Jena Six: Racism Still Exist In The South

UPDATE (7/28/09): Two years later, here is the results of the Jena Six trial. Mostly a victory.

Updated:  New post on the Jena Six

We’ve talked about stories of racism and police abuse in the past, so this shouldn’t be a revelation for any of the regular readers around here. However, stories like this, when they are specific, need to be noted, brought up, spoken out against, and made aware to a larger community.

In Jena, Louisiana, a town of 3,000, 85% white, 12% black, the disgusting injustice of a still racially charged society is receiving some attention from the national and international community. Six black youth from Jena are facing attempted second-degree murder charges from a fight with a white student from their school who himself is being charged with possession of a firearm in a ‘firearm-free zone.’ In a city were racism clearly still exist, a school yard fight turned into murder charges seems like the troubling injustice many in this country have worked hard to overcome.

Megaphonic, who pointed out this story to me, writes:

someone is teaching these kids that this type of behaviour is acceptable. either directly or by their inaction, the adults in this community are giving them the go ahead to hang nooses in trees and beat the s*** out of kids because they are of a different race. the school board should have expelled the kids who hung the nooses… that’s a hate crime. federal offense. the principal was fully correct to call for their expulsion.

How does this continue to happen, and how can communities fight it? how can we, as nashvillians, keep this from happening? how can we as southerners (even nominal ones like me) fight the stereotypes that history has left us?

My suggestion was that churches need to be gathering together and discussing how to address the injustice of racism, and not pretend it disappeared along with MLK. My other thought, maybe a dumb one, was to start a facebook group. update: looks like someone already beat me to it, join this Facebook Group, Jena Six: The World is Now Watching. Any other ideas?

UPDATE: Just wanted to add some links from the blogosphere to help you stay on top of things that are happening with the Jena Six…

110 thoughts on “Jena Six: Racism Still Exist In The South”

  1. I live in this little “racist” town called jena, and yes i agree that the students that hung the nooses should have been punished according to the law, but when six people jump on one person and beat him until they knock him out cold and then when he is defenseless continue to hit, punch, and kick him they also deserve to be punished according to the law. Also the two oldest boys that were arrested were charged with robbery and assault on the friday prior to mondays fights. Just so we are clear on all the facts. I am not nor have i ever been racist, but i do believe in justice for all wether they are black, white, red, yellow, or rainbow

  2. im from this so called town called jena. i personally think this is a racist issue.It was a lot of things that were not mentioned like they never said a thing about Justin Barker and his friends burning the school down or exactly why the fight started.The confusion begin when Justin and his other white friends pulled big shotguns and called the black guys NIGGERS and told them to leave their party which was at the fair barn

    I live not even 30 mins from Jena and when you live here in these really small towns the racism issue is way diffrent from what every one who is not here portrays. It actually very opposite we have more racist hate crimes here against White Americans than we do African Americans. One of the news papers publishe that these towns are 85% whites but actually that is not correct. I think now this is my opinion any Six people reguardless of race who jump on one person with intent to harm ,which they did if they planned on fighting, Is WRONG no matter how you look at it. I personally have lived in Louisisna my entire life and I have been “jumped” By 5 people 4 females and 1 male all African American and I had 2 broken ribs, a fractured clavicle and a fractured left temple and the officers who came out treated me as the criminal as if i done this to my self. and nothing was ever done to the 5 people who did this to me even thought they new and spoke with these 5 people and had addresses for all of them. That is an example of how things work here in Louisiana. Louisiana govornment officials are affraid that if they try to convict some one of color of a race related crime that it will always end up as them being the racist so they never do anything out of fear of the “Louisiana Hostory”.

  4. I think that everybody is making something that in the begininng was not a big deal into something that really is, and why would justin and his friends burn down the school unless you know for a fact seen them their with matches and a gas can in your hand. than be quiet that is how trouble starts and nobody in this town knows what the heck they are talking about everybody thinks they know everything about everyone else. AND TWO WRONGS DONT MAKE A RIGHT… Maybe everyone just need to grow up.

  5. I to live in Jena and it just absolutely amazes me that people still think that way about small southern towns. We are not all inbred, racist idiots. That report about there being more whites than blacks here ,I believe is a little off on the figures (I could be wrong about this, but I live in front of the high school). So many times have the cops or officials rather, looked the other way on things or crimes that should have been punished but were not. At the time that this happened things were very tense in town already with the school burning down this just made things worse than what they were.
    Aren’t there more things in this world to worry about than this. People wake up and take a look around at the rest of the world.
    Also, for someone that doens’t even know me to say that I am racist just because I’m from Jena offends me to the core. I have had many friends of different races over the years and that statement hurts me even more since my husband is American Indian.

  6. I agree i get tired of everyon stero typing me, just because i am from jena doesnt mean i am racist. i have plenty of friends of all different colors. why does that matter anyway

  7. I also live in Jena. As a former prison guard, I can say that our justice system does seem to be a bit unfair. More blacks are in prison here than whites, more poverty for minorities, and racsim is rampant in all louisiana. But this isn’t the only issue. These weren’t schoolboys, they were legally of age to be tried here as adults. This was not a fight between schoolboys. this was a case of six 16-18 year olds attacking a lone 17 year old white who didn’t even see the attack coming. Beating and kicking him after he was unconcious, they were only stopped after interference by others who stopped them. was he hurt? sure. close to death? probably not. But assault is assault. They meant to maim at least and so deserve serious punishment. If it hasn’t been said before the white victim was not one of the noose perps. He possibly was one who ran the unwanted from a previous party where I believe there were other welcome blacks. Also at least two of the blacks were arrested days before the attack on weapons and theft. These were not angels. I believe the charges maybe a little extreme, but the legal definition of what constitutes attempted murder must be used and not what we personally believe charges should be. As far as guns in this country. Jena is a rural area where all boys have rifles and shotguns for hunting, and carry them freely in their pickups. If the white boy ws carrying a rifle in his truck like many others than he was very stupid or very afraid. People can play rough in the country.

  8. i’m a native of jena, and i have to say dat racism is a big part in wat’s goin on here! you have three blacks in jail on attempted second degree murder charges!! don’t you think the charges are a little harsh for what they did!! he was not hurt dat badly if he was he wouldm’t have went to his ring ceremony when he got from the hospital two hours after arriving!! so you let me know if racism is playing a part?????????????

  9. why does it have to be a racist issue, in the first place. Answer because as soon as something doesnt go the way you think it should the first thing someone says is thats racist, thats racist. Why cant it just be i am a person not white, black or whatever.

  10. Well i beleive that it is very racist. Yall can call it watever yall want but i feel strongly about this. Justin barker shouldnt be calling blacks out of their names. I also heard of justin burning the school down from a person who was with him when it happened. How can you give 6 young boys who were simply defending their race and freedom such a harsh penalty. No the boys wasnt angles but some of them had alot of things going for them. Atleast 3 were outstanding in sports and thier education and it all got thrown away because of what the justice system is putting them threw. The ones that have got out of jail are working very hard to get past this and make something with their lives. Their trials are coming up and I bet everyday they wake up and are scared because they could be locked up for a very long time over something that is very stupid. So tell me thats not racist. Im a white person from this town and im saying all you other whites and everybody else needs to wake up and see this town is racist and it needs to be fixed cause were all the same in gods eyes

    1. jena is like the rest of the Divided States of America where these so called good oh boys can do what ever they feel
      like until they get a taste of their own mistreatment.This is no longer the 60's black will not march and sing peace songs
      that time has passed, and look what it got us .Now its eye for an eye you touch me or mine we will dismantle their entire family You burn a cross on my lawn I burn your house down now you will understand how this game is play remember it was brutality that gave us the watts riots & the tone has been set .

  11. Give me a break! Are we going to believe that 6 black boys beat a white boy and beleive that it is NOT a very racist act. Then say the 6 young boys who were simply defending their race and freeedom. A fair fight involves a 1 on 1 situation, not six on one. If 6 white boys did this they would be put in jail and never let out. They would be branded as racists, just as these 6 should be.Fair is fair

    1. check your history white boys have been lynching & killing black in & around this country for years guess what
      it time to fight back stay tuned the best is yet to come lol

  12. You give me a break! Those white boys that jumped that one blk boy at the fairbarn are they doing their justice hell no their not. So like you said whats fair should be fair but in these boys case it isnt!!!!!!!!

