This is Mindy’s first mother’s day as a mom. Carrying around a human being in your body for 8 months definitely qualifies you to be celebrated (changing diapers, screaming babies, and all that comes next certainly isn’t a walk in the park either). I’ve had the chance to be around some amazing mothers, so I feel shout outs are in order.
Mindy- The first inklings of love I ever had for my (now) wife were when I saw her playing with kids. She’s such a natural loving and caring person and I distinctly remember thinking I wanted those qualities in a wife; I got exactly what I wanted! It’s amazing to behold this reality and I am honored and forever grateful for the opportunity to raise children with my beautiful wife.
My Mom- I’ve waxed eloquently before about my mom, so here’s an additional bit of love. As I think about all the ins and outs of raising my own children, I continually look back and see how my mom has loved and raised me, she’s a solid example of what it takes day in and day out to selflessly raise children. I think I turned out okay don’t you? For real proof my mom is amazing you just have to meet my brother and sister.
Mindy’s Mom- I can’t possibly say thank you enough to those that have been a part of Mindy’s life, her mother is no exception. From putzing in the kitchen to counting out mints for Christmas stockings, Mindy’s mom has been a joyous addition to my life and a stable foundation from which Mindy has been able to flourish. She’s raised a beautiful daughter that I am touched and honored to have the opportunity to share a life with.
Dawn- For the past year, I’ve had the joyous (and I truly mean joyous) opportunity to share daily life with a family who have become our family. As the mystery of parenthood approaches I, unlike the vast majority of guys entering fatherhood, have had the opportunity to practically have a practice run at seeing life with children. Dawn has been a wonderful example and a kind friend to have opened such a cherished part of family life to Mindy and I.
And in case you thought the shout outs were over, there’s room for three more minutes of fun. This goes out to all you folks, young and old, who have mothers…
Hey dude,
congratulations on your upcoming parenthood! I’ve got my own second child coming some time around this week, so pretty hyped up on that 😉
Best regards to Mindy and all