Tag Archives: transportation

Demotorize your Soul

Demotorize Your Soul Car in the Sand

The De-Motorize Your Soul campaign is a spirited foray into the post-oil era.

For the past 100 years the average speed at which human beings and their souls travel has steadily increased. But what if we’re not meant to go that fast? What if it’s spiritually unnatural, and slowly messing us up inside? Can we live at an ever-escalating pace without it affecting our spiritual health?

In addition to a stressful and abnormal pace of life, this age of hyper-mobility also has us tangled up in climate chaos, global power games and the biggest business on earth.

But how do we opt out? (And how do we keep from whithering with guilt?) We know what’s wrong, we know what needs to be done, but we’re somehow stuck on fast forward.

My essay for MinusCar…

Wanted to point you to an essay I wrote for MinusCar.blogspot.com, a site dedicated to the idea of reducing our car use and trying alternative forms of transportation.

The MinusCar Project

In an age of massive consumerism, bigger is better, the person with the most toys wins mentality, some folks are starting to see that the Emperor is not wearing any clothes. For some they caught a glimpse of the recent movie concerning global warming, others it was their empty pocket book at the pump, others still have been riding their bikes around town all along.

And slowly, some people are getting it. Some of us are realizing it’s okay to slow down. Two car garages don’t necessitate two cars. Bike lanes aren’t a waste of space. Rush hour and traffic jams really are stealing away our lives. Suddenly people realize using your muscles and breaking a sweat isn’t just something you do at the gym or on the toilet.

Read the rest of the Essay…