skyangel saved my soul!

(warning: Extremely sarcastic posting ahead)

It took twenty four years of my life before a life changing piece of mail found it’s way into my mailbox. It’s wasn’t a bird, it wasn’t a plane, it was Skyangel!

I’ll be honest, I was a little skeptical at first, a Christian TV and Radio satellite service? But then I read the testimonies and I was won over. I kid you not, this is what one of the “viewers” wrote:

“If you want to become a better Christ-follower, more disciplined, if you want to be the best you can be for Christ, this [Skyangel] is what you should get for your family…”

After all how could you go wrong with Sky Angel’s programming? They offer, “programs that re-energize your faith and connect you with things that truly matter.” And according to Sky Angel there are a lot of things that truly matter: sports, HGTV, and Fox News to name just a few.

There is a lot of worthless stuff out there on the airwaves and I think it makes sense to be proactive in avoiding that stuff in your home. Sky Angel goes one step further (and many steps too far) and pitches it’s stations as the definitive answer on what “Christ-Centered” is. According to Sky Angel the most Christ-centered new is Fox News. According to Sky Angel HGTV and TV in general is an opportunity to “re-energize your faith.”

I started to call them and found my self getting terribly ill and the thought of talking to a sales person trying to sell me faith through television. They are selling Television in the name of Jesus! My guess is Jesus would be stomping through and smashing a few satellite dishes on his way these days.

The Product is You

6 thoughts on “skyangel saved my soul!”

  1. HGTV acceptable to SkyAngel? Are they aware how many same sex roommates/couples are featured on those apartment makeover programs?
    There are extremely few safe havens on television.
    SkyAngel tries, I will give them that.
    If you watch enough Christian programming, you find you need to discern between what preaching is true doctrine and what is just trying to raise funds, like the broadcast on Daystar network where the pastor from World Harvest Chuch implored everyone to “plant their seed” (money) by sending them money by a deadline (Easter) in order that they might receive in return in the next year three specific benefits–Stress free life, Divine health and Financial Favor. It practically made me sick to my stomach that this pastor (Parsley, I think) tried to sell people on the idea that this is the way prayer works and in the process bilked them of millions. PRAYER DOESN’T WORK THAT WAY!!! Develop a knowledge of God through the scripture, obey his teachings and pray sincerely, YOURSELF, and you will see that he answers. YOUR prayer, not some televangelist’s releases the power of God on earth. He has commanded YOU to pray unceasingly. Do it yourself!! and pray corporately with others, but DO NOT purchase a prayer by “planting a seed” (sending money) to a pastor on a television program. This pastor in his message actually professed to having “planted seeds” of a million dollars. I bet he has!!! Your dollars. Pray, and go with God. Amen.

  2. Stephen, sorry, it’s satire.

    first of all I don’t watch TV anyways. But I’m not sure same sex couples are necessarily a bad thing to see on tv or in real life. What would be the goal of avoiding viewing same sex couples?

    Glad you had a chance to rant about the Parsley guy. Sounds pretty sketch, that stuff certainly freaks me out as well.

  3. Re HGTV: Point taken, Ariah. What was I thinking? Roommates are roommates; friends are friends. My apologies. C

  4. I am very disappointed in Sky Angel, and I regret that I purchased a lifetime subscription. I purchased Sky Angel because the programming on cable offered no religious channels whatsoever. Now Sky Angel’s programming has changed, and the channels that drew me to this broadcasting are no longer offered. At this time, Sky Angel has attempted to offer channels that I already subscribe to on cable. I feel that they did not hold up tehir end of the bargain. 7-27-07

  5. So what is your solution? Are you a complainer or a Do-er. Do you have network TV in your home that you watch? Do you have cable? If you do then take out the plank out of your eye first please.

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