  13. No I’m just saying that if these boys really did this then they are getting what they deserve. And as far as Jena being racist that is all in what we as individuals who live here think and what the media potrays to the outside world. I was not taught to be racist growing up and never have been. It does offend me for someone to say that just because I’m from Jena that I’m racist, hey my husband is American Indian and a good friend of mine that I used to work with (who is black) calls me her sister.
    It’s just that many of people here don’t go out of their way to make new friends. That is a very big problem here. The rich people stick together and the middle class stick together and the poor people stick together.
    I grew up in a church that 70% of the richest people in town went to yet, I was never invited to any of the private parties or anything like that. But, you don’t see me out bad mouthing them or anything like that. It’s their problem not mine, I go out of my way to make new friends and do my best to stay intouch with the ones that I’ve got.

  14. Racism has longed in JENA. Starting at the condition of the black community. Streets are full of pot hle, grass tall as the houses, burnt houses half standing.Its ridiculous. Blacks have allowed themselves to be treated unfair for years. I moved in 1988, for this simple reason. I would hate for my kids to have been raised in such a town. When I went to schoool there, we seldom knew that there was a such thing as justice. This doesnt shock me at all. It just takes something this serious to call Jena out on its racism.Two young men have been sentenced to life in prison within reality one of hem has a mental problem. The other young man didnt do enough to be sentenced to life in prison. The parents just didnt have the money for good lawyers. Justice? You have to leave Jena to understand the meaning of justice.

    1. Who is responsible for the condition of the black community? City is responsible for streets and fixing potholes, but grass and burnt houses that is the concern of the property owner and the community. Have you heard of community partnership. That is when people form committes and improve their community. People who expect the government to do it for them are asking for socialized government. You will really protest the inequity if that happens. NO BILL OF RIGHTS. no individual rights at all.

  15. You know it really burns me up when something happens to white people then it’s “poor little sally, or poor little brian” and how they wouldnlt have harmed a flee…..but when someone blakc does something them it’s “Tyrone was on drugs or Willie has pending charges against him from 2 years earlier”. We never hear about how “bad” white children are or their priors when someone black does something to them but now the want to talk about the black boys pending charges and use that against them. Well it’s obvious that Justin was no saint because he burned down the school and pulled shot guns on the boys called them NIGGERS. Now you say a fair fight is 1 on 1, but what about when you have guns and some else doesn’t? How fair is that? I think Justin got just what he deserves….. he wasn’t so tough without is “friends” or his gun. He wasn’t too hurt if he was out and about 2 hours later. He just got KO’d and now he and his racist family (I say this because KIDS are taught at an early age to be racist, they aren’t born racist) are embarassed because he got his but kicked and are making a big deal out of nothing. And people that live in the town of Jena that are so insulted by being stereo typed because of what someone else in your town did, welcome to the everyday life of a black person!!!! You can say I’m wrong but deep inside you know I’m not because you have done it. But you think every black kid that wears his pants sagging (which is a fad) is a hood and up to know good and that every black girl with a hair weave is “trying to be white” or ghetto as all get out.

  16. And heaven forbid you hear the word “welfare”!!!! White people think that all blacks and Mexicans too!!! But I got news for you, it’s more white people on welfare than anybody because ya’ll fixed the system so that it will work in ya’ll’s favor. Ya’ll love to get something “free” but when others do it, it’s a problem. So do I think it’s a racist issue, HELL YEAH!!!!! it is and anybody in their “right” minds thinks so too. If you don’t think it’s racist, it’s because you are racist. Get a clue people, wake up and smell the coffee!!!!! They are taking these kids life away from them for teaching an idiot a lesson.

    1. I was the only white person at a wedding shower for a co worker. The hostess's husband came home and said playfully "All you niggers go home." I wasn't offended because it isn't the first time I have heard black friends use that word. I want you to know for a fact that racism goes both ways.
      I dont agree with anyone pulling a shotgun when asking someone to leave. He should have call the police. Everyone has the right to Not invite or Not welcome someone If in truth if there were other blacks invited to this party then this isn't a racist act, he didn't want these particular people there. If he did burn down the school, that is still another matter just as you say these kids records shouldn't be brought up into the beating incident. If calling these kids NIGGERS is so wrong why do black people do it to each other ALL THE Time. There are many insults out there, PHAT, UGLY, WHITEY,CHINK, and many others. People need to let them roll off and consider the source. Turning violent doesn't make you right, it makes you guilty.

  17. Racism does exist. I’m talking about racism against whites. It’s ok for blacks to beat up whites. No hate crime charges will ever be filed. When it’s the other way around and a white guy beats up a black, you have hate crime charges and the national media calling him a racist. Hate crime charges are only to be used against whites, not blacks. Maybe we should go back to the days of segregation. If people of different races can’t get along, then seperate. Quit having the courts force integration against everyone’s will (both blacks and whites).

    1. News flash steve black have woke up from that non violent nightmare Martin had in the 60's .Now remember america was known for terrorist behavior in the pass now they are fighting terror dont make me laugh white power is slipping you guys can even produce anymore you are a dying race black are the strongest race in the world.Now you speak of segregation but I will tell you this let every black person pick up & say they are going bk to Africa america would shut the airport down so we can leave is this a case of dont want us here but hate to see us leave

  18. Oh, and say “hello” to George. You can bet under the “Patriot Act” our government is watching these blogs looking for “radicals” meaning white people who stand up for themselves. You can bet they are keeping track of all the white people’s IP addresses. Look for them to round up these “white radicals” sometime in the future. But if you’re black, you have nothing to worry about. Say how much you hate whites and anything else. Our government won’t bother you, just white people who don’t fall in line with their leftist socialist/communistic ideology.

  19. Oh, and say “hello” to George. You can bet under the “Patriot Act” our government is watching these blogs looking for “radicals” meaning white people who stand up for themselves. You can bet they are keeping track of all the white people’s IP addresses. Look for them to round up these “white radicals” sometime in the future. But if you’re black, you have nothing to worry about. Say how much you hate whites and anything else. Our government won’t bother you, just white people who don’t fall in line with their leftist socialist/communistic ideology.

  20. It’s funny how hate crimes are only to be charged against white people. I have never seen a black person charged with a hate crime. It’s obvious the hate crime laws were geared only against whites. Also, the mainstream media won’t cover black on white crimes. It doesn’t fit in with their agenda, just like law enforcement won’t charge blacks with a hate crime against whites.

  21. i do believe racism is still seeded in the south. I also know that there are people who arent racist who live there and there are poeple who are racist. Personally, living in NY i think this is rediculous that kids are acting this way. I am white. i dont condone the hanging of nooses. thats a blatent hate crime. the black kids who jump the white kid is not a racist thing. you anger a black guy with racial issues. the other kid happened to be white. the black kid stapped. its not racial on the black kids part. kids fight all the time. should the black person be in legal trouble. sure why not. he jumped a kid. should he be pushed for attempted second degree murder. NO. he didnt attempt to kill him. he just kicked the living shyt out of the white kid. i also think people are miscontruing the situation. i am not 100% on this but i dont see racism in the direct situation of the kids as much as i see it in the DA and legal staff. These kids are black. the news article makes it seem, whihc i think is a high probablitity, that they are pushing for second degree murder because the kids are black. everyone knows whether its stereotypical or not, a jury of the peers will most likely be white. i also think it will be easy to get jury members who will want second degree. im not racist or anything like that but i do believe that if you ask anyone yes or no, is the south racist, you will get yes.

    recap. both white and black should be in legal trouble. white kids for racism, black kid for assault or whatever you get introuble with for fighting. they should not have to be tried for a crime that is punishable with any amount of jail time let alone 50 years.

    wanna talk about this. check my blog and email me.

    1. Racism isn't a crime. Americans are protected by the constitution to have their own beliefs. Assault is a crime. Punishable by law. Pulling a shotgun should be a crime. but not racism. It is unethical and can be punishable by dislike, ostrization and bad reputation by society but it is not punishable by law.

  22. i know the barker family and they are not racist people Mrs. barker is a very nice person and the people that are black that do know her know this to be true. I feel sorry for the boys that are going on trial they lost a lot of opportunities that day of the fight their education, and athletic scholorships, and now this will follow them in its wake. Young adults make mistakes. Once they saw that the kid was knocked out they should have quit kicking and stomping him. At that crucial point is were it turned from a school boy fight into criminal charges. As far as wellfare goes. I know several people that are on welfare its a good program for anyone to be on. i like to think that it helps familys, single mothers, fathers,put food on the table for their familys and there is nothing wrong with that.

  23. I think we need to quit pulling the racial card, and start trying to find ways to help those kids. think about them and what they all are going through ALL OF THEM BLACK AND WHITE.

