YouTubesday: Immigrants, Awareness Test, Strokes, Water and B-Boys

(Email Subscribers, You have to visit the site to see the videos mentioned below, they really are here!)

One Immigrant’s Story:

An Awareness Test:

A wildly interesting TED Video (ht. jonathan):

A car that runs on salt water (ht. fousty):

A sweet looking movie trailer (ht. Jeremy):

One thought on “YouTubesday: Immigrants, Awareness Test, Strokes, Water and B-Boys”

  1. cool vids. as for the burning salt water, or rather, the burning hydrogen released from the salt water, unfortunately it takes more energy to run the RF generator that breaks up the water than is procuded by the burning hydrogen. same goes for ethanol now – it takes more energy to produce it than you get from it. awesome to see the possibilities, however. it is creative work like this, rather than massive reductions in energy consumption (good, but unrealistic), that are most likely to to solve the energy “crisis”.

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