I’ve written for RelevantMagazine.com a number of times now. It’s a decent magazine, targeting 20-somethings with a focus on God, Life, and Progressive Culture. They have a lot of movie and music reviews and they try and stay on top of the latest trends.
Recently, the folks at Relevant started promoting a new magazine they would be releasing entitled, Radiant. Radiant Magazine as you can see from the site is geared towards women. What’s so terrible about a magazine geared specifically towards women? Nothing; the terrible thing is that it implies, that Relevant was/is geared toward men. I am not saying Relevant was, or is, a men’s magazine, I’m saying their choice of wording implies that it was.
Take a look at the ad for Radiant on Relevant’s homepage. It says, “It’s Our Turn Now.” Does this mean that Relevant was the “men’s” turn? Clearly the approach towards this new magazine does reveal that assumption (just like so much of our culture). Why wasn’t Relevant a level place for men and women? Why can’t guy’s learn to take turns in the same place, rather then forcing women to go off on their own to have a voice?
If Relevant is a magazine for 20-something males it should say MALES outright. Personally, I don’t think they had any intent for Relevant to be a ‘male’ mag, it’s their choice of wording that hint at the sort of assumption that ‘normal’ or ‘regular’ means male or oriented towards men.
Here I am a male ranting about these things, Do any females want to chime in?
I am pissed off about the whole Relevant/Radiant Magazine situation. I mean even the name of the magazine pisses me off. Relevant being for men implies that men are interested in intellectual discussions on what is going on is society, the world, and religion, and women are not, while, the title Radiant implies that girls are mainly interested in that which is physically beautiful. Ugh. I am so mad.
I definately consider myself a feminist, but I feel like you are getting carried away. I don’t know you so I could be misunderstanding but as I commented on Adam’s blog (Pomomusings), I think there is a real neat for a solid women’s magazine that instills good values and shows women the immence possiblities for thier lives instead of the crap in most women’s magizines. I have a young girl cousin that eats those things up and it is teaching her to be materialistic and that she needs a nose job. Moses’ face was radiant when he encountered God, as we can be when we encounter God so the title does not necessarily imply service beauty though it can include it. If Relvant is really a “man’s magizine” I can see the problem, but I’m not sure where you are getting that. Couldn’t it be a general magazine (like it seems to be) with the first spin off being for women?
Thank you So much for your comments. I FULLY agree that we need more solid women’s magazines with good values. I DO think it’s great to see a magazine like this that is going to give a solid voice, and a new perspective, to women. And believe me I’ll be checking out Radiant’s articles and podcast fairly regularly.
I STILL see a problem with some of the way it’s being advertised and what that reveals about our male-dominated, male-centered culture. Your right, I do agree Relevant was supposed to and probably still is a “general magazine,” but the exact problem is that “general” and normal often men’s male dominated. Don’t you think “It’s our turn now.” Reveals quite an interesting perspective on previous assumptions?
good post. i also blogged this change in format or rather “addition” to format. i am not quite sure if relevant is expanding because of a demanding, seemingly unrepresented, demographic or if they are stretching themselves too thin to appeal to a market they are creating on their own. whatever the case, they should tread carefully as they don’t want (and neither do i) to see relevant turn into a “christian version of maxim” or something. you can read my stuff at:
drewandbritt. blessings…..
i don’t feel like relevant is or was geared toward men. i feel like radiant is a stupid marketing/sales gimmick and will not be subscribing, and i will continue to subscribe to relevant as long as they don’t get any worse.
i’ve found relevant, over the months and years, becoming their own archnemesis. making Christ relevant to culture instead of finding him in culture. making Christ ‘cool’ in the name of relevance. if this continues, i won’t be renewing another subscription. i can buy plenty of other magazines if i want to be sold a bunch of ‘cool’ crap in the name of culture and relevance.
but the last issue that they put out was very, very good, and i’m proud that they seem to be open to articles on fair trade, for example.
back to radiant, i mostly think it’s stupid, unneccessary, and probably not well-thought through enough on their part. i doubt that they are intentionally being sexist, and i don’t see it as such (although i can clearly see how you do), but a rather stupid oversight/miscommunication nonetheless. i don’t think we need a separate magazine for women, and i don’t view relevant as a separate magazine for men.
