2008 Book Reviews: 52 Books Read in 52 Weeks

Last year I made it a goal to read 52 books in the year. No specifics on the books, authors, length or anything, just to read a book a week through the entire year. And I pretty much reached my goal (see the list at the end of the post). I realized in the last half week that I had miscounted and was a book shy, but what are you going to do. As a resort to my middle school english class days I wrote a brief book review each week on the book I read. For those who are interested, there’s a nice collection of book reviews here.

This year, I want to read the books I avoided last year, either because they were too long to finish in a week or too academic (read: boring). I also want to catch up on my reading of Geez Magazine and a few other noteworthy articles, essays and the likes.

I am entertaining the idea of doing weekly video book reviews on children’s books I think or worthwhile. You’ll get to watch my cute kid play peek-a-boo with the camera and I’ll mention what picture book we liked that week. Anyone interested? We’ll see, no guarantees unless there is a high demand.

My 2008 Book List (get authors and my recommendations here OR use the search bar in the top right to find my book review on each one):

Buy Buy Baby
Slaughterhouse Five
Giving Up
Serving with Eyes Wide Open
White Man’s Grave
Jesus and the Disinherited
The God of Intimacy and Action
The Other Side of The River
The Paradox of Choice
The Heavenly Man
Playing for Pizza
No Future Without Forgiveness
Sheparding a Child’s Heart
The Manga Bible
The 4-hour Workweek
It’s a Bunny Eat Bunny World
Jesus For President
My Beautiful idol
The Church Ladies
Letters To a Young Teacher
Traveling Mercies
Reconciliation Blues
Porn Nation
Hokey Pokey
The Dip
The Hidden Power of Electronic Culture
When Friends Ask About Adoption
Sex God
God for President
New Day Revolution
Oh Shit! It’s Jesus!
Rapture Ready!
Come On People
What Does it Mean to Be Well Educated?
Rules for Radicals
Plan B
The Great Brain
The Church of 80% Sincerity
Grace (Eventually)
Here Comes Everybody
The Dance of Attachment
Bird By Bird
Operating Instructions
Abortion Book
Blue Shoe
war and terrorism
The Long Tail
Chicago: Never a City So Real
The Myth of Multitasking
The Shack

5 thoughts on “2008 Book Reviews: 52 Books Read in 52 Weeks”

    1. Blake, I did one video review, thanks to your lone encouragement, and it was a huge hit.
      As to the books, if you get a head start now, you can get a good buffer before summer hits. 15 minutes a day, that's key. That and a few short books.

  1. @Zach: The one I’m currently reading (Jesus Wants To Save Christians)? Haven’t finished it yet, but it seems pretty good. And I really liked Velvet Elvis. The other one I read this year, Sex God, by Rob Bell was okay, but not nearly as good as Velvet Elvis.

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