Here are a few stories of creativity I’ve read recently…
- With all the foreclosures there are a lot of neighborhoods with houses with rather unpleasant plywood covering the doors and windows. An artist in Chicago took advantage of the opportunity and began offering his boarding contract services with a twist. Basically he puts boards on windows, but he paints the boards to look like windows and doors, rather then just boring plywood. He’s done it to a few houses in my part of the city and is hoping to get a big city contract. I’d sure like to see more art in the neighborhood. –Star Tribune
- There’s this guy Steve Lambert, who is pretty awesome. He runs the Anti-Advertising Agency. They are responsible for stuff like PeopleProducts123, and this video (which I’ve shown before)
There’s a great interview with Steve in Gelf mag. - And the last one is this pastor from Detroit named Harvey Carey. He spoke at Sanctuary Covenant recently and he mentioned one of their creative activities. The men of the church go camping every summer. They get their tents and lanterns and they set up in front of the drug houses in the neighborhood. They hangout, cook s’mores and basically keep any business from happening. And when they drug dealers move out to a new location, the church camp out moves with them. He said they’ve shut down 15 drug houses that way in the past few years.
We need more creative stories.
I really like the last story. Are they able to develop any relationships with the dealers? Does anyone get hurt?
I’m not sure of the details, it was sort of an aside in the sermon. My guess is no one (I think your speaking of the church members) has gotten hurt, but I’m sure they’ve developed some relationships. I couldn’t find any more details when I looked up the church stories.
Thanks for checking though.
It need a lot of courage to move with the drug dealer. I salute them for their courage. Creative…. maybe.