North Country

1 in 3 women is subject to abuse during her lifetime. This can and must end.

That statistic should shock us beyond belief. And the terrible thing is that we don’t talk about it; we rarely talk about it; and when we do we far too often place blame on the victim.

I’m going to start writing about this more, because I realized after watching this film, that though I have become aware of this issue and pay attention to it, I am not outspoken about it; and I NEED to be.

MEN: Go out tonight and rent this movie. Weep over the horrid ways we treat women, or silently acknowledge this mistreatment. Decide to learn, speak out, and love.

We must stand against the silence, we must educate ourselves, we must grow sensitive and build communities that lovingly embrace those who are victims, rather then look with a blaming eye. How do we become that loving community?

Jesus and Immigrants: The Gospel vs. H.R. 4437

My good friend Logan alerted me to this issue, via a NY Times article:

…H.R. 4437, a bill sponsored by James Sensenbrenner Jr. of Wisconsin and Peter King of New York. This grab bag legislation, which was recently passed by the House, would expand the definition of “alien smuggling” in a way that could theoretically include working in a soup kitchen, driving a friend to a bus stop or caring for a neighbor’s baby.

Logan writes further on his own experience and previous similiar legislation from two years ago:

At that point in time, Tom Tancredo Republican, Colorado was trying to tack on legislation that would deputize all municipal police forces as members of the Department of Homeland Security. This would require all police officers to ascertain residency and citizenship status with any case. In other words, give people with little protection a reason to AVOID seeking help from the police. In an earlier bill, he had wanted to deputize emergency room personel. All persons seeking help at a hospital would be required to prove their status – a mother and her children could be deported simply for seeking to save her children’s life by going to the emergency room. Thus, if you’re an illegal immigrant, you should avoid going to the police OR to the hospital. He was defeated. Unfortunately, similar ideas are gathering steam, as one can see by following the proposed immigration laws.

Hopefully these thoughts have given you some understanding as to why you should take a few minutes and look at the information below and call your Senators TODAY. (Anyone can call, but if your from IL, OH, KS, IA, WI, AL, AZ, CA, DE, MA, NY, OK, PA, SC, TX, UT or VT PLEASE take the time to call your Senators because they are on the Judiciary Committee)

(Email Below from Daniel Stutz of World Relief)

Please print this out, then call both your Senators this THURSDAY, March 9! Here’s what’s up:

The Senate began the debate on comprehensive immigration reform last week, and will report its final mark-up of the bill to the Senate floor on March 16. Given that Representative Sensenbrenner’s draconian anti-immigration bill (H.R. 4437) already passed the House in December 2005, any hope of safeguarding immigrants’ rights rest exclusively in what the Senate decides to do this spring.

Tomorrow, Thursday, March 9, is National Call-In Day for Comprehensive Immigration Reform.

Please call tomorrow to our Senators’ offices and ask to speak with the Immigration aide.

Senator Durbin from Illinois is on the Judiciary Committee deciding first steps on this issue!

Call Senator Richard Durbin: 202-224-2152 Ask to speak with Joe Zogby

Call Senator Barack Obama: 202-224-2854 Ask to speak with Danny Sepulveda

If your are not from Illinois, check the list below to see if your Senator is on the Judiciary Committee. You can find the name of your Senators by typing in your zip code at The Congressional switchboard number is 202/224-3121.

If the aide is not available, ask for the aide’s voice mail. Whether speaking to the aide personally, or leaving a message, here is what to say:

” My name is _____ (affiliations). I live in (name of town & state). I am calling regarding “The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006″ which is being considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee introduced last week by Chairman Specter. I am concerned about provisions that will only worsen our broken immigration system which desperately needs reform. Please recommend amendments which would provide the undocumented population an opportunity to earn permanent residency, and, if they choose, citizenship. Also please support any efforts to strengthen worker protections in the new temporary worker program. Finally, please try to remove harsh provisions of House bill H.R. 4437 which are also present in the Senate Bill, such as the criminalization of undocumented presence; the denial of permanent residency to a refugee who commits a minor offense; and the criminalization of the use of a fraudulent passport even by asylum-seekers who cannot obtain valid documents from their governments. We are a nation of immigrants, built on the promise of liberty, opportunity and fairness. Undocumented migrants work hard, pay taxes, and seek a better life for their families. It is wrong to treat immigrants as criminals. Please contact me at ___ (your tel #) with your reply.”

