Fickle Internet and Awesome Babies

Once again, I’m slacking on posting. Fortunately, it’s not because I and the kiddo are sick, indeed we’ve been in great spirits and have been out enjoying the beautiful Minneapolis weather. Also, Mindy has been off for a bunch of days recently so we’ve enjoyed the almost mini vacation exploring our city. It’s been sweet.
At the same time, our internet service has been sub-par. I’m going to call them out on this one and just say that USI Wireless, who has been hired to provide wireless internet service throughout the city of Minneapolis, has done a horrible job thus far. I won’t go into all the details, but I will say that I have spent far too much time on the phone with them and far too much time with no internet to feel happy with the internet service I am paying for. Hopefully they can work out all the kinks, but in the mean time they have done a pretty poor job of treating their customers kindly. The service is considerably less expensive than any other service around, but you should still get Internet if your paying for Internet. (that’s my rant).

Since I’ve been slacking on the substantive posts, I figure I should update you on other rather introspective things…

  • Spring is just around the corner. The kiddo and me are preparing for all day hikes, bike rides, bus trips and other city explorations. Any other stay-at-home dad’s out there?
  • Giving Up, the novel I wrote and am working on self-publishing, should be available to order from in the next couple weeks. I’ll let you know when it launches. For now, here’s a sneak peek at the front and back cover.
  • My next book/writing project is to send some children’s picture book manuscripts off to some publishers, Lord willing I might become a published author just in time for the kiddo to read my book.
  • I’m still well on track with the book a week in 2008 goal. If you have any book recommendations let me know.
  • We reached our goal of 20 people participating in the Economic Stimulus Giving Spree. Feel free to join in still and prepare to share your story about how you gave the money away.
  • Lastly, I use wordpress for my blog, and it’s been acting up a little lately. Not sure quite what it is, and hopefully the whole thing won’t breakdown, but if there are any experts out there, I’d appreciate your help. Is everyone able to comment okay?

3 thoughts on “Fickle Internet and Awesome Babies”

  1. I’m able to comment (assuming you can see this).

    Yay Spring! Spring in Minnesota is awesome enough to make winter worth it for warm climate folks like ourselves.

  2. Thanks Richard and Jason, I’m still having some problems with the comments, but I’m glad to know your not having any.

    Yes Spring is making me SO happy.

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