Tag Archives: commmunity

Decisions are difficult

Part of community is starting that community. We are still in that stage now on a very practical level: Where we live.
We are currently in the process of purchasing a house (not actual myself, but our friends who we are living with) and trying to continue the conversation to make sure we are on the right track. I think we find often that we close our conversations and our minds down too quickly when we make decisions about something. And that can go for a lot of things, from the purchases we make to the way we choose to view the world.

Back to the house. This is not my decision finally, it’s Bryan and Dawn’s choice, but they have lovingly and willingly opened the conversation up for us to be a part of the process. There are some wonderful benefits of owning the home that we will be living in, there are also some great perks to simply renting the space. We’ll see what the final decision is, but it is encouraging to be a part of the process.