Open homes and Churches

Don’t get me wrong, I am SO impressed by the number of people that have signed up at and I am amazed at people’s willingness to openly share one of their biggest and most expensive possessions to strangers in need. I pray that many many many more people do this and that there is not a single individual without a place to stay in the aftermath of the hurricane.

At the same time I wonder why more of us weren’t doing this before? I’m guilt of it myself. I was in Minnesota for a summer and I saw that each night about 17,000 people are homeless. I was sure there where at least that many empty guest rooms in “Born-Again” Christian homes in that state. Why don’t we open our homes to every person who needs a place to stay? Why are there homeless when there are empty homes and rooms?

I pray our hearts remain open to the needs of individuals in our own communities even after the hurricane is history. I pray we remember the people down the street in our own community. The one who needs and is looking for shelter and just a place to get their feet on the ground and start again.

4 thoughts on “Open homes and Churches”

  1. That is so true. I been thinking while it's great that people are helping out now, I wonder where these same people are when there are other injustices. Does an event have to be high-profile in order to get any sort of attention or aid?

  2. I understand you’re point, but for now, let’s be happy that people are doing this, and maybe now that’s this kind of thing is being setup, it’ll keep on even after the relief effort for the flood is over. This is a very good thing.

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