Background on the issues follow below, with additional talking points you may wish to use in a conversation with your Senators. The names and contact information for each Senator on the Judiciary Committee are also below. Please first call Senators Durbin and Obama, and then call as many of the remaining members of the Committee as you are able to in order to strongly voice your concern. Each call will average only 2 minutes of your time, and could mean the difference between restoring a workable, sensible, just bill to the Senate, OR facing the end of two centuries of protection for immigrants and refugees.

Megan Nelson

Public Policy Coordinator

Gary L. Cozette, Director
Chicago Religious Leadership Network on Latin America (CRLN)
Tel: 773/293-2964

Background :

Last Friday March 3, Senator Specter of Pennsylvania, Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, unveiled his “Chairman’s Mark” on immigration, an amalgam of several different immigration bills that have been circulating in the Senate.


* Severely restrict judicial review for immigrants and asylum seekers (Title VII);

* Continue and expand the detention of non-criminal asylum seekers;

* Criminalize anyone who knowingly uses a false passport or immigration-related document, with no exception for refugees, asylum seekers, children, or other vulnerable populations (Title II, Sec. 208 and 209);

* * Criminalize anyone who is out of status, including asylum seekers, trafficking victims, battered women, and abused children who fall out of status while they are figuring out how to obtain protection (Title II, Sec. 206);

* * Create a positive temporary worker program, but would fail to provide a path to legalization for immigrant workers, and would require those who enter under the program to waive all rights to administrative or judicial review (Title IV and Title VI).

THIS BILL WILL IMPACT ALL IMMIGRANTS: children, asylum seekers, trafficking victims, battered women, refugees, the undocumented and lawful permanent residents. There is virtually no non-citizen whom this bill will not touch.

THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW! The fate of the Chairman’s Mark could mean the most drastic and devastating overhaul of our immigration and asylum system since the 1996 reform bills. We have only one more week to educate Judiciary Committee members, impact what comes out of committee, and change the tide. Anti-immigrants are hitting Capital Hill in droves and we have to counter their efforts.

Talking Points
* You support comprehensive immigration reform.
First, we must make sure the legislation deals realistically and sensibly with people already living and working in our country without legal status. It is neither realistic nor desirable to round up and deport 11 million people. But the Specter proposal will exclude many undocumented from ever becoming part of America’s future, thereby perpetuating the problem of illegality the bill must solve.

* Undocumented persons need a legal process to remain working in this country.
Second, the Specter mark requires that future flow immigrant workers leave the U.S . for a minimum of a year after two three-year temporary visas. Forcing trained and established workers to leave the U.S. after six years will either disrupt businesses in the U.S. if it works, or result in a burgeoning population of workers who “jump the program” and remain illegally.

*Persons of faith are called to treat the immigrant with compassion.
Third, the Specter bill draws on some of the more problematic provisions of the House-passed Sensenbrenner bill ( H.R. 4437). It criminalizes immigrants without papers, which may amount to a backdoor effort to force state and local police to add immigration enforcement to their already full platter of duties. It also expands the definition of “alien smuggling” so that people who come in normal, everyday contact with undocumented immigrants may be criminally charged.

*All persons have a right to due process.
Finally, to even participate in the plan the Chairman envisions, undocumented immigrants must sign away access to judicial review, the ability to redress errors in paperwork, and meaningful appeals while seeking legal status. They could not appeal a future deportation ruling through the legal system, for example. The courthouse door will slam in the face of millions of immigrants hoping to put themselves on the right side of the law.


