Love is Patient

If nobody else noticed, this is the third Sunday in a row that I’ll be posting about baby, with no baby in sight. It’s been a good full two weeks since I had full expected the baby to arrive. I don’t know why we were so set on this idea that the baby would come a few days early (maybe cause all the women on her side were early…). Anyways, like many other first babies, ours is still hanging out and getting a few more days of peace before entering this crazy world.

If anything I’ve learned, or have tried in vain to learn, patience. Recently, though she isn’t even 0 days old yet, I’ve felt like scolding her. How do you explain to your in utero baby that she’s really hurting her mommy’s feeling by not coming out when she was expected (she’s hurting her back, ankles, and hips too, but will stick with the emotions). I guess that’s where this idea that patience is really all you’ve got to go on, or develop, or learn to desire. I can’t scold my baby, she doesn’t know any better, and it’s not like she’s really in charge of this whole labor and birth thing anyways. So, what do I do? I love her. I patiently wait for her.

Here’s the crazy thing though. This little love is patient lesson is going to disappear pretty quick, if I’m not careful. Cause pretty soon she’ll be two and I’ll be waiting for her to put her shoes on (which she’ll insist on doing herself) to go to the park, and patience will go right out the window, along with love, if I’m not careful. If’ I’m careful though, I’ll remember I don’t need to be in a big rush anyways. If we are going to the park, the swings will wait. If we are going to Grandma’s the food can be warmed up, and if we were heading to a board meeting, we’ll it’s about time we start loving our kids more then the corporate execs.

Love is patient. It’s easy to be patient with a baby who you don’t put any responsibility on and who isn’t capable or in control of her actions. It’s going to be hard when I can blame her, argue that she’s capable of respecting other people’s time, and insist that it’s her choice and her actions. Don’t throw love out the window then.

So, without baby around it’s time to actually start putting this into practice. I, and you, need to be practicing patient love with the people in our lives. Regardless of how independent and capable the adults around you are, they need to be loved. Be patient with them, gentle, kind. Remember that they too, were once a cute little baby (some of which were one and two weeks late entering the world) and they could use a little loving patience now, as much as they did then.

5 thoughts on “Love is Patient”

  1. It’s really interesting to watch you deal with fatherhood, parenthood, and all that means. I’ll be praying for a quick and smooth delivery.

    Also, I’m really looking forward to you coming up here.

  2. You speak such words of truth! Thank you so much for sharing this here.

    Continue to be patient with your new daughter (and Mindy’s body). These are definately things we cannot control. But I assure you the result will be beautiful and glorious and well worth the wait.

    Tell Mindy I am praying daily for her. From someone who’s been there herself, I know it’s really tough waiting it out, and trusting that things will go *exactly* the way they are supposed to…without freaking out that something’s gone wrong or getting impatient with the whole process…especially when you have your own (and everyone else’s) expectations and timeline pulling at you.

    But the journey is a rewarding one and so full of blessings. Just enjoy it for what it is- the last few days where you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the little one is safe and secure, and helping Mindy focus on enjoying these last precious, very intimate moments in utero. They are so short and fleeting in the grand scheme of things, and she will no doubt look back on this time with great love and longing one day.

    Don’t worry…Your baby will arrive soon. I promise!! 🙂


  3. Wow, thanks you two for the encouragement. It’s been a little rough this past few days, really hopeful, then depressing. It’s a rollercoaster of emotion at times, but we are making it through. Thanks so much for the kind words.

  4. The average first baby comes a week and a half after the due date when people don’t get impatient and start screwing around with things. So be patient. She won’t pregnant forever.

  5. man, what is with babies not cooperating!?? Shannon is still preggo-she was due 3 days after you and we were really hoping to meet our niece!! It’s so sad! I hope baby Fine happens soon! Also, has Mindy managed to avoid the trend in her family of getting so sick? I hope so! We’ll be praying for you guys! Sadly, I have to unsubscribe to this…won’t be able to handle much email. But I’ll still pop in periodically (or at least am planning on it :o)
    Thanks for your awesome goodbye message!!

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