  24. I dont care what “White People” say. Jena is racist. Tune into whats going on. The actions speaks for themselves. The principal of Jena High and LaSalle Parish School Board needs to be put on trial. Had they done their jobs, this situation wouldnt have gotten out of control.The adults that were present, didnt handle the situation professionally nor was it handled accordingly.From the teachers, principals and the police up to DA: if these young men have their lives taken due to your racism, rest assure that GOD has a plan for each of you. Remember each of you have children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews that each of you love. GOD is also the same GOD that controls their lives. You have the option to make the right choice .White People feels no remorse, so they pull silly strings and toy with our lives and the lives of our children as if its a joke. Then they happily gather after they have finished to laugh and create their next scheme. I dont give a DAMN when white people say, “BLACKS ALWAYS CLAIM RACISM”, “BLACKS ALWAYS USE RACISM AS AN EXCUSE”. But,its the truth. One thing about BLACKS is that WE DONT FEEL that WE are ABOVE GOD. WHITES feel as though they will never have to answer to anyone for their rude, disrespectful, hateful treatment to blacks. The joke is on THEM.
    To the BLACKS in the town of Jena:
    The Pain will only endure for a night,BUT, rest assure JOY will come in the morning. GOD will make your enemies your FOOT- STOOL. HANG ON!!! TIME IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!! HOLD ON!!
    By the way, I lived in this racist town and I am very glad that I got he hell out. I wouldnt allow my kids to attend Jena schools or live in the town to become a mock for their HATRED!!!!

  25. you are stereotyping all white people into one catagory not everyone is like that. just as all blacks are not the same. i agree with you that all should have been punished that goes for white and blacks a like if people would quit putting race as an issue first then it would not be a problem is the media would just say six students jumped on a single student it would be better. the media and how it potrays the situation are appalling and uncorrect. There is both good and bad in all races of the world. God created everybody…. he loves everybody……no certian race is superior over another one…. people create their on ideas and their on problems. stop calling everyone racists because when you do you in your self are racists by judging everyone els

  26. I’m an outsider, so I can only comment on what I’ve read and heard. Anyone talking about applying the law equally and still saying that the remaining youths should be charged with attempted murder is a hypocrite. The precedent was set when the white youths that beat the black individual were charged with simple battery. I’m not from LA but I live in FL and it’s just the same here. A white woman struck and killed two black boys under 13 with her CAR and even SHE wasn’t charged with murder. After she struck them she fled the scene and cleaned the car. She’s free right now. These boys haven’t killed anyone and according to news reports the victim didn’t even spend the night in the hospital, despite all this there are some that still want to send these young people away for as much as FIFTY YEARS. I hope you’d suggest the same tough love for your own wayward children! I read that the District Attorney was asked to talk to the black students and he told them he would ruin their lives with the stroke of a pen. I guess he meant what he said, it is obvious now why he felt comfortable even saying such filth. It is 2007, welcome to America.

  27. As I have said before, HOLD ON. They convicted one of them. With all the conflicting stories, yet the ALL WHITE jury was avle to convict this young man. Tell me the next time that you WHITE JURORS can sleep at night without tossing and turning. Tellme the next time that you can live your life knowing that you convicted a man with no prejudice. The town of Jena is SAD.To all you white people, tell me that there was no prejudice in this case(I knew you would lie just as the other have). BE REAL with yourself. Time for a change. It will come.

  28. I agree that whoever did the beating should be punished. But…are we sure they have the right guys??

    There is a sociological theory that says that people of a certain race can only readily identify facial features (etc.) of a person of their own race….and have a hard time distinguishing between individuals of other races. This goes for whites, blacks, hispanics, Asians, etc.

    In such a melting pot as Jena, I’m sure they were just identified as “those black boys.”

    Our deep-southern history has shown us that in cases of crimes of blacks against whites, ANY BLACK PERSON accused will do — regardless of involvement or not.

  29. My first comment goes to Steve. You speak of segregation. for years, this is the way that whites have treated blacks. Segregation is nothing new to us. We are excluded in most things. Blacks can’t get into this organization,etc. In Jena blacks are admitted to play basketball, baseball, football, softball. Why? Because blacks dominate in these sports and “we” help lead the school into victories. Then our black kids have o goplay in white hick towns with the towns having signs”NO NIGGERS ALLOWED”.The kids have to go into these towns to play.Never have the schools told these towns they have to take the signs down in respect to our BLACK CHILDREN. Now when it comes to Educational groups, there’s no staff running around to lead the black kids into the educational groups. They exclude them once again. Blacks have gone through this shit for a long time. Its about time that the hidden racism in Jena is put on showcase for the world to see. The person that said that White Kids can park downtown and nothing is said. TRUE statement. I have seen it for myself, for years. Blacks park. Police tell them o go home or start issuing out tickets. Reed Walters have put his foot in his mouth. Trust and Believe that more than trials are going to come out of this. DA for Duke LaCrosse case was called out on his shit and so will REED WALTERS. Keep this and all media eyes on JENA,LOUISIANA. Just as the six boys and their parents are loosing sleep over his racial doings, so will REED WALTERS when his wrong doings are put in the media all over the United States. Soooooo Reed Walters hopefully you can sleep with lights on. No time soon will they be turned off on you.

  30. My family is from this town. My mom moved us to California when we were small. All of her siblings and parent remained after we left, However we would “go home” (as we call it) every chance we got when we were growing up. I remeber being amazed at the way black people in the town were treate by whites and the fact that no one did anything about it in most cases. I remember walking home to my Aunt’s house from a baseball game when I was about 14 years old and a group of white men standing accross the highway begin shouting racial comments about at us taking us in the back woods. There were 4 of us the others were younger than me. I became frighten and my cousin was concerned that we were headed in the wrong direction towards a town called Nebo, a town near Jena which was know for extreme prejudice against blacks. There are many other incidents that I could tell you about the. My point being that Racism to the EXTREME has always and still does exist in and around JENA. Those of you who live in other citys and states and listen and read in disbelief. BELIEVE IT!!!!

  31. Just one more thing I MUST SAY. SHOUT OUT to the young people there who have decided that they are tired of moving away to have a decent life. For standing up and speaking out against the injustices there.

    BE BRAVE, BE STRONG, We will be home soon to help!

  32. I use to live in Jena also. I left in the eighties and I always knew that it was full of racism. The town is run by the KKK. It is a shame that it is 2007 black people are still fighting for civil rights. I remembered back in the 70’s a young black man was stomped to death by three white boys at the fair. Jena did you forget that. Yes black people are treated unfair in that little one horse town. I am glad I got out. And as soon as all the other black people get out God will leave also. That place is the pits of hell and all that dwell there in and the hand of God is going to slap it down.

  33. Hey fellow former Jena residents,

    I love the dialogue about this, whether I agree or disagree with all that is said. Don’t you think that people should be able to live where they want to live. Even though at the time, my parents thought the best thing for our family was to move to another state (and I am grateful for the opportunities that have been afforded me here in CA), I think don’t that we should allow the nucklheads there to force us to move away. Blacks should fight for equality and fair treatement. I understand that there are those in law inforcement and local & even state government that are supposed to administer, enforce and uphold the law and don’t do it fairely, but that what is we should be encouraged to FIGHT agianst.

    I loved it, the last time I visited my family there, that my young daughter was able to play outside without ME being outside to watch her worry about where she was,(since the small town is filled with freinds and relitive in the neighborhood). I enjoyed people (even the white people)speaking, actually stopping to say hello even if they didn’t know who I was. I enjoyed the simpleness of the towns and the lifestyle of the people. I know that it sounds corney but it is different from CA and enjoyable TO ME.

    I don’t believe that all of the white people there are problems or racist but I do believe that a great deal of them in positions that make a difference in the way people are treated, are. And that is what NEEDS and/or HAS to change. I LOVE JENA I have more good memories than the crazy mixed up racist ones. And I want my daughter and her children to go back from time to time to enjoy the simpleness that I have come to love. I REALLY DON’T WANT to see it wiped off of the face off the face of the earth. (LOL) So I stand before God as an intercessor for it’s people that he would step in and make the wrongs right.

