Top ten eight ways to save water

1. If it’s yellow let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down.
2. Brick or 2-liter bottle in your toilet tank
3. Shower LESS.
4. If you shower do it “water conservy” style, 30 secs to get wet, water off, soap up, water on to rinse off. Shouldn’t take but a minute or two of water on.
5. when rinsing dishes off after washing don’t turn the water on so high, it takes a little longer but saves a lot of water to do it slowly
6. don’t let water run when you brush your teeth or soap up your hands.
7. If you need to run the water till it gets hot or cold enough, fill up a bucket or jug while your at it and use that to water your plants, etc.
8. Try a grey water system.

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