Goodbye. Hello.


So, for a number of random reasons, I need to take more of a break from regular blogging. I’ve taken sporadic breaks in the past. And more recently I cut down the daily posting to weekday posting. Well, now I’m going to try and cut things back even more. So in a sense, this is a bit of a goodbye.

I’m currently thinking of cutting back to one post a week. This wouldn’t be a YouTubesday post, I’m stopping those, at least not weekly (unless you protest), but I’ll post good videos here on tumblr. And it wouldn’t be book reviews either, I’m considering moving those to some facebook book app or somewhere else (maybe librarything or even amazon). My goal would be to have one thoughtful, original piece of my own writing on some topic, maybe occasionally multiple topics. That’s what I’m leaning toward at the moment.

I’ll still be writing a lot, and if your interested in seeing and giving constructive feedback on top secret work-in-progress writing, then let me know and maybe I’ll let you into my secret chamber. Otherwise, just keep your rss or email subscription, but except things with a bit less frequency. That is unless I get the bug and just can’t stay away. (you might see a redesign as well)

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