Tag Archives: oil

Demotorize your Soul

Demotorize Your Soul Car in the Sand

The De-Motorize Your Soul campaign is a spirited foray into the post-oil era.

For the past 100 years the average speed at which human beings and their souls travel has steadily increased. But what if we’re not meant to go that fast? What if it’s spiritually unnatural, and slowly messing us up inside? Can we live at an ever-escalating pace without it affecting our spiritual health?

In addition to a stressful and abnormal pace of life, this age of hyper-mobility also has us tangled up in climate chaos, global power games and the biggest business on earth.

But how do we opt out? (And how do we keep from whithering with guilt?) We know what’s wrong, we know what needs to be done, but we’re somehow stuck on fast forward.

My response concerning high gas prices

This was my response to my friend Gustave’s letter about high gas prices:

my dear and wonderful friend. Let me start by saying I am quite naive to the large ramifications you’ve talked about here. I completely agree with you on everything you shared here.

Just so we get some clarifications on all this here is the basic jist of what happened:
I wrote off-handedly once about enjoying the fact that High gas prices has created a much greater interest and demand for fuel efficient cars, more people out biking to work, and more efforts in mass transit. In other words, I said I see a lot of benefits in the gas prices being high. I also feel like high gas prices reflect the actual cost of the use of that gas (as in damage to the environment, etc). I didn’t in any way imply that I like high gas prices, I like big powerful countries getting rich, I don’t care about the effects on the poor.

Again, I completely agree with everything that you said about the negative effects of high gas prices. I realize it hurts the poor and I think that sucks too. I also feel like really low gas prices aren’t going to help solve many problems either, they seem to create a slew of other problems. By the way, weren’t we in Micro-Econ together? Lower gas prices just means more people buying it, which means those companies and countries are still making a lot. I say we take out the CEO’s and others and we could offer some dirt cheap gas that way.

Seriously though, what are some solutions and problems solving techniques? Let’s commission city council to get public transit started in our area. How do we organize car pooling groups in the poor areas we live in? Could the government ration gas some those dimwits with their Hummers can’t drive them more then two blocks, but the neighbor can make it to and from work? How about promoting scooters more in poorer neighborhoods, those should solve the problem big time. This is the way I think; I like the big picture but I’m all about the practical.
I’ve filled up more then my fair share of guys gas cans and tanks in the past couple months (sure hope they were actually for their car).
Could churches offer free fill ups, gas cards, etc. in the neighborhoods they are a part of? Shouldn’t we be preaching all the stuff you shared from the pulpit?
Mostly what I’m saying is I hear you loud and clear, now what are we going to do about it?!

Let’s get a move on!


A response concerning high gas prices

I little while back I made a tiny off-hand reference to liking high gas prices, the comment was mentioned by my pastor, I then mentioned it to Mel, who then mentioned it to Gustave, and this was his response:

Dear Ariah,

I was talking to Melissa and she mentioned something offhand to me. She said you think high gas prices are good in that they will help change patterns of American consumption. I am not sure what your whole position is. It was something about a conversation with your pastor.

However, I get riled about gas and energy prices. Perhaps 3 dollar gas will make people get out of their SUV. More likely though, it hurts people without much money. I live in Wheaton. Most people eat the higher cost of gas. However, the refugees I work for have to often choose between gas and clothes or healthier food or the doctor bill. There is no public transit here and commutes often take 30 to 40 minutes. There is no lifestyle change that will help them. Not everyone can just up and move to the city or live closer to work. Not everyone can drive less. Some people can. Many cannot and have to pay the price of high gasoline very dearly.

Another aspect of high gas prices is that it benefits countries who are oil rich. THose are fun places like Sundan, Iran, Venezuela and Russia. None of them are very nice. High oil prices help Putin consolidate autocratic power, help the President of Iran pursue nukes, fuel conflict in SUdan, and let Chavez talk about being the next Castro. The global effects of high gas prices have horrible effects on the freedoms of millions of people as leaders that are not very nice are flush with cash.

High gas prices in the US also act as a tax. They limit economic growth. Money spent on other things now goes to gas. That means less vacations, fewer purcheses, less charitible giving. All these things affect the job market and can cause economic downswings. Who gets laid off when the economy suffers, not the rich guys. Prices for all goods go up as well because transporting them costs more. So everyone pays more for potatoes and milk. High energy prices also lead to infliation and inflation always hurts the poorest the most.

I see little good in high gas prices. Sure it means some people will consume less…maybe. Sure it spurs on R and D for renewable and clean energy (something I support completely). However, the drawbacks in my mind far outweigh the benefits. Anyone who says otherwise has failed to see the human cost and geopolitical nightmare that high gas prices and high oil prices cause. I am not sure what you think about all this, but high oil really gets me going.


I thought everything Goose shared was excellent. I’ll post my response in a little bit, but I figured I should keep them seperate since what he said was worth sitting and thinking on.

A “weekly” update podcast of Trying to Follow

Unfortunately, I haven’t done this in a while. I try to summarize the last two weeks post in this podcast, and you can see the long list below. Take a listen and if you like anything then find and read the link to the article below.

or download here.

  • What a church should look like… (0)
  • Writing can be hard to do (0)
  • 24: Season 2: This show is darn addicting. (0)
  • In the news today… (1)
  • I bought a bike… (1)
  • An explanation of that magazine’s name (1)
  • Anyone own access 2003? (0)
  • Laptop’s for the developing world (2)
  • Why most guys should read Ms. Magazine and B**** (1)
  • Longest Night (0)
  • Gentrification: a Case Study of Cabrini-Green (1)
  • Quick thoughts on gentrification: It’s not good. (2)
  • Podcasting might be returning… (0)
  • I like free stuff. Music downloads are a treat. (0)
  • Statcounter doesn’t seem to be working… (1)
  • Landmines: More serious then you might think (0)
  • The New Iraq (1)
  • a Biblical and Christian Approach to Immigration (0)
  • Save Darfur (0)
  • The “What if?” of Cinderella Man (0)
  • GTD: The first step is getting to Ready (2)
  • Google Notebook: you clip the web (0)
  • If your cool you’ll check out slickrun.exe (1)
  • Why go to college when you can blog instead? (2)
  • Download your Facebook friends with Profilicious (1)
  • What’s happened to “Women’s Rights”? (0)
  • I’d go bananas if life was without bananas (0)
  • File folders and Paper vs. My granola soul (2)
  • Free Phone Calls from your Computer to a landline (1)
  • Question: What is with “Grills”? (0)
  • The Constant Gardener: there’s truth in it. (1)
  • USANA is worth considering (1)
  • Question: Why do most people at the DMV appear to be low income? (0)
  • Logo design contest (0)
  • No Gas Day 2006, May 22nd (0)
  • Socially Conscience Children’s Books (4)
  • Testing a new look (1)
  • Questions series… Coming soon (0)
  • It’s cheap, but is it legal? (1)
  • Have I encouraged you? (0)