Richard Durbin (D-IL)

Phone: (202) 224-2152

Fax: (202) 228-0400

Mike DeWine (R-OH)

Phone: (202) 224-2315

Fax: (202) 224-6519

Sam Brownback (R-KS)

Phone: (202) 224-6521

Fax: (202) 228-1265

Charles Grassley (R-IA)

Phone: (202) 224-3744

Fax: (202) 224-6020

Herbert Kohl (D-WI)

Phone: (202) 224-5653

Fax: (202) 224-9787

Russ Feingold (D-WI)

Phone: (202) 224-5323

Fax: (202) 224-2725

Jeff Sessions (R-AL)

Phone: (202) 224-4124

Fax: (202) 224-3149

Jon Kyl (R-AZ)

Phone: (202) 224-4521

Fax: (202) 224-2207

Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)

Phone: (202) 224-3841

Fax: (202) 228-3954

Joseph Biden (D-DE)

Phone: (202) 224-5042

Fax: (202) 224-0139

Edward Kennedy (D-MA)

Phone: (202) 224-4543

Fax: (202) 224-2417

Charles Schumer (D-NY)

Phone: (202) 224-6542

Fax: (202) 228-3027

Tom Coburn (R-OK)

Phone: (202) 224-5754

Fax: (202) 224-6008

Arlen Specter (R-PA)

Phone: (202) 224-4254

Fax: (202) 228-1229

Lindsey Graham (R-SC)

Phone: (202) 224-5972

Fax: (202) 224-3808

John Cornyn (R-TX)

Phone: (202) 224-2934

Fax: (202) 228-2856

Orrin Hatch (R-UT)

Phone: (202) 224-5251

Fax: (202) 224-6331

Patrick Leahy (D-VT)

Phone: (202) 224-4242

Fax: (202) 224-3479

Your problem with Giving is probably You.

Financial lesson #2: Giving

I think most of us, if we are completely honest with ourselves, are quite selfish even in our giving.
When I give I want it to be on my terms. I don’t like a knock on my window when I pull up to the stoplight asking for some money for lunch. They should know the only change I have is for emergencies and this doesn’t qualify. I’m much more comfortable knowing that I commited to paying $30 a month to sponsor a child, and it will cost me just $30.
When I give my hard earned money I want it to go to a deserving organization. I want to feel good about it. I often want to be recognized for it. I mean, after all, isn’t this my money I’m giving away?
Many of the thoughts I mentioned above are perfectly okay, but there are a few reasons that sometimes they are not. You see, a major part of the call to give is to teach you that money is not your god or master.
Take Jesus’ encounter with the rich young ruler* as an example (I’m not a ruler, but I sure feel young and rich). Did Jesus ask him to give everything he had so that the needs of the poor would be met? That was probably one reason. Most of us recognize though, that it was very much about him being willing to let go, and follow Christ. I far too often hear the response to that passage being that we aren’t required to give everything away, we just should be willing to if God ever asked it of us (and lo and behold I know not one person who God has ever asked to give away all they had).
Well today is the day. It’s time to for you to open your tight fist and release your tight grip on money, so that you can grip easily the hand of God. Today we stop making excuses and being self-centered in our giving, instead we give because we NEED to give to release our tight grip on money; to acknowledge that money is not our god.

Your Assignment for the Week/month: Take $100 (For most people with an income that’s probably less then half your tithe each month) out of the bank in $1 bills. Over the next month: give to anyone who asks, drop bills in places they’ll be found, try to give a dollar to a random stranger, hide them in findable places at work, drop them out the window at a school bus stop. Have fun, and give with no expectations or qualifications on your giving.

Not ready for the week.

I’ve been future posting as of late (meaning finishing post and setting them to go live on certain days in the future). It’s kept me from feeling like I’m procrastinating to the last minute, and helped me to get writing spells and set up my blog for one nice post a day.
But, this week is Mindy’s spring break. This means instead of spending mornings reading and writing, I’m hanging with her, which means I haven’t had time to turn any of my drafts into actual posts. I’ll still try and write at least one post a day, it just might be quicker stuff. And your going to have to be patient if you were just getting into any of my interesting series-like post (finances, etc). Hope that’s okay!

Bear with me…Dreamweaver little yellow gold badge shield

To get rid of those annoying little yellow gold badge/shield looking things in Dreamweaver which are sometimes a pain in the design view just go to: View…Visual Aids…Invisible Elements (It should become unchecked).

