Tag Archives: recycle

Setting the record straight about Nashville Recycling

There’s a terrible myth, an urban legend, a horrid lie that has been traveling around the Nashville community concerning recycling. It appears there might be tiny trolls running around putting outdated stickers on Curby’s, whispering in people’s ears when they are sleeping, making prank phone calls and handing out flyers to spread this information.

It must be stopped!

Here’s the truth about your Curby:
you can recycle ALL PLASTICS

any kind of clean, dry paper: cardboard, paperboard (cereal boxes, freezer boxes, and 12-pack soft drink boxes, but not pizza boxes), paper bags, office paper, envelopes, junk mail, catalogs, magazines and phone books.
-aluminum cans and metal food cans (remember that some materials may sit in your cart for a month, so please rinse cans first).
-all plastic bottles.

The one thing you shouldn’t put in there is glass.

I’m not making this stuff up, this is straight from METRO’S recycling website!

Also, while your crusing around metro’s site,
check out the sweet composting bins they are selling.