Tag Archives: keyboarding

If your cool you’ll check out slickrun.exe

I’ll blog about all the neat ways I use slickrun at a later date, I’m still just training myself to use it. Mainly it’s a simple way to keep you from switching from keyboard to mouse constantly. If I’m writing a paper and then I think I want to email zach and ask him something about it I can just type: “ctrl + space” and that starts slickrun where I type “compose” which launches an email window and then I just type my email using tab to navigate through. My fingers never leave the keyboard to open my email program and then click new email. Hopefully that makes sense. It’s only a few seconds of time, but that all adds up when you think about it.
slickrun has a number of other cool features I’ll tell you about later. For now, you early adopters can download it below.

Download Slickrun.exe