Who should I interview?

So, I really like the idea of podcasting. I’ve done a few silly one’s but the themes vary a whole lot. There are a couple areas I’d be really interested in doing a podcasting series in, and I’m wondering what you’d think about them.
1) Interviewing Non-Christians about Christians and Christianity. This has always been an area I’m very interested in. One, because most Christians live in a bubble of sorts and never really hear “real live non-Christians” talk about things. Christians often seem to have opinions of the outside world made up entirely on what other Christians have told them (sounds so middle schoolish). Secondly, I’ve found there are a lot of Non-Christians that are quite interested in saying something to Christians collectively. I’ve talked to liberal non-Christians who can’t understand how Christians can name themselves after the radical liberal they see talked about in the Bible (Jesus). I’ve talked to homosexual non-Christians who just want to share how hurt they’ve been by so-called Christians, and ask how they can call their faith “loving.” I’d love to talk to others, and ideally give folks a constructive place to share heartfelt concerns and criticism of Christians in our society.

2. The other series I’d love to do is interviewing businesses and organizations I think are doing things Christians should support. This would include a whole bunch of fair trade clothing companies, something I think is Very important for Christians to be informed about. Also, CSA’s and other local farmers, and other cool organizations I learn about through out the country, or just through out Nashville.

3. Maybe just for podcasting and interviewing practice, I’ll do a series interviewing my friends, spread out across the country, and finding out what their post college experience has been like. (I like this as a starting idea).

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