Tag Archives: photos

Free Photo Toolkit for Windows picture viewing

I don’t usually do this but it was worth telling others about.
Giveaway of the Day is a site that gives you a free software selection available for download each day. Today is Photo Toolkit 1.5 which allows you to edit pictures within Windows picture viewer (the thing that comes up usually when you double click a picture). You don’t know how often I want to edit a picture just a little to crop, fix red eye, etc. but don’t bother because I have to open a big program like Picasa or Gimp.
Anyways, I thought there are a few people who might enjoy this program.

Download here. (Today only by the way)

Need a different banner

So, I’ve decided to stick with the ever cooler K2 default layout.  I really like the overall look.  K2 has definitly been a cool addition to my WordPress layout.  I’m sure it’s been a place of annoyance for many of you.
You’ve seen I’m sure that I’m an addict for tweaking things.  I stay up late into the night to add some cool new twist on a site, or elsewhere.  I probably should try to do this in moderation.

Anyways, what I’m looking for now is some suggestions for my banner up top.  I like the blue currently, but I’d really like to go for something different.  Maybe partly blue with a picture from my flickr account on the right, or maybe one of those cartoonized pictures of me, or something else.  Any suggestions send them my way.

Free icons, but we need to share…

so I came across this cool site called Icon Buffet.

I’ll be honest I’m not even a big icon buff, but royalty free stuff has always excited me. Basically every week or two iconbuffet will give you a .zip file to download with a bunch of icons. They release five different .zip files of icons each time, but the only way you get others is for someone to share them with you.

So I could use a few friends who want to share icons with me. Leave a comment and I’ll send you the icons I’ve already received.

[sign up at iconbuffet]