So after some friends candidly pointed out to me that they weren’t able to subscribe to my blog I decided I should probably see what my site looks like on an internet explorer browser. My site looked horrible! Now I know that means it’s my job to get it all fixed up right and looking pretty for everyone who comes across it, but it also made me realize something:
Firefox is just better.
No offense to you Microsoft fans, but it’s time to branch out. Do your life a favor and download firefox.
I love Internet Explorer and it works great!
hey, i appreciate your comment. i would be happy to email you a response (leaving it all in a comment would be long, scary, and far too vulnerable for me) so if you’d like one leave me a comment with your email.
1. thanks for commenting on my xanga :p
2. great article; good dialogue in the comments, too (only read a couple but looked interactive)
3. go see my latest post 😉
U.S. Troops are anti-Christian. Proof positive at Support only a Christian military, then the frivolous wars will stop. In Jesus’ name.