Tag Archives: my_life

Many uses for vacant campuses

Passing through Vanderbilt’s fairly vacant campus tonight, Mindy pointed out how sad it was that all these dormitories and other buildings sit pretty much vacant for about three months out of the year. At the same time, plenty of folks spend the nights out on the streets with no where to lay their head. The Fine brainstorm ensued and here where some thoughts the brilliant Mindy produced…

Imagine a three month rehabilitation center set up on vacant university campuses each summer. That is a good amount of time to offer a sort of detox and rehab program for a number of folks. It’d also be ample time to help diagnose mental health concerns and provide plans of care for those in need. Something like this could easily be supported by current students serving as interns and having an opportunity to gain some hands on real life experience related to their field of interest.

Another idea was to set up a three month summer education program for and put together by both students and community members (particularly those in need of living spaces). Imagine being part of a three month summer school that offered classes, workshops, discussion groups and more put together by college professors, students, homeless and formerly homeless persons, and a great many other people. Imagine living in a dorm with that sort of array of people and backgrounds. Imagine breaking bread together with folks from the other side of the tracks. Unfortunately, current colleges don’t seem to provide this, but what about the opportunity to offer these sorts of things on empty college campuses in the summer.

This is me thinking out loud.
What are your thoughts?

A lull in writing

Sorry I haven’t written much in the past few weeks. It seems like this is a time I should be writing the most, but my mind is sort of in limbo at the moment.
We are trying to figure out where we will be living next month and that’s sort of occupying the majority of my brain at the moment, leaving little room to sit for any period of time and type intelligibly.

Also on my mind:

My parent’s business
The Eikon Project
A possible web design job (side job)
All kinds of ideas for work
Living in Community
Reading and writing (see they are at the bottom of the list)

I hate to keep on setting up false expectations, but hopefully August will bring far more regular writing and a lot more regularity in podcasting (with a community focus). I’ll still be writing, just no guarantees on how many post will show up on this site.

You don’t read, you won’t write

I’m worried I’m not going to have much material to write about this week. Unless I can buckle down and do some reading (which I have been seriously slacking on) it looks to be an uneventful week in the way of writing.

I love to write, but I don’t feel like I have much intelligent and creative thought all on my own. It needs to be sparked by something. I wish more often it was sparked by deep and serious conversation with friends, but usually it’s the latest book I’m reading or movie I’m viewing. I’m supposed to write an article about a documentary this dude sent me, so I’ll probably give some initial thoughts on that soon.

Hope you don’t mind the little introspective post here.

High Speed Internet really is High Speed

So, thanks to a little storm last night, lightening struck and shorted out our modem. Fortunately, the guy came by today and fixed it. Turns out our old modem sucked big time.
Now I realize we’ve gone almost a year with internet going at about half the speed we’d been paying for. It was decently fast before, but now it’s crazy fast.

Anyways, sorry for the delay this is going to cause in my writing for the week. Hope I catch up quick.

Busy weekend

It was a fairly busy weekend and unfortunately I didn’t take much time to sit down and write. I have a LOT of things on my mind that I want to write about, it’s just a matter of finding the time.

Lord willing I’ll have a little time Monday afternoon but we’ll see.

Just to wet your appetite and keep you guessing, here are some titles for possible upcoming posts:

Why I cut up our credit cards
How my wife and I manage to live on $1000 a month (not really)
Weekly Podcast update
The idea of Entitlement
The ethics of space (particularly as it relates to home ownership)
Five steps the church can take to just wages for women
Continued “Threads” series
Pocket Guide to the Bible review
Dear Francis Documentary review
Going to the PAPA Festival
Why Community is important
A nightmare of my demise (it involves coffee and new shoes)

Hope you stay tuned…

I am not the Person I want to Become

Do you ever go through a day and look back at the end of it and wish you had done things differently? And not even so much wish you had done things differently, but wished you had reacted and lived more like you desire to then you actually did?

