Getting Ready For Baby and Birth is Biblical

So, you might all think this is sort of backwards, but I’m officially on paternity leave, though the baby hasn’t come yet. Mindy, on the other hand, is still working and plans to right up until the baby is born. Before you laugh, I’ve got good reason to be off, caring for Mindy and preparing for the baby to come. I know there is a ton to do, I just am not that sure what some of it is. So, I’m making a list, and I’m gonna try and do as much of the list as I can before the baby arrives. But, seeing as I’ve never done this before I could use some help knowing what things I need to do that I might not have thought about yet. Any ideas?

Alright, the other thing I thought I’d ramble about, since today is Sunday and I try to be a little more spiritual in nature on Sundays, is about Birth. I’ve appreciated the conversation that struck up when I mentioned the idea of birth being a sacrament. If you missed that feel free to check out my post, but mostly check out the comments on the post, The Sacred Page, and this CT article Melissa directed me to a while back.

Mindy and I discussed this a little bit the other day and one thing we talked about is that conversation about birth, pregnancy and childbearing as biblical is nearly absent from most churches, and seemingly taboo in sermons. Our initial thought was that maybe it’s really not talked about in the Bible much, but I’m not sure that’s the case. One of Christian’s most celebrated holiday’s is concerning a Birth! We tend to focus on a pristine, angelic like baby Jesus, rather then labor pains and placentas, but that’s how God incarnate came into the world. I’ve never heard a sermon about pregnancy being sacred, but we annually read that Mary has found favor with God and her reward is nine months of pregnancy. And lest you say this is a unique occurrence reserved for immaculate conceptions only, don’t forget Elizabeth and Zechariah are blessed with the pregnancy of John. I could go on, but I’ll stop.

I guess my point is just this, I think we’ve neglected a large part of our faith, sacraments, community and more by not valuing pregnancy and birth as a gift from God and a part of our faith and spirituality. I’m not the one going through the physical changes, so I’m not really one to talk or be any kind of authority on this. Instead, I feel it’s important for me to step back and say, ‘wow, there is something special going on here and I am excited to have an opportunity to observe and come along side this experience.’

8 thoughts on “Getting Ready For Baby and Birth is Biblical”

  1. great thoughts on birth and parenting in the bible

    here’s my stuff list off the top of my head, the only things I think you need for a new baby – keeping in mind I’m a pretty no fluff type of mom with definite ideas about the care of children.

    1. sling ( is a great source for baby carriers) – an adjustable style and a pouch is a good route to go. these are so much better than hefting baby around in the bucket all day (aka, infant carrier)…and much more nurturing imo.
    2. boppy
    3. safe bedding for baby to sleep with you (or a snuggle nest)
    4. soft high quality onesies and sleepers/union suits
    5. cloth diapers (if you use disposable nappies, they’re still great for burp rags, changing mats…just about everything)
    6. lanolin for breastfeeding
    7. the Dr. Sears baby book
    8. simple baby care kit (nail clippers, bulb syringe, medicine syringe)
    9. gripe water (also called colic ease I think) we can only get it at our local whole foods, you can order it online as well) – DO NOT settle for a substitute, this stuff is truly genius and should be given to all parents at the time of baby’s birth.

    …and truly, you could get by on just that.

    stuff to do:

    1. make meals to freeze
    2. practice installing, using, removing, re-installing, etc. the car seat – get it checked by your local fire dep’t/police or whomever does it in your town to assure proper installation
    3. clean the house EXTREMELY well so you don’t have to do it again for awhile. Things like the blinds, shampooing the carpet and upholstery, getting under and behind the fridge…all those chores that usually get overlooked till the once a year spring cleaning
    4. review your role in the birth plan

  2. As to your sense that pregnancy and birth seem to be “taboo” in church, I have have always had just the opposite feeling from my experiences at the churches I have attended. Pregnancy and birth is celebrated and revered, as are women, at least among the Christians I have always been around.

    As for the baby on the way stuff – just be sure you savor the time. They are only little for a short while.

    Oh, and if you think you are conscious of things like air and water pollution now, just wait until you drive with your little one for the first time, and freak out about the exhaust he or she is surely breathing in toxic concentrations, and then ditto for his or her first bath or drink of water.

  3. Great ideas, Makeesha!

    Having a sling and a nursing pillow (or Boppy) are key. I don’t know how I would have survived without mine.

    Also love the idea of cooking lots and freezing extra meals for when the baby comes. Likely neither one of you will feel like cooking *or* going out. Catch up on laundry and dishes and any other chores that Mindy will feel like she *has* to do those first few days. Maybe even hire a post-partum doula. They’ll come to your house and offer help wherever you need it. Cleaning, cooking, laundry,holding baby, breastfeeding help…. you get the idea.

    As for after the baby comes, just make sure you give Mindy some “her” time every day. Offer to hold the baby while she takes a long hot bath, or call up your friends to bring over some home- cooked meals or high energy nutritious snacks for you guys. Most people are very willing to help, they usually just need the parents to “tell” them exactly what they need.

    Most importantly, though, is just to relax, get plenty of rest, and focus on enjoying some time as a couple. In the first few weeks things may get a little crazy and you’ll feel very run-down and preoccupied. It’s good to have these moments of bonding and love to look back on to help get you through it!!


  4. Hey Ariah! I enjoy reading your blogs from time to time. I definitely agree that pregnancy and birth is very much a spiritual experience, and oddly enough the best book I have ever found related to the spirituality of birth is not of Christian origin. It has some ideas I definitely don’t agree with, but I appreciate the author’s understanding of the spiritual element of the birthing process. It is Spiritual Midwifery, by Ina May Gaskin. She is the first real pioneer of modern day midwifery.

    As far as biblically, the Bible is continually laced with evidence of the glory of pregnancy and childbirth as well as the lack of it being to the person’s (or people’s) shame. See Psalm 127:3-5Children are a heritage from the Lord; the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them.—quite an opposite view of the American 1.7 kid outlook. If you are interested in a very challenging book on this topic, look into A Full Quiver: Family Planning and the Lordship of Christ, by Rick and Jan Hess. I will admit I am suggesting this book at the suggestion of others because I have not had the courage to read it myself yet.

    And the opposite: Hosea 9:11- Ephraim’s glory shall fly away like a bird-no birth, no pregnancy, no conception!

    Anyway, I just wanted to share those specific Scriptures with you and encourage you right before you experience the incredible glory of God as He enables your wife to do some very hard work!

    We are 4 months along the journey ourselves and I can honestly say that 4 months ago I didn’t understand the beauty of God as Creator as deeply as I do now. It is an incredible privilege that He would allow us to join Him in this miraculous work.

    We hope to see you guys sometime soon–it has been way too long!

    By the grace of Jesus,

  5. I have very strong feelings about the “full quiver” camp and I suggest if you are not currently of that belief and start reading anything by them that you use caution and balance it with other research.

  6. Absolutely. Like I said, I haven’t read it–I just know individuals that have been challenged by the thinking. There is certainly great risk in mentioning literature that you haven’t reviewed yourself. There are always two extremes to any story, and there is certainly great responsibility and accountability that comes with rearing a large family. I would suggest that anything read by tested by the fire of the Word.

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