YouTubesday: Religion, Religion, Religion

Okay, so the email forwards recently about Obama are driving me crazy. Not from a political perspective, but from a “I’m ashamed to call my self a Christian and align myself with these people” sort of perspective. Anways, I figured I’d add to the religious cynicism and give some folks a few videos to find amusing or get angry at. Your choice.

First, a trailer for Religulous, seems interesting…

Then some late night Christian Television clips…

And finally a great monologue on using the Old Testament in modern day life, from the West Wing (also quoted in Jesus for President).

4 thoughts on “YouTubesday: Religion, Religion, Religion”

  1. They are driving me crazy too. I wrote an email and sent it off to the offenders. Haven’t heard a response, but I haven’t received anymore of those emails either. I posted the email on my blog. 🙂

  2. I got so upset by the constant barrage of xenophobic Obama hate mail that I responded to my grandfather-in-law with a curse word. That was probably out of line for me to do, but so is sending around an email about the “zebra messiah”. Yes, I’m pretty frustrated with those emails.

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