What If We Wiped for Our Great, Great, Great, Great Grandchildren?

toilet paperWe talk about a lot of topics here, focusing on what we can do as stewards of the resources around us and our time and life to love our neighbor. No topic is taboo, so we are going to talk, just briefly about what you wipe with. That’s write we are talking about T.P.

We needed some new toilet paper the other day so I made a quick run into the grocery story, recognized the Seventh Generation brand, and grabbed a 12 pack. Toilet Paper isn’t something I had given much thought about concerning my stewardship. Here’s Seventh Generation’s slogan:

“In Every Deliberation We Must Consider. The Impact of Our Decisions On The. Next Seven Generations.” – Great Law of the Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy

So, regarding the deliberation of which Toilet paper to wipe with, Seventh Generation gave me the opportunity to consider the impact it would have on my Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Grandchildren. Here’s the impact this could have if we all considered it (from the website):

If every household in the U.S. replaced just one 4-pack of 260 sheet virgin fiber bathroom tissue with 100% recycled ones, we could save:

  • over 1 million trees
  • 2.7 million cubic feet of landfill space, equal to 4,000 full garbage trucks
  • 356 million gallons of water, a year’s supply for 2,800 families of four
  • and avoid 60,600 pounds of pollution!

What got me thinking about all of this? My BBC news reading, amazing wife sent me an article describing the further impact consumer driven deforestation is having on my global neighbors. Here’s an excerpt:

Most DIY enthusiasts would be shocked to find that their new garden decking helped to increase the poverty of hunter-gatherer communities in the Congo Basin of Central Africa.

What about the recently purchased hardwood table and chairs? Did these come from a 300-year-old tree that, until cut down for export to Europe, supplied a hundred poor people in Cameroon with oil, protein and medicine?

Most European consumers do not understand the impact on poor African communities of their timber purchases, due to the lack of information about where it comes from and how it is produced, and the impacts of its harvest on forest community welfare.

Be sure and read the whole article at BBC.

So you see, it’s not just for our seventh generations beyond, it’s for our neighbors here and now. Next time you go shopping, pick up some Seventh Generation.

8 thoughts on “What If We Wiped for Our Great, Great, Great, Great Grandchildren?”

  1. Man, it is SO refreshing to find another Christian that cares about God’s creation! Thanks for these thoughts, I look forward to following this blog in the future.

  2. You know, some people use washable cloth for toilet paper. If you’re using cloth diapers you might at well wash those too right? I admit that I don’t do that though.

  3. Eddie, Thanks for stopping by.

    I’ve also thought about a beday, but I think either of those things would be a major paradigm shift. Maybe next time we have to upgrade the toilet

  4. Thanks for stopping by my site the other day. I must say that you do cover a diverse set of topics. I like it!:) You don’t leave much out therefore there is not alot of room to comment. Somethings are better left alone!

  5. Travis and Jason,

    Thanks for hanging around. Feel free to continue to comment whenever you have a chance, I always appreciate a good challenge.

    I’m going to have to think about one of those. Right now I just use the flush method for the diapers.

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