Sorry again for the less then substantive posts. I promise to get back to regular posting shortly. For now, I thought I’d make another brief push for joining the Economic Stimulus Giving Spree. We are almost at our 20 person goal:
(and you can sign via Facebook now)
In other news, I know right after a serious of boring and sporadic posts is probably not the best time to pump the subscription page, but humor me okay 🙂 I’ve updated the Subscription page for those who might be interested in just subscribing to particular posts or categories of posts, you can see the options at the Subscription Page.
And finally, if you haven’t been to the site recently, please stop by. I’ve created some fancy little post banners for some of my more substantive posts and they rotate through in the sidebar. You might find one that peaks your interest. If so, be sure to leave a comment!
post how you feel, its your blog…no apologies needed man
Thanks for creating this pledge on PledgeBank — and congrats on reaching your goal! Please help us spread the word about the site by emailing it out to your friends…we’re eager for good stuff like this to happen all over the world!