Luke 1:6-7 bring together two interesting thoughts that quickly pass me by on most readings. It’s a clear sign that God’s perspective on the world and us as individuals is often different then our worldly perspective.
Verse 6 points out very clearly that Zechariah and Elizabeth where upright in the sight of God. They had followed what God had commanded and where blameless. If we had known this, we likely would have showered them with praise and attention.
Verse 7 reveals that they had no children. Just a little insight into cultural norms, being barren was considered a sign of disapproval from God.
I look at a situation like this and I’m just disturbed by my own judgment. I know I would have looked down on Zechariah and Elizabeth, even if he was a priest. I’m so prone to judging others by cultural norms, or outward signs I see as Biblically one way or the other.
I find too often that I look at what I see revealed in Scripture and I use it as a foundation from which to judge others, looking at the speck in my brothers eye.
Lord, help me remove the plank from my own eye.