In my time of attending church, college chapels, and now listening to preacher’s online and through podcast, I’ve heard quite a few sermons. Many of them blend together, sometimes taking small nuggets of wisdom or simple encouragement, but a few stick out in my mind as having had a notable impact on my life.
I’m sure many others have had similar experiences from sermons they’ve heard, and now with the reach of technology, there’s a good chance that you can share that sermon with others, to be equally impacted. So, with out further ado, I present to you the Notable Sermon Awards.
The goal of the awards is for you to share on your blog a sermon (or multiple) that have had a notable impact on your life. Preferably these are sermons for which you can link to an mp3 or otherwise make available for others to listen to. If you need help with this step, please mention it in the comments below.
I don’t think I need to tag people to get this thing going, but I might as well (Josh, Bryan, Julie, Joe, Zack, Mak, and anyone else). To participate in the awards simply name the sermons, provide links and tag others. You can also copy and paste the code below to place the Award Badge on your blog post:
I have a few I could choose from, but I’ll stick with just one so others can point out their favorites too. This is one I myself did not actually hear in person, but was recommended to me in 2003. It’s a Wheaton College chapel message from the year I was gone, given by Kari Miller who works with world vision. Be ready to cry.
Kari Miller, Wheaton College Chapel Message (22:05 and just 3mb to download)
I wish that I had a recording of the most amazing sermon that I’ve ever heard. It was by an Iraqi nun a couple of days before the war with Iraq started. She was powerfully full of the Holy Spirit. I haven’t heard anything like it before or since.
Very nice set up(on the blog)!
I have two that really stick out. One was about classification and the other was given by Ken Freeman. Both were very powerful and assisted me greatly in relationship with Jesus. This is a nice way to pay tribute to those who allow themselves to be used by God!
I am going to add you site to my blog roll. If that is not okay just let me know and I will remove it. God bless you!
Any chance it was this lady:
Sister Olga Yacob, an Iraqi nun currently living and studying in the Boston area and founder of the Missionaries of the Virgin Mary, the first order of Catholic nuns in the Assyrian Catholic Church in 700 years.
Yes, that’s her! Thanks. I couldn’t remember her name or anything.
The most amazing sermon I ever heard was a 4 part series by the Founder of Christ Central, which got its start in Columbia, South Carolina. He is totally given over to helping the poor and homeless. Hearing how he gave up everything, including his job to spend all his time on this was what inspired me to get more involved in Outreach Ministry but alas it cannot be found online.
Great idea. I need to look around to see if I can find links to some of the best sermons I’ve heard. I’ll see what I can find.
great idea! i’ll send suggestions