Six Sentences: Acceptance and Murder

I found the idea of writing a six sentence story so enjoyable last time (by the way, it was published at the official six sentence site here), that I’ve tried my hand at a few more. I’ll post them on Wednesday’s till I run out.

I’m not sure that I like this one as is, I think it could be written better, but who said it had to be perfect. Let me know if you have a better suggestion for the title as well.


“Oreo!” they had shouted at him, said and intended in a derogatory tone not often associated with a cookie. What they had meant, and it came across quite clear to him in the way they turned down their eyes and snarled their lips as they said the word, was that, though his skin might look similar to theirs, he was most definitely not one of them. This revelation had only become troubling recently – previously he hadn’t even wanted to be one of ‘them’ – but now, he’d slowly become aware that his adopted ‘family’ might say he was “part of the family” regardless of what he looked like, but everything else in their actions spoke otherwise. He was alone, those who looked like him, to whom he felt a connection that resonated in his bones, would not accept him; and his ‘family’, amongst those who raised him, the clothes, the privilege, the power and respect, it was not truly his, it never would be, it was only a charade, a display of charity at best. So he killed a man; in cold blood; as an act of justice, to prove his allegiance. The man had wronged his ‘people’ (though they did not consider him such), and though he thought the act would bring him into the fold, instead he found himself a fugitive, with no place to call home.

Any guess on where this was inspired from?

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