  34. this is to whomever Kim is. If you are from Jena you know the truth. If you’re black you have felt the truth of Jena, and if you’re white you are a part of the tuth whether you want to be or not. I have a lot of white friends. I have one that is like a sister to me. So don’t even go where ever it is you are trying to go. Don’t you think it is very suspicious that in 2007 there are still for “whit only” public facilities. I am really glad that God is not for “white only”

  35. I live in Jena. A little rural community, where most people want to know who you’re kin to when your introduced. We all have a place in this society. Often we feel ocked into a class because of our ancestors. Most here live at or below the poverty level. This is not New Orleans or south La where the rich folks live. There is little if any government help or concern here for the poor. Blacks and whites are struggling to make ends meet, many of us live in old trailers and substandard housing. College seems to be the way out. Sports scholarships, are hopes and dreams for the poor blacks and whites. Offshore work with extended abscences from your family is the only option to keep you off food stamps. Town jobs pay little above minimum wage. Things seem to be stuck in the 70’s, I guess because the city leaders are themselves stuck in that era with the good ol boy mentality. It is frustrating not just for blacks who have a history of repression in the south but for all who desire a better way of life. Drugs here are rampant. meth labs, I’ve been told are commonplace. Where is the police action? Is it possible that black neighborhoods are more prone to be drug havens? Are drug dealers more apt to be black? There is not a shortage of jobs here, there is a shortage of prospective employees who can pass a pre- employment drug test.The wages are low, but at least you can still hold your head up. Racial matters are not good, but if these events had taken place in the 60’s or 70’s rioting and death would appear on both sides!We don’t want this happening now. Inciting the local “uneducated” masses by those big city politicians-civil rights workers, is wrong. MLK was not just for blacks he was for all people who were oppressed by a system that is for the privileged. this message has been forgotten, and I don’t see anyone bringing a message of reconciliation only blaming.
    Here in Jena, not all people are racists. Many of us are longing for a day when we can relate with one another, without fear or hypochrisy. Much prayer for the citizens here is needed.

  36. Mike I enjoyed reading your comments and the comments of some others. I too am from Jean, Born but not raised there. My family thought it the best thing to do, was to move us away so that we could have a better life. Not that we haven’t experience racism and unfair treatment here in CA, but we at least have the ability to use law to rectify certain situations. I KNOW that all of Jena’s whites are not racist, just like I KNOW that all of Jena’s blacks are not drug dealers, law breakers and uneducated. But regarding your comment of reconcilliation, you must first have admitance to wrong doing before you can even talk about reconcilliation. As long as people do not see the connection between the “Jena Six” an other incidents and the blatent racism that happens there, there can be no healing and reconciliation. That is what most of us “big city” folks are asking for. By the way I love Jena (wouldn’t live there) but I do love it and am proud to say I am from there. There are things, and experiences there that we don’t have here in the big city that are valuable and I love see and experience when I “come home”.

    I hope that people will continue to have intelligent uninsulting conversations about this so that OUR home town can heal and people who want to can enjoy life with feeling like second class citizens.

  37. Everyone has a right to their own beliefs and views on this matter, but as I said before there are white people here that are not racist that will go out of their way to speak to a friend that is black whether it be in a grocery store/quickstop etc. There are many black people that I grew up knowing because my parents knew them and I still speak to them to this day. As far as getting a job in this town goes if you can get one then count your blessings. I just graduated from Rod Brady/with honors in the Office Systems course and have not been able to get a job yet. My husband asked me to first try to get a job here in town since we have 2 small children. Yet it doesn’t matter where I go there’s always someone ahead of me that is kin to somebody that works there. Yes, there are alot of people here in Jena that are on welfare/foodstamps,but I can tell you this I tried several times to get on and rightly deserved it and they wouldn’t give it to me. There reason, because I lived with my parents (I was told that I would have to move my son and I into a cardboard box first before I would get any help). I went to Wal-Mart 8 times to try to get a job and was refused each time. I finally ended up having to drive an 1hr1/2 each way 5 days a week to Marksville to work at the Casino that was the only job that I could get. Which I ended up working there for 8yrs. This all happened after my ex-husband walked out on my son and I. Yes, I’ve been getting WIC off and on over the years(I have 3 children now). Yet, when I tried to get food stamps after my ex walked out I was denied, when I went to every place in town for a job I was denied.

    Yet, I’m still here and I AM NOT A RACIST!!! My husband works at the prison in Urania and from time to time we will run into a former inmate in town that knew him while he was in there and they always say that they liked my husband because he treated everyone fairly (whether they were white or black). This is how we are raising our kids it’s not the color of your skin that matters it’s what makes you up as a person. Your actions and your words define who you are not where you live or who your parents are.

  38. I have some questions to pose to everyone. If it were six white boys that jumped on one black boy would this be labled as a “racist hate crime”? Yes, it would be labled as a “racist hate crime”. Would the parents of the six white boys be calling for less charges on their children? No, I can tell you that they wouldn’t. They would let their children learn from their mistakes and continue with their lives. This whole thing is getting completely out of hand. When my child asks me why her daddy has to go work security at the courthouse because there are going to be a group of people there having a “rally”, what do I say?

    All of you should remember back to when you were a senior in high school and all the things that you got to go and do as a senior. Can you seriously tell me that when you were a senior in school unless the doctor put you in the hospital you weren’t going to miss a thing associated with being a senior. So, I can promise you that if it would have been me I would have taken whatever painkillers I had to to enable me to get up and go so that I wouldn’t miss anything not a single moment. Yes, maybe Justin Barker was there that night but can you say for sure that he was feeling alright? Unless, you are his mom or dad or Justin himself no you can’t. So, then you have no right to talk bad about him getting up and going to the ring ceremony.

    And, as far as the six black boys from what I know of them most of them had possible athletic scholarships in the works already after the great season that the team had. So, if these boys were really that smart do you think that they thought one iota about those scholarships or what would happen if they did this? No, they didn’t they need to be taught a lesson and this is the only way to do it.

  39. Alyssa
    There is one major problem with your last comment. If these boys were white. I GAURANTEE YOU that the sentencing would be much much much less harsh and there would be NO need for the parents to protest. And you said it right about them being encouraged to learn from their MISTAKES. Because there actions would be view as just that MISTAKES!!!!

    Take it or leave it, believe or not. The truth is still the truth no matter who calls it a lie.

  40. Alyssa…do you know what a “hate crime” is, that is, in the legal sense? Just because 6 black people or 6 white people jumped on one person of the opposite race is not, in and of itself, a hate crime. Please read up on it. (Atleast so you will be able to blog about it in an educated way.)

    Prior to the fight, Justin Barker used a racial epithet and gave the “you’re #1 sign” to a group of black boys. These black boys found him at the gym with his girlfriend, and a fight broke out.

    Granted, the actions of the perpetrators cannot be condoned. They were, in fact, wrong to resort to violence…regardless of what was said or done to them.

    However, you may NOT…I repeat…MAY NOT…use racially derrogatory remarks..and not expect an a$$ whipin’.

    Someone recently asked, “What you would do if that was your son??” My response: I would want my child’s medical bills, of course. But if my child used a racial slur then he got what he deserved. I bet you my kid wouldn’t do it again.

  41. The hanging of nooses in a tree was not a violent act. The attacking and attempted murder of a student for speaking words, no matter how vulgar, was a violent act. Violent acts against people for speaking words is much worse than any words can be. The basic idea that these black students had the “right” to assault the white student is the most vulgar thing I have ever heard.

  42. Mr. Miner, you are correct in that the hanging nooses in a tree is not a violent act. However, it is a threat of violence against black people. Those same black people who asked to sit under the “white’s only” tree.

    Hanging a noose in a public place is a hate crime, make no mistake about it.

    Further, I disagree with your assessment of attempted murder. Justin Barker was not “almost murdered”. He was at the hospital for TWO HOURS and attended his Junior ring ceremony THE SAME NIGHT.

  43. Hanging a noose in a public place is not a hate crime. The basic idea that speach or a non-violent act can be considered a crime is a perverted contention.
    Many more of my people were hung by whites and we don’t have any laws making us more superior.

    The facts of this case still remain, SIX young men attacked ONE young man with the intent to commit bodily injury. They should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

  44. Mr. Miner…the Dept of Justice disagrees with you.

    Make no mistake about it: Hanging a noose in a public place IS a hate crime.

    I’m not going to argue this point with you again.

    Back to your suggestion that the Jena6 had a “right” to beat someone up….Violence is NEVER a solution to anything.

    However, if you open your big fat mouth and call someone a racial epithet, you RUN THE RISK of someone with less decency pummeling the heck out of you.

    Of course, anyone who would use a racial epithet has no decency either.

    Please get your head out of the 1950s and into 2007.

  45. Mr. Miner…the Dept of Justice disagrees with you. In fact, 22 states with hate crime laws disagree with you.

    Make no mistake about it: Hanging a noose in a public place IS a hate crime.

    I’m not going to argue this point with you again.

    Back to your suggestion that the Jena6 had a “right” to beat someone up….Violence is NEVER a solution to anything.

    However, if you open your big fat mouth and call someone a racial epithet, you RUN THE RISK of someone with less decency pummeling the heck out of you.

