Raw Milk? An Udderly Different Idea

(Sorry, I know that was lame).

I don’t have much to write on this topic, only that it came up and I’m doing a little investigating to learn more. Thanks for the tip from Erin. I’m a skim milk drinker, so this would be a major stretch, but the basic idea is getting unpasteurized milk, straight from the cow, free of all the crazy unknown chemicals they currently inject your milk with.

I’ve been trying to be more intentional about my thoughts about food. Why? I’m not sure, except that I think it’s an area that has a large impact on not just us, but our world. Though, I have know idea where I’m going with it. I’m not that interested in becoming a vegan, nor even a vegetarian to be honest.

This is short, because I’ve got a little kiddo to play with, but I thought I’d put it out there and see if anyone had any thoughts.

9 thoughts on “Raw Milk? An Udderly Different Idea”

  1. In terms of raw milk, I think it is a great possiblity as there are a few different options out there. My grandparents used to farm and I can still remember bringing grandma milk from the bulk tank and then watching her boil it so it would last longer in the fridge.

    Other possible options are looking at local farms that might bottle milk (not sure about chemicals if they use any, etc.) but down here in Chatfield we have Big Red Barn that sells directly to the community but also supplies the grocery store with milk. They use heavy glass containers and you pay a $3 deposit that gets refunded when you return the glass bottle. Environmentally responsible for sure. My wife and I got into this when we were in Durham, North Carolina and they had a farm out by Chapel Hill that did the same thing. I have to believe that some community just beyond the burbs has something like it.

    Just thoughts.

  2. We tried the raw milk thing, it was okay, but different. We are part of the skim milk folks now. My mother, not a follower of God has embraced the 7th Day diet and gone almost vegan (it has greatly improved her health, lowered her blood pressure, helped her eyesight, lowered her weight). I have a problem saying meat or animal products are “Bad” since Peter’s vision and the whole Jewish culture of eating ox, lamb and sheep goes back quite a ways. But I am not real big on meat either as it does seem to slow me down to digest much of it. I’m not sure it is a big thing to God if we eat meat or drink milk as long as we don’t eat meat cooked in milk? I never quite had that one figured out…don’t worry, I don’t do it.

  3. I’ve heard great things about all foods unpasteurized–keeps the live enzymes that help your body. I vote for it if you can find a source. I’ve also heard really good things about making your own almond milk.

  4. I’ll be honest. I’m way into food right now. Mostly cooking it.
    I’m not much into the raw milk thing, though my wife is interested and we’re trying it.

    I don’t mind pasteurization. Remember in the 1800’s when thousands of people died from bacteria through milk. Then Louis decided to heat it up. People started surviving drinking milk. I like that.

    I also have a cholesterol problem and drinking the raw stuff will probably kill me. Not interested. Though we spend the extra for organic milk, even though many people have different issues with that. Old Home is my favorite. It tastes so much better than Organic Valley and is Minnesota made…

  5. I know a kid who has a severe milk allergy…at least to milk from the store. His parents found out that if they get milk straight from the cow, he’s OK. Turns out, he’s not allergic to milk…just to the junk they put in it! I have not made the switch, so I can’t come from that direction, but going raw milk or goat’s milk both seem like good options.

  6. Thanks for your thoughts everyone!

    I’m definitely not decided yet. I’m a strictly skim milk drinker right now so the idea of a switch like this would be really weird.

    But I’m considering it.

  7. Ariah, do you have a cow?

    🙂 Just kidding…but seriously, where would you get it from? I know there are ways to get it without having your own cow, but educate me on how that might play out. Growing up, I’ve had milk straight from our cows before. Mostly just for fun…it’s less boring milking a cow when you take breaks and squirt it in your or your dog’s mouth. heheh

    Oh the joys of growing up on a farm.

  8. hi, i live in raleigh and would like to know where i can purchase raw milk , either goat or cow milk it fine with me. please email or contact @ 919-266-7104. thanks

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