I just took a look over at Radiant Magazine’s website. I agree with Amy that it would be great if there were a Christian woman’s magazine that discussed topics that are important to women. I have been intrigued by Relevant Magazine even before the first issue was published. And I feel that it is geared towards 18-25 year old males. Which is fine if that’s what they want to do. I don’t want this comment to go too far off track so i’ll leave it at that. But I think that packaging up a “women’s” magazine that is called Radiant (look at the site, marketing materials, and articles, i don’t think they’re talking Moses here people) and selling that to young women will do more harm than good. Do Christian women need a safe community to ask questions and find there way in this world? Absolutely, and so do Christian men. If Radiant does that, awesome. If it turns into talking only about body image, and external things I think that the publishers would better serve the community by not publishing that.
Hello there, I just came upon your little site here.
My husband works for RM.com as the lead web designer. I really don’t think Relevant had any ill will towards women at all with Radiant. You can see that in many ways, With many articles towards women, books, apparel, it’s hard to say they have been over looking women. But, Relevant was founded by a man, he works hard to make a good magazine, but he is man, and the one woman editor on staff wanted a place all her own for women. I think is a good thing, doesn’t mean you can’t read Relevant as a woman… come on this whole sexist thing is getting old. Men and women are different… we are loved by God equally, but are functions in many ways are different. Just look at how God made our bodies, look at how God talks about men and women in the bible. As women need not be so anger that we are the crowns of creation… we need to embrace it.
Be blessed.
Jenny James
Jenny. Thanks for the information about the genesis of Radiant Magazine. I think that is helpful in understanding. From my understanding of the women that have posted here about their dislike for what Radiant magazine appears to stand for, is that the portrayal of women is, at best, incomplete, and at worst, offensive and incorrect. I have no doubt that Relevant and Radiant intend to further God’s kingdom by catering to 18-29 year old (both male and female). My concern and I think the concern of others here is that editorial staff of Radiant seems to focus on superficial and consumer-centric aspects of womanhood (ie. shopping). It’s just incomplete and in my opinion unfair. My wife has so much more to offer to world and to the Church than concerns about shopping. She’s a thoughtful, intelligent creative woman who shouldn’t be diminished to lipstick and shopping.
Certainly don’t mean to make too much of it. I couldn’t agree more with you about Relevant. I had pretty high hopes for it… and have been disappointed. I think it could be so much more. But alas, there are a lot of things that could be so much more. We fall short. I know that I feel that way in my life, career, etc. My goal is to continue my pursuit of Jesus, whatever that looks like, on a daily basis. I appreciate the candor on this site. Thanks Ariah for a place to come and discuss all of these things.
Glad I could help facilitate some discussion.
For a little while this article was number two on a google search for Radiant Magazine, so your thoughts have been read.
more on all of this to come I’m sure.
Just Noticed the headline on the ad on Releventmagazine.com for Radiant Magazine… It reads “It’s our turn now”. help me with another way to read this other than… relevant is for guys, and radiant is for girls.
By listening to the podcast and looking around at what they’ve said about the new magazine, it’s not difficult to understand what they ment by “it’s our turn now”
Relevent has overcome one of the hardest obstacles in the magazine indestry, drawing in a male readership. They’ve said 60% of their readership is male, and they simply wanted to present the other 40% with a magazine they could relate to.
I really think your reading way too much into this.
I havent read the other post, but I saw your post on the Relevant Boards. I dont think the ad for Radiant Magazine which was apparently taken down, was saying that Relevant is only for men at all. Relevant I believe appeals to both men and woman is is considered a unisex magazine and would be considered that by Cameron and the Relevant staff. Just because Radiant is geared towards females does not mean that Relevant has to be geared towards men.
As I read the other post it seems that this subject was already covered.
I came across this site while just doing some research on what people were thinking and saying about Relevant.
