Don’t know if I’ll make this a regular Thursday thing, but I’ve got to throw a post in every once in a while with an assortment of random links for your enjoyment. Here you are:
- Miller takes on the ethical shopping dilemma.
- Compassion in Politics predicts 2008 the Year of the Editor.
- Josh Brown tackles our wayward patriotism.
- You have to check out The Decapatator:
A little gruesome but extremely creative anti-advertising campaign. Some great photoshopping skillz. [via] and [via] - This is what I’m going to do next time I’m called for Jury Duty. Brilliant. And I mean that in a “wow I never thought to take my Christian thinking and apply it to that part of life” sort of brilliance, not a “how to get out of Jury Duty” sort of brilliance.
- Bart Campolo‘s take on the Bible.
- And I leave you with a quote [via, via & via]:
“There’s one thing left: Go sell whatever you own and give it to the poor. All your wealth will then be heavenly wealth. And come follow Me.”
The man’s face clouded over, as this was the last thing he expected to hear. Suddenly, he had an idea.
“But Teacher, what if we try this: I’ll stay here with the way things are, I’ll keep all my stuff, and I’ll tell people it’s a blessing from You! It’s a win-win for both of us—I get to maintain my lifestyle, and You end up looking good! What do You think?”
Hey Ariah, I think you wanted to link here:
The linking system got messed up when I switched servers a while back, so now old links don’t go to where they ought.
ok..your on the list.