    Of course, anyone who would use a racial epithet has no decency either.

    I take notice of your silence about the injuries suffered by Justin Barker…especially if 6 kids (most of whom were athletes) were ruthlessly stomping him. HE WALKED OUT OF THE HOSPITAL TWO HOURS LATER, CRUISED AROUND TOWN, AND ATTENDED HIS RING CEREMONY. Doesn’t sound like he was “near death” to me.

    The reduced charge of aggravated battery is appropriate FOR ALL INVOLVED in the fight with Barker.

    Conflicting witness testimonies, the fact that the victim could not identify his assailant(s), and the minimum injuries sustained do not justify a conviction on attempted murder. I know some people WISH that the DA could…but if he coulda…he woulda…And guess what? He didn’t. His case lacked the evidence to satisfy the burden of proof needed for attempted murder.

    Say what you want…scream if you will…Bell’s conviction will be overturned on appeal. 😛

  46. Ty,
    The type of feces spewed from your mind is one of the major reasons racism is still alive and well in America today. Since you cannot defend the Jena 6 for their vile act, you attack anyone that has a realistic opinion of the situation.

  47. Obviously people, there is no way to erase years of racist attitudes and beliefs from a persons mind. Only God can change a person. But what we can do is continue to push for change in the laws and in the law enforcement and local government in Jena and other places like it so that at least people will feel protected and at least have an opportunity to be fairly treated.

  48. Thank you, Freda.
    For some reason black people think they have racism all to themselves in this country.
    I was recently attacked by five white men in front of my home. My wife called the sheriff and to her surprise, I was arrested and taken to jail. There is no NAACP for Native Americans to turn to and no part of the media came running to tell of the injustice. The truth of the matter is, I have been called more vile names by black people than by white.

  49. To Joe Miner,

    I can very well sympathize with you and your wife, while I am a native of Jena my husband is not and to add to it he is American Indian. When I met him I fell completely in love because he was the first man who accepted me for me. As he told me he had a hard time growing up because he grew up in an area where there were no American Indians and most of the people were either white, black or mexican. Plus, he was never encouraged to embrace his heritage which I did encourage him to do. I told him that if you not embrace your heritage then how will you be able to explain to our children (we have 2 beautiful little girls who have dark skin and great big brown eyes like him) when they ask why they are different from everyone else.

    I have always been taught to accept people for their actions not for the color of their skin. So, when I first started introducing him around town many people sort of looked shocked when I told them he was American Indian. Then when they saw how much he cared for me and my son that I had already for my first marriage they began to accept him more readily. There is a prime example of it is not what your skin color is or where you come from it is in your actions and what you do and say that makes up who you are.

  50. It is curious that because of my comments you have assumed that I am black. And then you proceed to rant and rave about how black people are racist…BLAH BLAH BLAH. Self-righteous hypocrites!

    Thanks for confirming that bigotry is alive and well…AGAIN.

  51. You all are REALLY funny NOW!!! Let’s do like the song says and look at the person in the mirror…come on let’s say it together “God let change begin with ME!!!! and spread” LOL! LOL! LOL!

  52. Ty,
    The true bigotry is that a black man can call me Chief or Injun Joe and it is not a hate crime. A black man can call another black man nigger and it is not a hate crime. When any other race calls a black man the same word or even dares to utter that word, he has a commited a hate crime. Believing that anyone should expect to be assaulted for speaking simple words is the most vile idea I can think of. Remember that the law of the land was Jim Crow at one time. Hate Crime laws will not stand up to Supereme Court challenges. As Americans, we are guaranteed freedom of speech. Just because one small part of our society hates poeple that use a particular word does not make saying that word a crime.

  53. Alyssa,

    Last month I cut my hair off and got a “cowboy” hair cut. It is better to be mistaken for a mexican in our country.

  54. Mr. Miner…Do you know the definition of “hate crime”? It is not just using racial epithets. Please read up on it.

    Using racial epithets is wrong regardless of what race you are.

    I did not say that you could expect an assault. I said you open the door of possibilities (“run the risk”). The same logic leads me to conclude that if I go jogging late at night alone in a seedy area, I open myself up to the possibility of being mugged. It’s called common sense, Mr. Miner. You may not be able to predict how someone will react…but you have a pretty good idea that they will.

    I see the focus of your anger is directed to the black race. In my opinion, your posts just seeth with anger for black people in general. Do you realize that?

  55. Ty,
    Your posts are childish, no matter what color you are. You are argumentative and read things into the posts of everyone you disagree with.
    The only one “seething” is you. You react as a young boy would react. Blaming everyone but yourself for your difficulties in this county.
    Just for a moment consider where most of the blacks in this country would be if their ancestors had not been brought here as slaves. The Jena 6 would not be in the situation they find themselves in if they had not insisted on sitting under one particular tree.
    Hate Crimes laws are malicious against all colors of people except blacks. That is why they will not stand up to Supreme Court challenges any more than using race to keep students from going to schools closer to thier own homes did.
    Affirmative Action is just a nice wsy of saying “Tyrone is too stupid to compete, so give him a job anyway”. I would be ashamed to use my race to get a job over someone more qaulified.

  56. Really, Mr. Miner? You would be too ashamed to use your race to get a job, yet admittedly you WOULD cut your hair to fit in with the “status quo”. How interesting.

    There are numerous cases of hate crimes against all races, creeds, and national origins (to name a few). I suppose your ignorance on the definition of what exactly a hate crime is and your inability to comprehend said definition would leave you to spread more ignorance and untruths on the matter.

    You’re right, Mr. Miner. I guess I should have refrained from exercising my right to freedom of speech and not posted anything that was contrary to what the great minds of America were talking about –however incorrect or biased they may be.

    On the same token as your post, think of where the Native Americans would be if Europeans hadn’t stole their land, tried to enslave their people, and brutally murdered millions under the guise and premise of “Manifest Destiny.”

    Atleast by your standards, my comments aren’t “feces” this time; now I’m just plain ol’ argumentative. Seeing as though I am neither black nor a male, I eagerly await your stereotypical rants and raves on educated, thinking, and rational WHITE WOMEN in America.

  57. I was sure that last post of mine would wind you right up. You have such rage for a white woman 🙂

    Hate crime
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Hate crimes (also known as bias crimes) are crimes motivated by bias against an identifiable social group, usually groups defined by race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, nationality, age, gender, gender identity, or political affiliation.

    Now everyone can see the definition.
    We are off subject anyway. This thread is for the defense of the six poor little boys that attacked and tried to injure one boy. The fact still remains, six black boys jumped one white boy and continued to kick and stomp him after he was unconscious. Some demented minds are trying to define this as a simple fight. Others are trying to claim the white boy deserved a beating by six blacks because of words or hand gestures. Both of these ideas are pure feces. A fight is between two people. A criminal assault took place. The six even waited until they could get at the one boy alone, thus the conspiracy charges. Some people have actually claimed these six boys were defending themselves. More feces. The white boy spoke words and gave the “your #1” sign. All the hoopla over this case will ensure there will be even more racism in the future. Making a word illegal is unconscionable. Defending anyone that continues to attack someone that is unconscious is unconscionable, no matter what color skin either person has. Kicking a defensless person is a true crime.

  58. As for cutting off my hair at age 45. I hope my wife and I will not be refused service at another restuarant. I hope her boss will quit calling thier weekly meeting a pow-wow. And last, I hope the next time my white trash neighbors try, and fail, to beat me in a five on one “fight” the responding deputy sherrif will arrest the attackers and not me. If this is selling out to the “status quo”, so be it.

  59. No, Mr. Miner. You didn’t wind me up. Actually, I feel very good now that I’ve taught at least one person how to define a hate crime properly. 🙂


  60. I really hate to (Not that anyone cares) but I must unsubsribe to the notifications about this Topic. THE TY, MINOR AND ALYSA HAVE SELFISHLY LEFT THE ORIGINAL PURPOSE AND MADE IT A BLOG ABOUT NO REAL ISSUES ONLY THEMSELVES.

    To the site manager: if at all possible will you notify me when more intelligent conversation resumes.


