Reason #67 to Love Geez Magazine

Instead of reviewing a book today I wanted to review one of my favorite magazines. Geez Magazine is one of the best magazines I’ve read in recent times and I’d highly recommend it to anyone, regardless of faith background. I recently got a hold of issues #7 about Monsters and #8 about food.
Monsters, you say? Yeah, it was about monsters. At first when I saw that was the upcoming issue I was a bit skeptical. What in the world would they write about ‘monsters’? Isn’t that a little, oh, elementary? But when I started reading the issue I was enthralled. The opening article gives a glimpse:

When we pull back the covers, we find monsters in our heads and in our hearts, monsters we hide from, and monsters we hide behind, monsters we blame for atrocities we can’t otherwise explain, and monsters we may never fully glimpse. To Frankenstein and Leviathan, Grendel and the Wicked Witch, we’ve added monsters our grandparents couldn’t have imagined, plastic, polluting, disposable, heavily-armed, heavily-armored, highly-scheduled, commodified, mercenary, bio-tech-ed, and hairsprayed monsters of the heart, soul, earth, mind and sky. And, whew, do they scare us.

The Food issue is phenomenal. It’s gotten me thinking about my food in a whole new way. And they don’t just jump on the ‘organic’ bandwagon either. They have great interviews with conventional local farms. As well as an awareness raising article and info on farm subsidies, corporate farming and the chemical and seed industry. Here’s a great image on the topic:
Digestive Track

One other reason I really like Geez is they have a lot of female writers. I find it encouraging to hear new and unique voices on topics I’ve probably considered, but not from the new perspectives many of the writers bring.

Anyways, this is my review for the week. I read some books, but I really wanted to post about Geez Magazine. Check it out if you haven’t already.

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