I started working at Relevant about 4 weeks ago as one of the art directors, the first female designer on staff and will be heading up the design for Radiant. SO, I’m loving the banter, the honesty, the questions, concerns… When I was approached about the job I honestly thought the idea of Radiant seemed a bit cheesey. I was concerned about Relevant being for guys or, what if I don’t want to read Radiant and stick to Relevant? That’s fine. If you love Relevant, stick to it. After working on the next issue of Relevant (Mar/April) I think that you’ll see that the magazine is sticking true to it’s coed stance… there’s even a female on the cover. Radiant will be an offshoot, a magazine specifically for women to offer a place where articles can be written more specifically to women’s issues. Now, I don’t have any control over articles although if you’d like to suggest some of the things you’d like to see them cover, step up and send Cara (the editor) an email (cara@relevantmediagroup.com). I’m sure she would love the insight on what you, the people the magazine is for, would like. And as for my position, I will do all I can to make the magazine something that you’ll enjoy. I’m 21 and I don’t want a cheesy magazine to read either. I want something amazing, something as good as Relevant but different, visually appealing and not frilly, a quality option for those who choose to embrace it, and an overall solid Christ-centered magazine. Relevant is really an amazing company, ever-changing and growing. I’m sure they’ve made mistakes at times, but they’re serving God and have a heart for ministering to their peers. So please, if you have any suggestions or comments for design or anything else I would love to hear them and see what I can do. Feel free to email me at anna@relevantmediagroup.com
and I redesigned that radiant ad on the website that doesn’t say “it’s our turn now” anymore. I’m not sure why they took it out but, I agree that that’s maybe not the best way to put it.
this was a book of a comment…
I know that I’m joining into this discussion a bit late but I just found this thread and it intruiged me. I’m actually neutral on the ad, I didn’t find it to be offensive but I could definitely see how some would . What really peaked my interest, however, was Kendall’s comments on issues such as body image and shopping as being “superficial”. To me, there are some crucial heart issues linked in with these topics and it’s about time that young women were offered with a biblical perspective. (I will mention that i am unfamiliar with both magaines so I can’t say whether Radiant will actually offer this perspective.) I am sick and tired of women’s magazines featuring models who are already seemingly physically flawless and then airbrushing them some more. What frustrates me even more is that many young women are unaware of this and don’t realize that they’re striving for a standard of perfection that isn’t attainable, even for those that make a profession out of this. I am sick and tired of magazines that encourage a style of dress that is imodest. I am sick and tired of magazines that offer a materialistic view on clothes and shopping and encourage consumerism. Would I love to see a magazine for women that features “real women” who aren’t airburshed? Yes! Would I love to see a magazine that encourages dressing in a style that is trendy while modest? yes! Would I love a magazine that encourages readers to think globally and be a conscious consumer? Yes! Call me superficial but I’m all for it.
The premier issue of Radiant magazine streets in 17 days. Reserve your free sample copy today at http://www.radiantmag.com. “Life from the inside out!”
Judgeing by the stupidty of anyone who agrees with this chicken who doesn’t even put his name to this. Clearly shows he is a moron!!!!! I ashamed to be a male when I read such stupid things like this on a webpage. If a guy like this is stupid enough to believe that relevant is a guy’s magazine he should just get in touch with is female side and get s subscription to radiant. If girls want to have a magazine and relevant media will provide it that is okay with me. Who knows maybe relevant is makeing a guys magazine. Also if you actually listened to the relevant podcast’s and read the magazine’s you’d know that relevant has clearly stated that it is not just a guys magazine now. Good luck in being offended by such stupid things. Get in touch with reality.
Hello Jason,
Glad to have your input on the topic at hand. Not sure how you found this post or anything, but glad you did. My name is Ariah Fine, it’s at the top of my blog and fairly common knowledge, so I hope you don’t think I was trying to be anonymous and sneak.
I agree Relevant is not a ‘Men’s Magazine’ I never said it was.
I hope you read my post, because this might be a repeat. I was writing about the ad that said: “It’s our turn now.” You can read the post, but basically I said that seemed to imply that Relevant was the Guys turn.
Does that make any sense to you?
I didn’t mean to offend you, and I don’t take what you said personally, but I wouldn’t mind helping you to see what it is I’m talking about. Hope I was of service.
I think that both magazines are great and I don’t believe that RELEVANT is trying suggest that women should be reading RADIANT instead. Read both and chill out. I’m a guy, and i’ve never felt that RELEVANT was written for just men. Most of my friends who read it are girls and they like both magazines equally. I don’t see why it’s such a big deal. There is no conspiracy here. Read both and be happy.
