Tag Archives: cheesy

Forwards make me cry

I can’t believe I’m actually making a post of this. I’ll start by saying most of the time I find forwards very annoying. If it’s got an “FWD:” multiple times at the beginning of an email I usually delete it. There are all kinds of real life sentimental stories out there, I don’t need to hear another cheesy forwarded one. On top of that, these forwards usually come from folks I barely ever email with at all, they come as a forward with no personal greeting or note on how this little story has impacted their lives, nothing of that nature. The only thing you can hope for is the good luck charm at the bottom if you send it to five friends before you delete it.

Yet, even after all of that, I sometimes take a minute and read through a forward or two. Usually it’s because I miss the person who sent it, and if that’s all I get from them, well, at least that’s a start. And as I get about three lines into it I can already guess the incredibly obvious and cheesy way the story is going to end. After one line you can tell if there is a political bias or agenda to the story at all.
I keep reading though, just to see if there is a twist to the story I didn’t expect, and rarely is there, it’s usually just the cheesy ending I expected.

And yet, even though I know how it’s going to end, and I know it’s probably a made up story just to tug at my emotions…
I still cry.

Here’s the most recent culprit.

(note: I think what I find so moving about the story above, is that it shows humans capable of an understanding of love being a more important motivating factor then winning. I long to see that more often.)