For my regular readers
Thanks for perservering through that very random post. Here is where it originated from. I recently reinstalled Dreamweaver and I chose some different set-up options then normal. Anyways, suddenly there where these dreamweavers little yellow gold badge shield thingy all over the place, and they where messing things up. Translation: You know when your computer, or car, or any other gadget starts doing something out of the ordinary and you just don’t like it? Searching the help menues produced nothing cause I didn’t know what to look for. Thus I turned to the internet. I googled: “Dreamweaver gold badges” nothing. “Dreamweaver yellow badges” nothing. “Dreamweaver yellow shield” bingo. Why am I telling you all this? Because the great thing about the internet is it makes things like that accessible to people. And to be even more accessible sometimes it’s worth making a blog post that simply list all the ways one might have described what they where searching for (as I will do soon).

Have you ever tried looking something up and weren’t quite sure how to describe it?

dreamweaver little tiny gold yellow icon shiny shield badge symbol macromedia Dreamweaver dream weaver bronze thingy

A Major Flaw of Wheaton College

A Major Flaw of Wheaton CollegeA friend of mine asked me to reflect on my time at Wheaton and expressed a little about what I have learned from my time there. Rather then bring up a number of unrelated things in one post I thought I would just post as the reasons and situations come to mind.
I had the great opportunity to met with the Chaplain at Wheaton for an exit interview in the spring of my senior year. At gave me a chance to reflect on the good and bad of my time and I came up with a handful of things that I thought where the most wide spread, not necessarily just specific to my personal experience. The one I had the hardest time explaining is the one I’ll start with: The lifestyle of Wheaton College instills underlying assumptions that keep us from following Christ fully.

When I first got to Wheaton I thoroughly enjoyed the nice big dorm rooms, the fancy Lego-like furniture; I loved the food at the cafeteria and the fact that people cleaned up after me everywhere I went. I enjoyed seeing the flowers planted around campus and the nice architecture. The Student Rec Center was state-of-the-art and the classrooms had all the technology needs you could imagine. I enjoyed all of these things, and I justified in my mind that during my time of diligent studies it was nice to be in a comfortable environment with everything taken care of. Sophomore year, a campaign to build a $20 million student center began, and I suddenly realized the great tragedy of having all we had at Wheaton.

You see, when you sit in a “Christian” Institution, listening to a “Christian” teacher, amongst “Christian” peers, you have an immediate assumption that the Lifestyle, the buildings, the spending being done in your community is therefore “Christian.” But that is not necessarily true.

When you sit in the coffee shop of an extravagant student center and read Jesus words about caring for the poor, it is hard to acknowledge that your fancy community might be in conflict with really carrying that out.

I fear too many students have left Wheaton with this assumption: I can buy a big house, an expensive car, fancy clothes and furniture, take exotic vacations, live the high society life, AND still follow Christ call to take up their cross and follow him.

Tech Friday: Firefox Extensions

If you haven’t noticed the little orange badge in the bottom right corner of my blog (and from the stats, most of you have) I’m a fan of Firefox over IE. There are multiple reasons, but I’m through trying to persuade you to switch, I’d rather tell you about some of the great things I use at firefox.
I recently had to start my computer back up from scratch, which has meant restarting my firefox installation. Before I had added so many extensions that they were conflicting with one another and freezing up firefox at least once a day. I couldn’t bear to part with them though so I left it in conflict and just got used to restarting.
But, now I’m starting from scratch and I’ve decided to move quite slowly and only install my absolute favorite extensions, one at a time. So for those who have just entered the firefox extension world here are my current Must-Haves:

  1. TabMixPlus– This is my first install because of a couple of the great features:
    -undo (restores tabs you closed right back to their original position with their history intacted)
    -Session Manager (restores all your tabs from the last time you closed Firefox, let’s me pick up right where I left off)
  2. Google Toolbar– They greatest feature currently is that you can pick and choose which buttons to add to where on your toolbars:
    -Autofill (saves hours of time filling out forms)
    -Spellcheck (keeps me from looking like an idiot)
  3. Greasemonkey– I wish I could explain how cool this is, but the list is endless. If you ever thought a site would be cooler if… there is probably a script for it.
    And these two are more specific to your situation and interest:

