Random Thoughts on Politics

Since I haven’t written any real blog posts in a week, it’ll take me a little bit to get back into the groove of things. With that said, I figure I could ramble about a few political thoughts. Don’t worry nothing inflammatory or profound here. Just random.

I’d really like to find a Christian who considers themselves a republican to dialog with. I realized when I started learning about politics (which wasn’t till about freshman year of college, and even then I didn’t know R from D, Left from Right or which animal was which), I never really gave the Republican view a chance to explain itself. I looked at my views as a Christian and then looked at the political views and being Republican just didn’t make sense to me. I don’t mean that as an attack, just my honest thought. So, what I’d love to do is be able to hear from someone about why the believe and support the political views that they do in light of Scripture. Not a debate, just me listening and asking questions for clarity. Just don’t know anyone… Any suggestions?

I’m interested in politics this year, but it seems to be for different reasons then four years ago. I’m still quite skeptical of the political parties, Democrats and Republicans specifically, I’m more of a third party guy. But, it’s exciting to me that for the first time in this countries history we could have a president who isn’t an old white guy. I’m trying to avoid any bandwagons, but that is exciting.

Local politics. Not that I’m interested in running, but for a variety of different reasons, I’ve been thinking about the impact of local political power. One of the council members for our neighborhood is Don Samuels, from what I’ve read and heard he’s a pretty awesome guy, and he happens to go to the same church as us.

Politics and Protest. I’ve attend my share of protests, not an insane amount, We don’t make cross-country road trips to break windows and get tear-gassed, but I have taken the opportunity to raise my voice (and sign) in solidarity with others to make our message known. The more I’ve done it the more I’ve realized how much creativity is lacking in the protest movements of the day. We need some inspiration from old school activist. Which reminds me of this awesome book I read a few years ago called Rules for Radicals.

Those are my political thoughts.

6 thoughts on “Random Thoughts on Politics”

  1. Hey Ariah,

    Let me talk to my boss and see if he’d be willing to chat with you about politics. He’s been sick, but I’m sure he’d love to share about being a Republican and a Christian. Glad that you’re promoting conversation. . .


  2. it’s amazing how different our lives are depending on our environments. i didn’t know Democrats could even be Christians until I moved to Nashville…that’s perhaps a bit of an exaggeration, but not much of one.

    i love that you are doing this though, and I hope you find a great person to have this conversation with…podcast?

  3. Erin: Thanks that would be cool. Think he’d let me record it for a podcast?

    Adria: Yeah, I was kind of thinking podcast. I didn’t know the difference back in the day, but I remember thinking Clinton was bad because of the moral integrity and then Bush was a Christian so he should be president (obviously I was getting that info from some environment).

  4. Ariah,

    Well I used to be Republican, then I was Independent, now I do not take part in the process at all. I am more into the issues which more or less can be resolved by not only participating in the Kingdom, but the community in general. Putting up an old post on my new blog to share some thoughts on it, hope it helps.

  5. I am your man! Although, I am not a very well behaved republican these days… I fully supported Ron Paul in the primary b/c of his strong anti-war stance, insistence on getting rid of all income taxes and his insistence that government shouldn’t dictate morality.

    I feel we have a problem with politics as Christians in America. In blunt terms, the Republicans are a bunch of war mongers but the Democrats are the party of staunch abortionists and a radical homosexual agenda. Its hard to pick a side that fully represents a good Christian view. I understand that neither of these things are fully representative of each party, but they are to me one of the ugly sides of each face.

    One other things about party politics. I hate that the more people rise to national prominence the more they seem to adhere to party tenants. For example, Al Gore said he was staunchly opposed to abortion in the 80s, but somehow changed his mind by the time he became Vice President and thought that a womans right to choose was supreme. To me this is why I have little respect for the man. The party demanded he change his view on abortion and he did. In contrast, Bob Casey was a very popular Democrat governor in my next door state of Pennsylvania, but since he was also staunchly pro-life, he couldn’t advance any further in the national ranks.

    So anyway, I have a lot to say, I’m friendly, Christian, and I’m rarely offended by anything anyone says to me. I’m a good guy to talk to b/c I’ve been questioning a lot of my previous viewpoints, but I still keep coming down on the conservative side of things.

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