  61. Hate crime
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Hate crimes (also known as bias crimes) are crimes motivated by bias against an identifiable social group, usually groups defined by race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, nationality, age, gender, gender identity, or political affiliation

    This says nothing about hanging a noose in a public place.
    This thread is for the defense of the six poor little boys that attacked and tried to kill one boy. The fact still remains, six black boys jumped one white boy and continued to kick and stomp him after he was unconscious. Some demented minds are trying to define this as a simple fight. Others are trying to claim the white boy deserved a beating by six blacks because of words or hand gestures. Both of these ideas are pure feces. A fight is between two people. A criminal assault took place. The six even waited until they could get at the one boy alone, thus the conspiracy charges. Some people have actually claimed these six boys were defending themselves. More feces. The white boy spoke words and gave the “you’re #1″ sign. All the hoopla over this case will ensure there will be even more racism in the future. Making a word illegal is unconscionable. Defending anyone that continues to attack someone that is unconscious is unconscionable, no matter what color skin either person has. Kicking a defensless person is a true crime.

  62. Yes, I do know what a hate crime is, I am white, female, and overweight. So, don’t think that I don’t know what the definition of that is. As for Freda, the comments that I have left here are not to complain about my life because I know that however bad my life might be there might be someone else out there who’s life is a little worse than mine right now. I am very thankful for everything in my life. The comments that I have left here are for those WHO DID NOT GROW UP HERE, STILL LIVE HERE, OR WHO ARE WHITE AND LIVE HERE THAT ARE NOT RACIST.

    I am only trying to give the point of view of someone who lives here, grew up here and is not racist. The only thing that the rest of the worlds see about the citizens here in the news right now is that we are all “racists inbred idiots”. WHICH IS NOT TRUE!!!! I asure you that there are many of us here that just want to be able to live our lives free and not have to worry at night about going outside and wondering if someone is going to do something just because we are white. My husband had even said for me not to let our kids go outside when there is anything going on with the trial. Since the fight and everything there have been more comments about possible attacks on whites than ever before. Now how do you like that Freda? I live in front of the high school on of the places where the most tension has been.

    My only wish is that the rest of the world will not see all of us as one group thinking one way (racisim). Because that would be a terrible shame on not only Jena but, also on Louisiana. Some of the most friendliest people in the United States are in Louisiana, where if you break down on the side of the road and you walk to someones house for help don’t be surprised if they invite you in for a glass of iced tea and a slice of pecan pie or if it’s during the winter maybe some gumbo or deermeat.

  63. I am so to see that the rest of the world isn’t as backwards as the people in Jena. I must admitt not all white people are like this. I have met some very loving and kind white people in my life. Even Jena has some white people I got to know when I lived there and I thought they were really kind and loving people. However they are not the ones who are now acting as if God himself came down and told them everything was to be there way. Now the entire world knows about Jena Louisiana and it’s dirty little secrets.

  64. Alyssa: Let me WELCOME you TO A BLACK PERSON’S WORLD. We’ve endured but adjusted to that kind of fear since for ever.

    I don’t like that you and your family are frightened to be who your are. Therefore I can emphathize. And pray for your’s and the safety of all of Jena’s citizen’s

    By the way my family, born raise and still living in JENA…..My experience with every white person there not all bad…Yes they do speak….Yes they are cordial but I promise you, (and you know it too) If we were a fly on a wall behind closed doors of most white people in Jena…..(Well just use your own knowledge of the conversations you’ve overheard if YOU haven’t had them yourself)

  65. I’m a african-american high school student and I do believe that someone is teaching those to students to behave the way they do. It makes no sense at all for those white students to treat the black students any differently then they treat their own race. Come on, sitting under a tree causes that kind of riot? That’s completely insane. Then the “white” students only get suspended for 3 days, while the “black” students have to go on trial? When they hung those nooses that wasn’t just a prank. That was a hate crime…point blank “AGAINST THE LAW”! I don’t understand why people continue to live like its the 1950’s. Wake up, its 2007 now! At my school everyone gets along and its a predominately white school! I just feel like the people in that town need to get a grip and look around and see whats happening in the world and how us blacks and whites work together to make this country better every single day!

  66. An Open Letter To The Jena Six
    By Joseph Young
    Dear Mychal,
    I keep thinking about you. I also think about the other young men who have fallen prey to racial hatred. Its existence, more than a century after Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, makes me fearful for your life, your safety. The freedom that it promised was tenuous.
    It was not entirely without strength. In the proclamation, issued three years into the Civil War, Lincoln declared, at the urging of Frederick Douglass, that the former slaves would be accepted into the Union Army and navy, making the liberated the liberator. By the war’s end, almost 200,000 black servicemen had fought for freedom and saved the Union.
    Your generation, like mine, is being denied this freedom our ancestors risked life and limb, so that we may live as free men and women. You can call them heroes, but they were not thinking of themselves when they displayed courage and self-sacrifice on the battlefields of America.
    Today, then, to guard against the impending doom of American civilization, is not only opposition to racism, but also the determination to secure the civil rights for which many Americans have paid a heavy toll. Of all the civil rights, the right to learn is the surest prevention from ignorance. If at any time, children are instructed with anti-black bias; and they are made to learn what is not true and what the dominate forces in their lives want them to think is true; there’re guilty of impeding the march toward American civilization.
    Astonishing as it is that those students would hang three nooses from the tree at Jena High School as a racial taunt, including calling the black students ‘niggers’; you would think that America would never again want to see a black person hang from a tree, or behind bars. The nooses show that we, Americans, have not come that far from the cruelties and barbarity of slavery as we think. (Between 1882 and 1968, an estimated 5,000 people, mostly blacks, met their deaths at the hands of lynch mobs.) And this also is an unfortunate comment upon the belief that our schools are the great path to progress, the great equalizer. If our schools are the great path to progress, they must be the freest of our institutions, opposed bitterly to the attempt to indoctrinate our children with racial hatred.
    Well, Mychal, as you and the others wait behind bars because of a racially biased and an over zealous prosecutor, it is for us on the outside to continue the unfinished work of our fathers, to set you free. All of you were willing to fight racial hatred, and you know people of goodwill are beside you. If the Confederacy couldn’t stop us, the opposition we now face will fail. When history is written your detractors will get little note, but you will be remembered for standing up for what’s best of the American creed. You are part of a legacy in which our slave forebears fought to birth a new nation. You, Mychal, are a child of America’s destiny.
    It was Martin Luther King who said if a man doesn’t have something worth dying for he is not fit to live. Freedom is worth dying for. Justice is worth dying for. Equality is worth dying for. A child is worth dying for, because our job as parents is to protect children.
    Mychal, when you feel complete frustration and your narrow jail cell is closing in on your spirit and mind; remember the message of the old slave preacher to his flock whose resistance to oppression might have been completely in vain:
    “You are created in God’s image. You are not slaves, you are not ‘niggers’; you are God’s children.”
    Godspeed Mychal,
    Your brother in the struggle, Joseph

  67. Where are you all getting that Justin burned down the school? and that Justin pulled a gun on the 6? The gun was in his truck in May

  68. I’m say like i’ve seen it . I as a white person I will tell you that there’s a segment white people, that will always be in denial about racism. I’ll give a some of you people a perfect example. Me and sister husband who is black ,and couple friends went to a club. We’re all in college so we get to the club .They let my friends in ,now my sisters husbands is ahead of me . He gets to the door ,and they tell him he can’t get in . I say to the bouncer why can’t he get in. The bouncer is like I can’t tell you .I’m like WTF it’s 2005 you got to be kidding me. So I tell him I’ll be right back .I get in I grabed my friends . I tell them hey were living so we get outside . The bouncers says you guys are living. I’m like dude do you have brain . How can you work for a bunch of racist people . How do you sleep at night knowing that you work for bunch of racist. Next , time you go to a club and see a black person being discriminated against. You can count the list of white people that will walk by and say nothing .I can guarantee you that, and those are the same white people. That will say racism doesn’t exist , but they are the same ones that will walk by with no problem what so ever.

  69. Hey everyone!
    I think that what the students both BLACK,and WHITE did was wrong!!But that does not mean give 50 years of life everyone deserves a seconde chance!!I also think that what the state iz letting go on iz wrong!!I sayes in th Bible that we all are GODS children we were all made by his immeage!!I think everyone should just STOP disliking people by the colar of there skin!!Why cann`t we all get along and be friends??Or in GODS eyes BROTHERS and SISTERS!!If you beleave that JESUS died no the cross for all of our sends put the racesness down and live your life!!I mean don`t get me wrong im not no were near perfect!!
    If we all try an live by GODS word life will be so much better!!


  70. I personally think the kids should be punished,but they should get a fair chance not anything out rages. I think alot of time is outragious.They deserve a fair trial treated to what they did and that’s battery!!!!!!

  71. Montez,
    I’m Godly proud of your comments, and courage to even make them. This says something about your love for God and God’s people. People don’t always want to hear the truth they tend to ignore simple solutions. Things may seem complicated and take years to really sort out but the SIMPLE

  72. truth is the solutions to correcting ALL wrong is to SIMPLY start by looking at ourselves and going to Jesus for reconcilliation to God and healing for our land.

