Some how ended up with this sweet song in our itunes, the lyrics sounded good so I looked up more info, here’s a great music video of the song, Camilo, by State Radio, about Camilo Ernesto Mejía
A funny comedian, Louis CK, on Conan discussing modern conveniences
And if stand-up isn’t your thing, you’ll definitely enjoy this BEE-Boy Video, seriously, watch this now.
(the website is actually about the disappearing Honey bee population, it’s sponsored by an ice cream company, but it’s at least a worthy topic)
That Conan clip is really funny.
Yeah, if you look on youtube that comedian has some other funny clips. He’s a bit crass (lot’s of swearing), but he has some ones on parenting that I thought were pretty funny.
I feel dumb being a pink hexagon. How do I get a picture?