My friend, Aaron Linne, went to this conference and has been blogging his notes about it for the last few weeks over on his blog, Life of Linne. I just thought the concept of the conference was pretty cool and worth repeating in other fields. I for example go to conferences and trainings each year as part of the requirements of on going training for my job. It’s a good thing to continue your education and training in any field, but if that’s the case we should have good quality conferences around. I have to admit most of the conferences I’ve gone to for work have been sub-par. The concept of the Q Conference seems cool to me. So I thought I’d just give a run down of it as I understood it.
Basically it’s a church conference for the leaders of the leaders (the elite if you will). The goal was to have an intimate setting, not a numbers, but a quality thing. I forget how many people they invited but the goal is to keep it small. Then they had about 20 different speakers. The kicker is that each person who presented only presented for 18 minutes. They had 18 minutes to boil down everything they wanted to convey into the meat and into an amount others could comprehend. I think that’s a great idea. There are far too many all day and multiple hour conferences and trainings that leave you with too much information to remember when you leave, and to vague an understanding to even be valuable. And then the speakers hung around so everyone could chat and talk and digest the stuff they’d been discussing all day.
That’s really about it. I just thought it was a brilliantly simple and cool way to format a conference and something that is worth repeating. Maybe I should write and give a 18 minute schpiel on everything I think is essential to be passed on to others. In an ambitious moment I thought it would be cool to create this kind of conference for people in my field. I think it’d be a really neat and fun thing to do and truly impacting to the youth that we serve. Well, speaking of, I’m off to another conference this week, here’s hoping it’s a good one.
Anyways, for those that are interested here’s a link to Aaron’s notes on the Q Conference.