Tag Archives: blogosphere

A Story in Six Words period

We interrupt are regularly schedule thought bubble for an attempt at blogosphere interaction. I was tagged by Vegankid to write a story in six words. Seeing as I’m hosting a blog carnival* on Saturday I figured I better give in to this “tagging” concept and try my hand at a six word story…

Met Homeless, Sold Hummer. Now Happy.

There you have it folks, my Six Word Story!
Now it’s my turn to tag away…
Looks like the next 6 words are going to be coming from Indie, Zach, Richard, Lori, Jamie, and Patrick (token new guy).

*The Blog Carnival on Saturday will basically be one blog post were I highlight a bunch of Blog post from other bloggers concerning the topic of racism. It should be a really interesting post so hopefully you’ll find it useful.