I don’t usually waste a post for this, but I figured I’d talk tech since that’s what I’m wasting time doing right now. I just reinstalled windows on my laptop yesterday. I then dual booted with Ubuntu. Ubuntu, so far is sweet. Here’s the basic explanation of it… You know those Mac vs. PC commercials with the two guys talking? Well, picture then last two seconds when they sort of look at each other, and suddenly a huge herd of buffalo, elephants and zebras come trampling through, that’s Ubuntu. It’s an operating system that’s open source (meaning free) that runs extremely fast, smoothly and pretty. I’ve been playing with it this evening and plan on trying to make it my regular OS of choice.
And then on top of that Google Analytics (website statistics) just upgraded to a much more user friendly layout. So, Now I’m browsing through all the visitors I’ve had in the past few months and it actually makes sense. It’s pretty amazing stuff. For example, the most popular posts last month are:
Hip Hop Songs of Struggle
Fair Trade Footwear: Walk a Mile in Ethical Shoes
I Cry At The Teasing and Bullying Too.
Corporate Responsibility Monday: Sweatshop Free? No Sweat.
Failing Reading Scores = Prison Cells
I had no idea the Reading scores post was still getting as many hits as it is. I always noticed a few people a day searching for that and finding my site, but wow it’s in the top five most popular!
Anyways, I think the point is Google rules the internet/computer world. I use google for email, notes, bookmarks, blog reader, and the list goes on. There’s nothing they aren’t good at, and google adsense helps me pay the bills. Thank you google, I still don’t think your evil. yet.