Tag Archives: google_maps

Tech Friday: Look up driving directions on google maps

In similar fashion to my last Tech Friday post we are sticking with cool Firefox Bookmarks. Zach asked me to do a driving directions one, rather then a yellow pages one.
So, without further ado here is the way to easily look up directions from your house to anywhere else.

Here’s how to do it (Sorry this is a bit more complicated then I’d like). The Code Below is what you want to edit to create your bookmark. First just add a new bookmark to Firefox (you can bookmark this page). Then go to that bookmark and right click and choose properties. Now you can name it what ever you want. Then your going to paste in the code below (after you’ve edited all the sections: STREETNUMBER, STREETNAME, etc.) into the “Location” box. Finally your going to pick your keyword (mine is dir), and then click okay.

That’s it. Now anytime you want to look up directions you just go up to the address bar (easiest is to hit ctrl+t to open a new tab) and type “dir orlando, fl” or “dir wheaton, il” and your search is done.