YouTubesday is going to be slim today, mainly because I have three videos I’d strongly encourage you to watch, and they are a little bit longer then most.
GOOD Magazine has been making some amazing videos. Particularly this one fits well with much of the topics on this blog, it’s about Skid Row in LA. There are two videos here, the first an intro to Skid Row, the second, particularly about kids on the street. If you have to watch just one, watch the second one below.
Kids on Skid Row
(ht. gathering and compassion)
If that was the intro, this is the conclusion. This video is about 15 minutes, but well worth a listen. Shaun Groves is a musician from Nashville who sees his music opportunity mostly as a channel through which to promote sponsoring kids through Compassion International. It’s awesome to see his unwavering commitment. And he keeps a pretty quality blog too. Here’s a little mini sermon called Saved For…
shaun groves is a good read and indeed his compassion for helping the poor is inspiring