Yes, I know this observation comes way late in the game, but your blog popped up on page one as I Googled Radiant. Fellow Christian writer, first let me say that as a woman writing for a woman’s Christian e-zine, my very first impression of the title, “It’s Our Turn Now” carries a much broader message to me – not that it’s girls against guys, or worse yet – Christian girls against Christian guys. The whole idea of disunity is something we’ve been battling since The Garden! I think that title denotes a similiar message we carry here at Beautiful One Magazine. And that is that Christians (women and men alike) must be viewed in a new light. I applaud the efforts and headway made by Relevant. And Radiant is stepping out, as are we, to connect with an audience that has few choices for good, clean, but socially relevant content. Hope your offense has dissipated and that you embrace the bigger picture. Be blessed! tracyx@beautifulonemagazine.com
I’m a 36 year old woman who never found Relevant geared toward men specifically (maybe I was missing something there, but I thought it’s been done well so that people could see Christian things in a fresh way. I like Radiant, too, & think it’s good. I never saw the thing about “Now it’s our turn” or whatever that slogan was. I saw the website & surfed over it before ever hearing any of the remarks above & thought it to be a good magazine. Yes, it’s obviously geared toward women, which there’s nothing wrong with at all, just as there’s nothing wrong with a magazine geared toward men. I think it’s good that there are magazines geared toward specific niches – men, women, musicians, writers, etc. – so that people can find something they can easily relate to. If it’s all going to lead people into the Kingdom & do it effectively &, mainly, Biblically, then it’s worth it.
My view, anyway. 🙂
i didn’t think of relevant being a men’s magazine until you said that. i think relevant is actually pretty even. it doesn’t depict women and men very differently and women are as likely as men to be pictured and when they are it isn’t in a subservient way as it often is in normal magazines with advertisements for makeup and shit. i think radiant is going to be pretty cheesy. i’m doing a paper on representation of gender in media right now and i was checking out the radiant website and there was stuff on there about cooking and being a good wife and dieting and shit. i think it’s pretty dumb. maybe the best way to deal with stuff like that is to stop reading media that promote the sort of worldview that makes women into pretty, skinny cooks and read nothing or something egalitarian.
no one’s going to read this because it’s at the bottom. i only read the first three. obviously you didn’t, whoever’s reading this. get a life.
I read your’s!
For more gender in the media check out:
There is another consideration here.
At the last Urbana conference, one InterVarsity staff blogged about talking to some people when they asked why there were lounges targeted to specific minorities, and where was the white lounge. His blogged (but unspoken) response was that the entire conference was a white lounge.
Which is to say this, when we are part of the majority culture, or the advantaged culture, it is easy for us not to see the ways that we impose our mores/points of view/cultural practices on others, because we consider our ways of being as the default. Is it possible that the articles of Relevant were imposing some particularly male points of view that we as guys would be unaware of?
If so, then providing some “space” where particularly female points of view can be the defaults could be a very healthy thing.
I completely agree about the importance of providing a ‘space’ for those outside the ‘majority culture’ to express their point of view and to be heard. I think it’s an extremely healthy thing.
And for the record, though I don’t subscribe to Radiant magazine, I do listen to their podcast regularly. I don’t have any problem with them starting a new magazine. I’m a fan of Radiant Mag!
The only thing I was trying to address was the choice of language. ‘It’s Our Turn Now’ implies it wasn’t their (females) turn before. I’m not saying Relevant was a men’s magazine, nor that female voices didn’t have influence and voice in the magazine. I’m simply pointing out that the choice of language on their advertisement implies something different.
(does that make any sense?)
I think it is pretty apparent that Radiant and the pitch for is just an attempt to sell more magazines to more people. Whatever you think of whether that is cool or not, it seems no more complicated than that.
I see where you’re coming from; although, like you mentioned, I do not believe it was the intent of those in charge to be sexist or to put priority/importance over one sex or the other. I personally am interested in both magazines. I just recently heard about Radiant, and thought it was great idea, and I never thought Relevant Mag was geared towards men, but was entirly unisex; and it is. I must admit, though, if Relevant was for men and Radiant was for women, I’d still suscribe to both. I think it’s important to get a well-rounded perspective. Either way, I’m supportive.
One time I went to a store with my dad. I picked out a fashion magazine and an astronomy magazine.
When we were at the counter making my purchase the cashier (a woman) cheerfully told me "your magazine is cheaper than his!" I was surprised and just went ugh in my brain. My dad and I just smiled and nodded.
You know the saying about making assumptions…