It’s tough to recognize that we are not static creatures. Too often I think we treat our own lives and the individual days that make up our lives as isolated incidents, within which we are simply who we are. Much like the frog in a pot of water, we are content to simply sit in our environment, oblivious to the water boiling us to our death.

You see, when I eat a piece of chocolate today I do not see it immediately adding pounds of fat to my waistline, slowing my biking speed or causing the onset of cancer. Yet years of those isolated days with pieces of chocolate, extra slices of pizza and ice cream sundaes will result in thirty pounds I never wanted to gain.

It’s the same with nearly all our actions. If today I responded in anger, or unlovingly, to someone I might simply write it off as justified, or just who I am. If I do not seek to be aware that this is not who I want to be, and make an effort to change it, I will wind up twenty years later with fewer friends and much more grouchy then I ever desired to become.

Today is not an isolated event. The choices I make today, the small actions I allow myself will carry into tomorrow. If I desire to be a healthier person, those choices start today. If I am to be a hard worker, I must be a hard worker today. I am not the person I want to become, but if I am diligent I can focus my actions today towards becoming that person.

Life is Fragile

Thursday, April 27th, was an intense morning for a lot of people. People close to me whom I know experienced very clearly how amazing and fragile life is in two very different ways. Here is how the morning went for me.
Sometime a little before 5 am on Thursday morning our phone rang. It was a call we’d been eagerly expecting, our good friends where going to have a baby. Our role was to come over and watch their three year old while they went to the hospital. We went over and they headed off to the hospital. I took a short nap and then dressed and headed to work.
At work I settled down at my desk and briefly checked my email, when a news headline caught my eye. I opened the news article just as the phone rang and Mindy excitedly shared with me some other news.

In one moment, I heard the announcement of a new life and read a tale of lost life.

Whitney Cerak, a girl I had met only briefly a few weeks before, died in a fatal car accident. I can remember her sitting in our living room talking about what her interest where and what she would like to do with her life in the future.
Roman Franklin was born at 7:00am on April 27th. A new life I have had the joy of watching grow from unnoticable in his mother’s womb to a quickly growing one month old.

That day was especially sombering for me as the joy and sadness mixed together in my heart and reminded me that each life is important and fragile. I don’t know what words or thoughts can explain the heaviness one’s heart feels as they recognize these truthes. There is a feeling of regret and shame for how flippantly one has treated life and relationships and you finally realize how sacred it all is.

There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal. Nations, cultures, arts, civilizations–these are mortal, and their life is to ours as the life of a gnat. But it is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub, and exploit–immortal horrors or everlasting splendours. This does not mean that we are to be perpetually solemn. We must play. But our merriment must be of the kind (and it is, in fact, the merriest kind) which exists between people who have, from the outset, taken each other seriously–no flippancy, no superiority, no presumption. And our charity must be real and costly love, with deep feeling for the sins in spite of which we love the sinners–no mere tolerance, or indulgence which parodies love as flippancy parodies merriment. Next to the Blessed Sacrament itself, your neighbor is the holiest object presented to your senses. -C.S Lewis, The Weight of Glory

I leave you with this saying, which my good friend Ashley (who introduced us to Whitney) started saying with me sometime 7+ years ago in high school.

How Goes the World?
The world goes not well,
but the kingdom comes.”

Writing can be hard to do

You know when I’m having a tough time if I spend a few post a week doing some self-loathing about my inability to write. It’s odd that I’ll be able to spend a paragraph or two writing about how it’s difficult to write and then when I try to begin typing something with worthy content, nothing seems to come out. I’ve been thinking about going back and reading my old post and maybe editing and reposting some of the writing I thought was really good. I’d love to hear if there are any highlight post in my readers opinions…
Also, I’m thinking of sort of scheduling in writing time and trying more experimental writing. I’d love to try my hand at fiction, I’d imagine it’d be good for stirring my imagination and challenging my current writing style. Who knows, any good writers out there got any tips?

Well, my hands are moving fast enough to try and spew out some post I’ve been wanting to write for a while, so hopefully you’ll see some decent content this week.