Tag Archives: energy_switch

The Green Power Switch: Hello Nashville

green power A couple of months ago I noticed the newsletter that came with my electric bill was talking about “Green Power.” Since green is my favorite color (actually it’s blue) and I’m really into power (you know guns, SUVs and dictatorships) I decided to venture to their website and check out what this Green Power stuff was all about.
Basically TVA (Tennessee Vally Authority) was asking me to add another $4, $8, or $12 to my already uncomfortably high electricity bill (which they just raised again by the way). I must say I was a little skeptical. After all it was pretty clear my extra dollars weren’t gonna get them to come over and put solar panels on my apartment roof. So I did what any curious consumer would do, I called them.
The wonderful lady at TVA explained the Switch wonderfully. Basically, though wind and sunlight are free, the technology to capture energy from them is expensive. TVA and other companies aren’t willing to shell out the extra bucks if their consumers don’t seem to care one way or the other (leading us all to a global meltdown). So, the Green Power Switch is an opportunity for environmentally conscious energy patrons to put their money where their mouth is and start paying for Green Energy.
Here’s what happens when I pay an extra $12 bucks a month for my electricity. Currently, TVA buys energy from lots of places (They don’t just make it all themselves). My extra $12 will be used for TVA to buy Green Energy to add to the power mix. So, even though I’m not directly getting all that Green Energy, I’m paying for my share ($4 per 150 kilowatt-hours).

Now it’s your turn. If you live in Tennessee the Green Power Switch form is available online for you. If you live elsewhere in the country check out Green-E to see if your state has an alternative energy program you can sign up for.