    Remember IIChronicles 7:14, If my people would humble them selves and pray and seek my face then would I hear from heaven and I would heal their land.”

  73. This case is something. It is causing a lot of media that this small seemingly “racist” town did not want. I am not saying what the six boys did was right if it were to that severity. Apparently it wasn’t as bad as they maek it out to be becaouse if it were the boy they accused of beating that bad would not have been out later on that evening hanging out with his friends. Until one race view another race as being the same in the eyesight of God these type of Jim Crow laws will still exist. These grwon people in this town have to realize these are children. If it had not been for those nooses hanging from that so called “white tree” none of this would have escalated to the magnitude it did. How could one not view this as a racial issue? It was also stated by the librarian of that town that the children joke and prank all the time. That may be true but you don;t do that at the expense of hurting someone’s feelings. she also went on to say that she did not think that it was meant to be racial. Again, how could you not? Who were the only ones that used to hang from the receiving end of nooses? I will tell you for the ones who have become dumb-founded – Blacks. I think that the rally that is to come to this small town is much needed. Jim Crow laws have been abolished and it is high time that people recognize that. No one race is superior over another. No one race is neither righteous nor perfect; so, how could one say that the young African American boy that has already been convicted who is now awaiting sentencing was given a jury of his peers? How dare that fabrication is said to be true. Yes, I am a strong black woman and I don’t believe in racism. When is every one going to get that concept that no one race has dominion over another. Go rally go. Turn this small town upside down with something for right.

  74. Ok,for the people from Jena that have posted….First of all your town IS
    85% white. Your demographics are a resource available to you. Please utilize them.
    With that being said, your town has a barber shop that won’t service black people! Your fine town has a “white tree” on school grounds and horrific nooses hung from that nice acceptable “white tree”
    Your town has white children that victimize the black students daily with wretched racial slurs and taunts. Your town has several crimes committed by white students that have thus far gone unpunished.

    My favorite senerio is the shotgun pulled on the black students…they wrestle the gun from the white man and are later charged with theft of the gun?
    As for Mr Barker…from what I understand this young man was involved in previous incidents of racial tension. He has called these students “niggers” repeatedly. On the day in question his language was no different. So Mr Barker can speak to these kids any way he feels right? Oh excuse me I forgot he’s white.

    And further more, how much racism are these students supposed to stomach before they start lashing out in a violent manner? How much are they supposed to endure? A lifetime of turning the other cheek? I suppose that would make you all happy considering your white and have never been subjected to the forms of racism that black people have suffered.

    The black students lashing out in a violent manner is indicative of their fear. Fear for their lives.

    Everyone speaking about the 6 on 1 ratio of the fight..what about the black student jumped at the “white party”? And dont try to tell me that all of the prior altercations have been 1 on 1 and fair when initiated by white students.

    Some of the posts I’ve read are reminiscent of the Martin Luther King and Malcolm X erra. “The nooses were wrong,but for them to act out in such a violent manner is unacceptable” Comments like these are examples of the perpetuating facors of racism alive in Jena.

    The educational,law enforcement, and legal systems have failed miserably at getting any of this under control. And I am gonna take a guess at why… well let’s see could it be because they are ALL white. The charges brought against these kids are absurd. A tennis shoe is a weapon? I suppose shoes are illegal now in Jena…well at least for the black students i bet. But let the white kids carry their guns.

    Jena residents have described themselves as “good salt of the earth people” “good church goin folk”. Are the parents of Mr Barker and the white students involved “good church goin folk”? Racism is taught. Mr Barker and his friends learned this from somewhere. And by the way it wasnt Lonesome Dove. What a cop-out.

    Unfortunately for the 15% black people in this town this isnt going to go away. Much like the roots of the “white tree” they are living among deeply rooted racism. I thank God I didnt have to raise my children in Jena. I will pray for the Jena Six and the white children in Jena because they just dont know any better.

  75. I too live in Jena, and we cannot allow this to continue.

    By the way, nooses are a traditional aligator bait hanging knot in Jena. Also, our scout troop teaches not only nooses to all our youngsters, but also all the traditional southern customs of midnight cross burnings, marrying our cousins, and brushing our one tooth every night.

    Long live the South, long live inbreeding, long live the mullet, and long live the great racist town of Jena.

    Y’all come back, ya hear (except if your’e black).

  76. To the Grand Wizard,

    Fortunately, Your time is up. Your time of intimidation is over. Take the hood off and learn how be a man. Blacks are not ignorant to believe that people like you went away as the laws changed. Make no mistake my friend….no one will sit idly by and allow you to frighten anyone, talk as you may, teach what you wish, but keep living even your children will grow and think for themselves and DESPISE the stupidity that you have force down their throats.

    GOD BLESS JENA & it’s remenant of righteous that believe God and have been praying for change and have seen the GOD of The Jews, Abraham, Isaac & Jacob answer in a mighty way.. What HE started HE is well able to finish!!!

    I stand as an intercessor for JENA!

  77. There is a lot of dirty secrets I could tell about Jena. But I’ll wait and let you all read it in due time. Then all of you with your head tuck up your behinds will have to admit there is a big problem in Jena Louisiana. And as a native of Jena I will be letting the entire world know your little secrets.

  78. To everyone who is looking at Jena right now. YES, the blacks and whites do get along here. YES, this rally is affecting our whole parish, last Friday night I couldnot enjoy my homecoming (it was my 15yr reunion). Due to the fact of the amount of officers there. It is a shame that many of the people that I graduated from school with didn’t come home for this reason. They couldn’t come home and be in peace. Also, to make the rest of the world happy, our kids will have to miss school on Thursday because of safety concerns for the kids. YES, I did say that safety concerns for the kids. Three days ago I had to tell people to leave from in front of my home so that my 5yr old daughter wouldn’t have to get off the bus in the middle of the street. NOW ISN’T THAT A SHAME? A shame that our kids will miss school for this? YES A shame that people that live in Jena will be staying either at home or out of town on this day. No one knows how much this is getting blown out of proportion than we that live in Jena.

  79. Jena Resident,

    I feel your pain, person who was born in Jena. I understand your struggle and your frustration.

    Not only was I born there I too still have family their and in fact, three of these young men are my relatives.

    so with that said I say this to you. The shame is the fact that this jim crow mentally has been going on since before the sixties. The shame is that until now, until these children (black & white) had the courage to STAND UP and say that we will not take any more, black people in Jena have been treated like second class citizens. As with any struggle/fight for change there will be inconviniences, there will be heart ache, headache, frustrations, however just as in the sixties and any other movement around the world. SUCCESS and VICTORY

  80. SUCCESS & VICTORY is only realized if we stay with. It when we get tired of fighting the cause hear in CA. We have friends who say NO you CAN’T get tired now. So hang in indure it for a little while. There will be tough times, it can’t be avoided. But the bigger pictures out ways the tough times now.

  81. One last thing, Jena Resident, take advantage of what is called “A Teachable” moment. That this time to teach your children about equality about the struggles of the civil rights movement. Had these children been affectively taught how to fight for what is right instead of lashing out at those who lash out at them. Maybe it could have all been avoided. Or maybe not. May this what was need in order that God could move and work what needed to be work out. Because only God can change a heart of a deep seed racist.

  82. Jena Resident I just have one question for you. Are you Black or White?

    I hear you what difference does it makes. Well it makes a difference in whether you think this has been blown way out of proportion.

    Tell that to the students (black & white) who came to school to see 3, not 1, but 3 nooses (which are clearly a sign of KKK and racism) hanging from a tree on their campus.

    Tell that to the students who had to miss a whole year of school because of being excessively charged with a crime that white student who committed a similar crime and walked away with probation. Tell your pain and frustration to the families of these boys who have had to endure more heartache of have thier children locked up in and ADULT jail and God only knows what they had to endure in that JENA jail. Tell your frustration to these boys who could enjoy homecoming or prom or ball games or friends.

    Our inconveninces doesn’t compare.

    THE SHAME is the treatment of black in Jena by people who are suppose to adminster just fairly and equally.

  83. Jena has been exposed to the entire world. It shows that God is very much present. I Know now that justice will be sereved. The jena six will be freed and Walter Reeds will be disbarred and the judge thrown off the bench. That will be true justice. Here I come Jena all the way from California.

  84. The real problem isn’t a race issue, it’s an issue of whether people used sound judgement, or are determined to do whatever they want to do.

