“There is enough for everyone’s need but not enough for everyone’s greed.”— Mahatma Gandhi
You’ve probably heard this quote before, as have I, but somewhere amidst the recent earthquake, tsunami warnings, or more foreclosures news, the quote hit me afresh. There really is enough.
We as a global society have enough resources to rescue the hundreds and thousands from the rubble of natural disasters. We have enough food to feed every hungry mouth on the planet. We have access and the ability and knowledge to produce medicine and vaccinations to stop preventable diseases that kill millions each year. We have the resources to build schools and wells so that every child can grow up with clean drinking water and a solid education. We absolutely have enough, right now to do all of that and more.
Yet, in a neighborhood like mine, we sit with thousands of homes empty while hundreds of men, women and children, spend their nights in shelters and on the street. Nations like Haiti are ravaged and desolated by oppression and greed before any earthquake even came. And while global needs continue to mount, we sit around with millions wanting gainful employment, eager to contribute, resources no less plentiful to address needs, feed bellies, heal illnesses… we wait. We wait for the economy to bounce back, for numbers on stock tickers and data sheets to add up. We all wait. For what? We aren’t even sure.
And I’m well aware that capitalism, which functions on a main tenant that man will act in his own self interest, has had a hand in creating the wealth and resources to make many of the innovations possible, it doesn’t seem to be solving anything now. I’m not necessarily calling for global anarchy, but maybe global generosity. And maybe not global, maybe local, maybe just me. You’ve got to start somewhere.
Really like what you have to say here. I think if everyone thought local, it would in turn affect the global.
This is a very good, and sobering, thought. As I was reading, I began to think of an excuse I used to bear that went something along the lines of "My haves are a result of my own hard work and I do not wish to share with those who aren't working as hard as me." not realizing that it also inherently says "I would rather let a person who is truly in need continue to suffer than to risk giving money to someone scamming the system."
In a culture that puts so much value on making your own life, it's very hard to let go and let God make it for you.
Thanks for those thoughts Trevor. I definitely agree with some of the
sentiment and have blogged about it from a “Christ-like” giving
perspective too.
At the same time, I think the culture is lying in this mentality that
we've some how earned our position in life. Sure, I work hard to get
where I am, but I also had a lot to start with. I'd say a LOT has to
do with where you start in life, the simple lottery of where you
happen to be born. I'd pretty much say that is the biggest indicator
of where you (not saying you specifically) will end up.
So, one, it's a societal lie that we are self-made and have as the
result of only our hard work. And, two, as Christians, we are called
to selfless sacrifice to others regardless of place, position, or who
those persons might be.