  1. FireFTP: for those who do webdesign easy upload
  2. Screengrab: if you like to take full length screen shots of webpages

Maya Angelou Quotes from Wouldn’t Take Nothing for My Journey Now

At the recommendation of a friend I picked up Maya Angelou’s Wouldn’t Take Nothing for My Journey Now and I promptly read it in a day. Each short essay brought a new thought and insight which I was quite grateful for. I think I might expound on some of these at a later date but for now I wanted to give you a couple of short glimpses into some of the essays, maybe to wet your appetite and encourage you to pick it up from your local library.

“While I know myself as a creation of God, I am also obligated to realize and remember that everyone else and everything else are also God’s creation. This is particularly difficult for me when my mind falls upon the cruel person, the batterer, and the bigot. I would like to think that the mean-spirited were created by another force and under the aegis and direction of something other than my God. But since I believe that God created all things, I am not only constrained to know that the oppressor is a child of God, but also obliged to try to treat him or her as a child of God.”

“There are a few misguided wits who think they are being complimentary when they declare a woman is “too much”. While it is admirable and desirable to be enough, only masochists want to be “too much.”…A certain amount of paranoia is essential in the oppressed or in any likely targets of oppressors.”

“The woman who survives intact and happy must be at once tender and tough. She must have convinced herself, or be in the unending process of convincing herself, that she, her values, and her choices are important. In a time and world where males hold sway and control, the pressure upon women to yield their rights-of-way is tremendous. And it is under those very circumstances that the woman’s toughness must be in evidence.
She must resist considering herself a lesser version of her male counterpart. She is not a sculptress, poetess, Jewess, Negress, or even (now rare) in university parlance a rectoress. If she is the thing, than for her own sense of self and for the education of the ill-informed she must insist with rectitude in being the thing and in being called the thing. ”

“We need to have the courage to say obesity is not funny, vulgarity is not amusing, insolent children and submissive parents are not the characters we want to admire and emulate. Flippancy and sarcasm are not the only ways in which conversation can be conducted.
If the emperor is standing in my living room stripped to the buff, nothing should prevent me from saying that since he has no clothes on, he is not ready for public congress.
At any rate, not lounging on my sofa and munching on my trail mix.”

Discerning our Needs and Wants

Financial Lesson #1: Discerning your Needs and Wants

I told you my financial wisdom would not be overly complicated or deep, and lesson #1 is no exception. You must sit down (and if you are married, you both need to sit down) and draw up a list of your basic NEEDS (That you spend money on). To make this easy, do not start with what you see in and around your house, start with what you will be purchasing from this point forward. As an example person myself, here is an example.

Jack and Jill sit down and start their list of NEEDS. Immediately the basics come to mind: Food and Shelter. They break shelter down into clothes and rent (including heat, electricity etc). Now to get the money to purchase food they would need an income, thus their jobs. And to keep their job they each need transportation to work and occasionally work appropriate clothing. Jill thought back to here psychology days and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and suggested they did have some ’emotional’ needs that might be hard to countify. In the end they came up with these needs: FOOD, SHELTER, TRANSPORTATION, MISC (Clothing, soap, etc) and EMOTIONAL.

But, that’s not the end of the lesson. Things get a little more complicated at this point. Does “Food” mean eating out three times a week and coffee at Bongo Java every morning? Are those NEEDS? You must discern on your own what part of your “food” is meeting your basic needs and what part is fulfilling your WANTS. The same goes for clothing. You might NEED button down shirts and dressy shoes for on the job, but you don’t NEED name brand clothing to wear out on the town. Getting to work is a Transportation NEED, driving across town to the outlet mall is not. Does that make some sense?

As you think through your needs, be sure to write down the things you’ve discerned are WANTS in another column (eating out, coffee, shopping trips, new sweaters).

Your Assignment for this week: Spend money as you normally have in the past, but be very concious of how much you are spending on Needs and how much on WANTS. Keep track of actual purchases if you’d like. And see if thinking through these lists actually changes what you spend money on through out the week.

…Lesson #2: Giving