    Hanging nooses in the tree, certainly wasn’t the right thing to do, but the only harm done was to people’s self-esteem, if they chose to let it bother them, instead of seeing it as a stupid childish statement about who should or shouldn’t sit under the tree. These white kids were wrong to behave this way, and should have been suspended for a few days, or better yet, been assigned to work with black students, and get along with them.

    The black students’ behavior, on the other hand was both outrageous and illegal; six boys ganging up on a single white student, and beating him to the point where hospitalization was required? What were they thinking, and who is really guilty of racist acts.

    I would have thought differently if it had been one black student on a single white student, and would have considered it typical adolescent nonsense. But when six young men get together and conspire to do damage to a single person, that IS a hate crime, and the intention is to do serious harm. They are no difference from a pack of wild animals stalking a single object of prey for dinner, and THAT is behavior that cannot be tolerated in a civilized society.

    The only solution to the problems of race in America, is for all this nonsense to stop, and each person pull their own weight and take care of their own as best they can. Then, and only then, will this country truly be an equal one. No more subsidies for the poor, that is forced by taxing the productive hard working class, no more using race as an excuse for bad behavior.

    By the way, the prisons are full of black and Hispanic inmates, because they are the ones commiting most of the crimes, not because there’s some major ploy to make them all wards of the state and the taxpayers. And when you have people like Jessie Jackson pointing their fingers at the race card, rather than the illegal and destructive behaviors of his people, that only makes matters worse.

    I would like to live in a society where I don’t have to lock my possessions up, or walk the streets at night wondering if I’m going to get mugged or murdered, a society where I can leave my windows open at night for the fresh breezes to blow in, but that isn’t the way it is. When we stop the ciminal behavior and accept responsibility for ourselves, then we will have a chance at a healthy society.

    And in keeping with my last statement, those who blatantly ignore the laws, need to be severely punished, so there is a reason to live within the laws, rather than outside of them.

    If we want peace, the same laws and rules of behavior have to apply equally to all.

  85. i blaim parents for whites hating whites or the orther way around because this world is already fucked up so from their child growing up they should tech them and i dont give a damn wat any one say and if i was thoses boys i would have done the SAME DAMN THING!


  87. Everyone keep talking about what the black kids did. but what abot the twenty two year old white man that hit the black high school student over the head with a bottle.Do you need me to go any further because I will. How about the three white men who stumped a black man to death at the fair in Jena Louisiana. Oh yes Jena has it’s dirty little secrets and I am about to bring them all out.

  88. Everyone keep talking about what the black kids did. but what abot the twenty two year old white man that hit the black high school student over the head with a bottle.Do you need me to go any further because I will. How about the three white men who stumped a black man to death at the fair in Jena Louisiana. Oh yes Jena has it’s dirty little secrets and I am about to bring them all out. and to Lo Wa you just pointed fingers. Think before you speak . You never lived in Jena so you don’t know the problem. And if you do live in Jena or has in the past you are part of the problem. I can name at least ten black men in prison for crimes they did not committ.

  89. Well, I’ve heard it all now! Now Mychal Bell & his family are claiming that the guards at the prison where he is at are beating on him and mistreating him. Well, I can assure you that they are not. I know a good many of the people that work there both black & white. Many of the people that work there have children and families and would not risk their jobs for someone like him. He’s not worth the energy it would take. They say poor Mychal, well, where was his mother & father when he committed his first offense? No where to be found, only his grandmother. In fact his parents actually didn’t show up till this happened. Where were they when he was kicked out of a school previously and then came to Jena. Where were they when he was urinating in the corner of the classrooms of Jena High School. Yes, this is all true folks, the media & Bells “people” don’t want you to know all of this. They only want you to know that he is black and was charged for helping beat a white guy so badly that he was unconsious.

    If you doubt the truth of any of these statements, you can go to the Jena Times online and research them. Some of these things have never been made known to the media but, they should be known. Because, no one outside of Jena knows what this is doing to the other families here besides the families of the Six. Some people here are having to work almost 80 hrs in a week.

  90. PLEASE WAKE UP: Any and all of the JENA RESIDENTS that do not attend a local church. At least get your children there on SUNDAYS instead of the movies or skating rinks. That is the place to start with our children. Teaching them right is one of the biggest GIFTS we can give our children. I live near JENA , and Jena is not a very peaceful place to live or shop anymore. What a shame. This just should not be . I belive JESUS CHRIST died for all of us. AT least teach our children LOVE, WOW — what a PRECIOUS GIFT.

  91. i just wanted to write and make a comment about all this with the Jena 6 , we are sick to death of the race card always being played and the south always madse to look like they are the onlyu ones that are racists, get over your selves.. i live in Olla and 7 miles from me is where micheal bell is.. we are not all racists and it is unfair to judge us that way.. just because we are from the south, does not we are racists, so get your facts straight before u go running your mouths.. what they did on both sides was very wrong, and it was totally uncalled for.. it is horrible that things like that still exist in thiis present time, but let me tell you something, alll the march and thge trouble that was brought in our towns and parish , all it did wwas caused an explosion of hatred everywhre,, is that wehat that was to be for, no , but that is what happen;;; that night at the end of the march , a racist kid that was more than proud to claim his ties to the kkk was pulled over for havinhg 3 nooses in thew back of his truck, and it just goes on and on from there.. so whatr was their purpose, they say they came to make a difference ,, well that was accomplished…..??/it is time to stop pointing fingers and get over things that we have no control over and stop this playing the racist card every time sometyhing dont go their way…. we have men and women oversees battling for their lives every daqy. EVERYDAY.and getting killed and totured, are you going over here the race card .. I THINK NOT, BUT IF YOU ASK ME , THAT IS WHAT YOU SHOULD BE WORRYINHG ABOUT , GETTING OUR TROOPS BACK HOME!!!!!!!!!!!! and leave all this racists remarks and all behind, it is getting old and boring.. if you want to do something then do something that is productive and will mske a change and A merica proud.. because it not all one race , it is a country of many races , and cultures , learn from them , instead of condeming and playing the same old card over and over..

    1. Wow are you kidding me? You don't see a problem with someone proclaiming to be apart of the KKK having 3 nooses in the back of their truck? I got news for you that isn't just for decoration. Would it help you to see the problem if it were a black kid dressed in thuggish gang color clothing with a loaded gun in his hand?

  92. Krisa,

    While getting our troops home is important, it would be nice if after going there to all of the havic they had to face that they could come home to equality and justice for ALL. If you didn’t know a large portions of our troops on the front line are minorities and more than that from the south.

    But because people like you who want to continue to push the truth under the rug and just not talk about it, that won’t happen any time soon. WILL IT.

  93. Krista,

    While getting our troops home is important, it would be nice if after going there to all of the havic they had to face that they could come home to equality and justice for ALL. If you didn’t know a large portions of our troops on the front line are minorities and more than that from the south.

    But because people like you who want to continue to push the truth under the rug and just not talk about it, that won’t happen any time soon. WILL IT.

  94. The sentences are harsh for the crime they were tried for. Jurys determine guilt But I believe the judge has made his decission because of the number and types of priors and escelating violence in their records. The judge is trying to prevent a murder charge. Life sentences are usually commuted for good behavior. This may give these kids education, life training to have a better life in possibley 7 years. Murder helps no one.
    About welfare, the system isn't a set up, recipients are close to 50% of each race. Worked LA civil service 15 years. Most eligibility workers are black. When you say that the system is in favor of the caucasian you sound predjudce, (I say this because KIDS are taught at an early age to be racist, they aren't born racist) Correct. Both races have racists, are you one?

  95. The part that amazes me is how many people from Jena can't see the racism going on in their state and completely deny it. I've read so many people crying about injustice taking place… one sided justice always choosing black over white anytime a racist act is brought to the court system…What country do you people live in? If this were the case prison systems would be filled with more whites than blacks, but this as you know isn't true. I've read if this ordeal were flipped and it were 6 white boys jumping 1 black boy the 6 white boys would have suffered far worse punishments….Once again I ask. WHAT COUNTRY DO YOU LIVE IN? Had that been the case, this wouldn't have even made it to court because their would have been a cover up like always. I've lived in the deep south all my life. Yeah its true Flordia , Louisiana never have any racist issues……..HAHAHAHAHA i almost got that out without cracking a smile. Far worse things have happened but Jena was the stopping point. Stop trying to point out that Louisiana is obligated to helping blacks over whites. I understand many people feel injustice is taking place because you never take out time to open your eyes and see the big picture. The Nation is made up mostly of Whites yet their are mostly blacks in the prison system. The nation has become brainwashed. Anytime a crime has taken place more times then none the finger is pointed at the minority. So stop trying to say anytime races bat heads the minority always wins.

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