it and I realized there have been a lot more comments on my blog lately. A number of them have been simple and encouraging “amens” to what I wrote. I absolutely love those comments because they encourage me to continue writing and they let me know my writing is benefiting others besides myself.
    A handful of other comments have been very insightful for me, sharing more information I might not have known about a particular topic and helping me to grow in a great many ways. Thank you so much for those, I have grown a great dal from your knowledge and wisdom.
    Finally, there are some comments that seem sort of competely unrelated to what I write in my post. Some of these are mean personal attacks (sometimes they disappear), others are just unrelated. I enjoy these too. I also like that my blog has at times has become a forum for others to carry on discussions. I’m glad this can be a place for that.

    All of this was simply to say thank you. I appreciate your time and I love your comments. Please continue to let me know how I can serve you.

    p.s. a great way to acknowledge my appreciation of you would be to drop a quick comment below…

    Technical difficulties: Precondition Failed

    So, the truth is I have not been too busy to write. Honestly I think letting myself go a day or two without writing got me out of the groove. I suddenly started thinking about what people would think about what I was writing, and if I was really a good enough writer to be doing this regularly.
    I think I’m over it now.

    But, excuse number to is this thing called Precondition Failed. Each time I mustered up the confidence to write I’d try to login and my own blog wouldn’t let me on cause it thought I was a robot (computer running through sites just to spam). I still can’t figure out why it did that.

    Anyways, I was wondering if this happened to any of my regular readers as well? If so I’ll be sure to look into it. If not I’ll just go on about my business and start posting regularly again like I should have been all along.

    Looking forward to this week…

    Again, a rather un-profound post.
    It looks to be another busy week ahead, so I want to prepare you for the disappointment and heartache you might feel from not hearing more from me as far as thoughtful commentary on life goes.

    Here’s some of the short, but hopefully interesting post you can be expecting this week:

    • Notes on the book To Own a Dragon and/or Colossians Remixed
    • Notes on applying GTD (getting things done) to my work and life
    • Notes on how to be a better teacher and motivator
    • sweet advertisements I’ve seen recently
    • commentary on life

    That’s about all from these parts.