Finding My Place in Church

Since March of this year, I’ve had a draft blog post tentatively titled “Yelling from Outside the Church Doors” sitting unpublished. That post was mainly about my inability to find a place where I fit in the church context in the past three years. The same church struggles and disconnectedness are to blame for my writing less then 20 blog posts here since April when I used to write several a week. I’ve been a bit disillusioned the past few years as to where I belong in this “body” we call the church.

I should saw right off the bat that this hasn’t been the source of depression or anything, I’m loving life and all that I’m doing. I just couldn’t find a way to join the church club so I’ve got involved elsewhere. But this post has a bright spot. I think I’m beginning to find a place in the body again. I’m not sure quite what that will look like in the end, but I’ve found it refreshing to be included .

Being part of the conversation is the reason for me coming out of this blogging hiatus. In April, I’d made the shift to focusing Trying To Follow to be just about faith topics and suddenly I felt like I had nothing to say. This blog has always been a place to process my thoughts, but it was mostly an extension of conversations I was having in real life. Lacking those lately on topics of faith and Christianity, I had little thoughts to process in blog form for a while.

All this is just to say two things: 1) I’m getting involved in our church a bit more and I’m enjoying it. 2) I’ve got thoughts to share on this blog again. So stay tuned for more. I’ll probably still keep it to once a week, so look out for next week.

5 thoughts on “Finding My Place in Church”

  1. I’m really glad to hear this, and curious to hear more. I, and I think Daniel still, have the same struggle. Its encoraging to hear you’re making a breakthrough!

  2. Appreciate your honesty about your struggles. We all have them…only difference is some of us are real about it and some aren't. I took a hiatus from the church for over 20 years…long story. While I don't recommend it, since coming back, it's given me a freshness in my church involvement that I might not have had if I hadn't "wandered" for a while. It's kind of a catch-22: we need to participate in the church to keep ourselves rooted and solid in our faith…but yet our faith can stagnate when we allow ourselves to get sucked up into the "church bubble."

    I think it was GK Chesterton who said that a healthy Christian is one who has the Bible in one hand and the daily newspaper in the other hand.

    Grace and Peace,

  3. I'm glad to hear it! I'm coming out of a bit of hiatus too, which means i'll actually start reading blogs again too. :o) Excited to hear what you've got!!

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