I often give a sigh of appreciation for technology when I hit the little sitemeter icon at the bottom of my blog. I click on over to the viewers by location section and I’m just fascinated.
The internet and the easy of blogging allows me to update, and keep updated on friends lives all over the globe. I can collaborate on a writing project with a friend in Hong Kong, Indiana, and Texas all at one time.
My updates and blog post are read by friends from all over the USA (California, Washington, Florida, Texas, Chicago, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, NY, Nevada and more), Peru, India, Hong Kong, China, Costa Rica, and the list goes on. Is that not amazing?
Not only do my friends read what I write, but any thought I have is viewable by anyone with an internet connection. I’ve made many new friends who share similar interest and values, and have gained advice and wisdom on issues and activities that are really important to me.
The greatest appeal to me is the contact it helps me keep with my close friends. Some might say it’s not as personal, or it’s shallow communication, but I have not found this to be the case. It’s seems that many friends open up more on a blog post then they ever would right off in a conversation. Not living close to many friends means the few times I get to see them are on short trips where I see many people at once, and the best we can do is just catch up on the little things.
Now if this blogging trend keeps us holed up in our rooms staring at a screen when we could be hanging out face to face with those same friends talking about things, I think we miss the point. For now though, I think blogging enhances my relationships far more then breaking them down.
I agree with you about this…although I still think we need to be super intentional about staying close to the friends who are in close proximity to us right now. But I think you are pretty intentional about that as well. : ) good thoughts.