This is What I’ve read:
- Agent B ponders what Christians in Business should look like.
- Jaded Optimist has info for diapering missionaries.
- One take on Gender and Politics from Julie.
- Just the title makes me want to read this book.
- Food Whores
- Someone else takes on the Wealth, family and security questions.
- If Huckabee really wants to amend the constitution then… [via]
- Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Jesus
- Lo-Fi discusses Consuming Jesus
- And a closing quote:
A lot of times we cry about not having everything we want, even though
we’ve got plenty more than we need. It’s ironic that we whine and moan
about our own individual deficits when so many more need so much more.
We are quick to mourn what we don’t have, forgetting to juxtapose our lives next to others who seem to manage despite not having what they really need.